Chapter 1002: Dream Dreamer

"Of course, this is what you said, but for humans to simulate the dream world, it is actually the data world of the computer. Dust √ 缘 × 文 → 学 ↗ 网"
"Data is connected intelligently with data, and a world is sketched. There are generally programmers standing behind such a world, and their role is to carry portable code to enter huge data into a computer to realize the computer's The world looks like a dream world. "
"This is a dream-creating process, day in and day out, many people do n’t know, while these programmers are thinking, he and the spirit of heaven and earth are calling, he is already in this universe, creating a Dream world. "
Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.
"Minglei, I ask you, does that mean that the more civilizations that have intelligent races, the more subspace levels in the world the intelligent races inhabit?"
"Yes, deity, such a world is determined by these intelligent races, and every human being and even an animal will have its own world."
"Ming Lei, then how do we open this world?" Xiao Yi had a little interest in this at the moment.
"The sympathy between heaven and earth is generally derived from the communication between dream and heaven when humans are asleep."
"The energy that heaven and earth bring to humans is very calm and gentle. If you want to read information from it, you must be very quiet."
"The frequency of this energy is not high, so once humans have strong energy fluctuations, this information reception will be interrupted immediately."
"Simply put, it is that humans have a strong interference with this energy."
"So how to build an open energy world like this?" Xiao Yi was a little curious at the moment.
"The energy world with a low energy frequency cannot resist the influence of human beings. Once humans fluctuate too much, the communication between people and the energy world will lose contact."
"Is there a way to continue?"
"Unless you can quickly find that frequency again, it will disappear."
"It's too difficult," Xiao Yi said with sigh.
"Yes, deity, so those things of Fengzu just now are actually very good technology."
"Using a unique geographical environment, the energy life is transformed into an intelligence that invades the bodies of other organisms, and then occupies these bodies."
"Well, I want to know now, will the doomsday happen?"
"The deity, the energy world, has been generally stabilized, and now I am adding a filter device to the outlet of the energy world. Except for the necessary circulation, other disordered energy will be controlled."
"Will there be miracles in this world?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"The deity, the energy of such a world will be more stable, and maybe it will add a lot of dreamers to this world.
"What is a dreamer?" Xiao Yi was a little strange at the moment.
"The deity, the dreamer, is to create a human being in the dream world. Such a person can settle in the energy world."
"A stable space environment will be the best soil for dreamers."
"Are there any benefits to the dreamer?"
"The deity is just an introduction. If you pass the dreamer stage, you can basically have the power to control the elements, and then use the elements to affect the material."
"Do you mean that the dream dreamer is powerful?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity, the ability of the dreamer, is actually to create a self and survive in the dream world."
"Because you can create yourself, you can naturally create others."
"Wasn't it like God?"
"The deity is spiritual power, not God."
"Spiritual power can influence elements, and elements can make up for the user's need for strength."
"For example, things that cannot be done in the physical world can be completed in a short period of time."
"How do you say that?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"In the energy world, efficiency is set according to the frequency of energy. That is, a person's speed has nothing to do with the human body, but an element, and how fast the element is, how fast the person is.
"Like me?" Xiao Yi made an analogy of himself.
"Master, you are the source of lightning in the energy world. Naturally, your speed is lightning. Because the lightning element has spatial attributes, you can bring your own body and incarnation energy to achieve the speed of light travel, which is the elementalization of the deity.
"Then these dream builders, can they focus their sights?" Xiao Yi asked at this moment with some excitement.
"The deity, this is difficult. Although the element itself has spatial attributes, if you want to achieve the spatial density of the deity, you can accommodate the material area. The amount of elements you need is quite scary, and not all The elements are as clever as those of the deity. "
Ming Lei, when he said this, had a very proud feeling at the moment.
"Okay, okay, it's all your credit. Tell me now, where should we go now?"
"Deity, although it will not happen, there are still some things that will happen."
"The ruins of the giants, the laboratory of the Hulk, but the history has been changed beyond recognition."
"Well, Xiao Yi nodded." Xiao Yi was surprised at hearing this.
"Minglei, what kind of creature is this giant?"
"From the point of view of the deity, these giants are actually life in the energy world."
"The reason they can master time is precisely because their individuals are strong enough to directly influence the power of time."
"Or time and space itself is part of their body." Hearing here, Xiao Yi remembered his situation.
Then he nodded.
"Minglei, I ask you, these giants now belong to a state of sleep, haven't you controlled the output of energy in our current world? Can they still survive?"
"My dear, they have not died, they have been alive."
"Then, are they in physical or energy form now?"
"Holy deities, they are between material and energy forms."
"It can be elemental just like the deity."
Hearing here, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin aside.
"Xiao Yi, I think we should go and see that fire devil first."
"My dear, Gaia, where the Fire Devil is, has been transferred by me. This is not a problem."
"The bones of the Air Giant at that time? And the book of inheritance?"
"My dear, it is still in that time and space, and I am considering whether to activate that time and space."
"Activate that time and space?" Xiao Yi said with some surprise.
"Yes, deity, that time and space is at a standstill and must be reactivated for the rules of the world to work."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"Then what do we do?"
"My deity, from my judgment, the power of time exerted by the giants of time and space is not complete. It does not have the characteristics of time. When it stops, it means that time has stopped. The rules of the world do not rotate according to our time. "
"That is, they are in a unique space."
"To be precise, a space that operates without time rules."
"Does this world really have room for absolute stillness?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled.
"My deity, if there is, it is like a seal."
"Which life is there, who do you want to bring this seal to." After hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little weird at the moment.
"According to this logic, purple clouds should have appeared on Mars at this moment, but there are no purple clouds on Mars at this moment."
"Even if it is a purple cloud, the energy space of the Earth and Mars should be independent, of course, there must be a connection between them. According to my observations, there is indeed no human on the surface of Mars."
"I remember that we didn't enter Mars' energy space before?"
"Yes, deity, but now we have not found those energy spaces." Xiao Yi, speaking of this, was a little confused.
"Did someone change history?"
"The deity, this world is at most parallel space. Although you can see people who are familiar with the deity, many people may never exist in this world.
"My deity, that's not a fire demon, but a memory image."
"Indirectly controlled by the Galaxy Hub."
"Do you mean the layout of the Galaxy Hub on Earth?"
"Maybe it's the remnant of Pangu's plan." Xiao Yi, who heard here, suddenly thought of something.
"Ming Lei, we should go to Kunlun for a look."
"My dear, don't go and see, there is nothing there."
"Is there anything found in the energy world?"
"This is there, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with the doomsday." At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were transmitted by lightning directly to an odd entrance.
At this moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are a little confused.
"What is this place?"
"Master, this is the entrance to the energy world."
"Are we underground?" Xiao Yi had some differences.
"Yes, dear, we are underground."
"Will you enter the prefecture?" Lu Xuexin said in doubt.
"Maybe." Ming Lei's words made the two somewhat confused.
But at the next moment, Xiao Yi found that the surrounding space was distorted.
Then Xiao Yi saw a group of people walking, tied by a chain and sneaking in one direction.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was very curious and was about to step forward, but Xiao Yi discovered that Lu Xuexin had not come in.
"Minglei, I am here."
"Where is this?"
"Holy dear, your consciousness has entered the energy world here."
"Xue Xin didn't come in?"
"Yes, deity."
"Put Xuexin in too."
"Yes, deity." Just the next moment, a light gate appeared beside Xiao Yi, and Lu Xuexin appeared directly in it.
The next moment, Lu Xuexin opened her mouth wide.
"Is this underworld?"
"It looks like it." At this moment, the scene where Xiao Yi and the two appeared was like the end of the world. The air around them was gray and distorted from time to time.
"Why is the air here distorted?"
"My dear, these are not twisted air, but huge clusters of elements, but their forms are relatively loose, and they always keep running under a regular rule, so this state appears." Hearing here, Xiao Yihe Lu Xuexin was very surprised.
Immediately after Xiao Yila landed, Xuexin walked forward.
With the move, Xiao Yi found that the space was not very wide, there was a stone bridge at the end of consciousness, and a group of people were really passing through the stone bridge.
"Willn't it be nether here?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"Xue Xin, this is indeed a ghost, but it is a ghost dreamed by human beings. This is the entrance to the ghost world. Of course, you only enter the realm of some gods."
"Because your consciousness believes that after death, you will enter the land, and eventually you will find a destination for your soul."
"So what are these ghosts?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Our deities, these ghosts are naturally energy bodies. They are looking for samsara here, but there are many tests of higher energy life here, so that souls that do not meet the requirements cannot be reborn, or memories must be washed away to be reborn."
"This is the entrance to the energy world?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"Respect, yes, respect."
"Then there is an entrance to the energy world other than here?"
"Of course there is, and this place of deity, this energy world you enter is just one."
"Now you should get out of here now." Xiao Yi was a little confused when he heard this.
But Xiao Yi nodded.
At the next moment, Xiao Yila landed Xuexin and flew directly into the sky.
Looking at the starry sky, when Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin flew to a certain height, the positive sky gradually lost its color and gradually returned to darkness.
"Master, this is the entrance to the multi-latitude space. You can open the entrance to other worlds here if you want."
Just as Xiao Yi thought, Xiao Yi found that Lu Xuexin's figure appeared on the sky.
"Why am I there?" Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi strangely.
"No, I imagined you just now, and you appeared."
Then weird things happened, but Xiao Yi ~ ~ soon appeared in the image. Soon the picture gradually became clearer.
Xiao Yi found that Lu Xuexin was hitting something in front of the computer, and Xiao Yi was holding a glass bottle in his hand at the moment, and the bottle happened to have a moving flower.
"Flower demon?" Xiao Yi shouted in doubt.
Immediately "brushing", Xiao Yi found his vision, but Xiao Yi found himself in a dark space at the moment.
"Who am I?" Xiao Yi heard this voice.
"You are Ding Hao." Xiao Yi said loudly.
Hearing this, the man turned away in doubt and looked at Xiao Yi.
"No, I'm not Ding Hao, I'm you." Then he rushed towards Xiao Yi.
However, at the next moment, there was a dazzling electric light, and the figure was directly ejected.
"Wow, it hurts."
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