Chapter 1011: Night dead

"Magic?" At this moment, Chu Hao and others were a little dazed, but they were not magic. Fate, Literature, Study, and Network
"But we all don't have magic." At this moment when the skeleton saw the two running to the team, the next moment the skeleton turned and ran away.
Seeing this, Chu Hao was somewhat surprised.
"This ..." The girl was a little surprised at the moment, totally at a loss as to why the skeleton ran.
As Chu Hao and others returned to the team, the people around them immediately discovered that Chu Hao brought the girl back.
The girl was wearing a red robe with a wooden staff in her hand, a purple gemstone on the top of the staff, and a strange gemstone shining on her neck.
"Boss, who is this?" The servant dressed at this moment asked with a puzzled look.
After hearing the question, Chu Hao shook his head.
"I don't know. I just found her there, so I went to see her." The servant looked at the canyon in doubt when he heard this.
Then he was a little speechless, but then he thought of something and withdrew from the corner of his mouth.
"Sir, are you going to Shangguan City?" Upon hearing the girl's question, Chu Hao nodded.
"We are going to buy some supplies in Shangguan City."
"I heard that Shangguan City has encountered the advent of undead, I'm afraid there can no longer meet your requirements." Speaking of this girl, she looked at the team in doubt.
"Are you coming from Marfa City?" Chu Hao was confused when he heard this.
"Maybe." Chu Hao smiled and spread his hands, but then thought of something.
"Are you going to Shangguan City?" Chu Hao asked puzzled.
"Well, yes, my magical speed has failed."
"Magic speed?" Chu Hao was a little confused.
After hearing this, the girl pointed to heaven.
"It's a carriage that can fly in the sky, but now I don't know where to fly." Chu Hao was a little surprised when he heard this.
"You also have flying machines here!" Chu Hao was somewhat surprised.
"Aircraft? You mean flying magic guides."
"What's that?" Chu Hao asked with some confusion.
Hearing Chu Hao's question, the girl in red looked at Chu Hao with some idiot eyes.
"You don't know too much about it, the flying magic guide is naturally a carriage driven by flying magic power."
"It is also a type of alchemy, but it requires complex craftsmanship. Some special metals are manufactured in accordance with a specific magic pattern through a unique process to produce components that can generate a specific frequency. These components can be assembled to achieve the core of magic flight And, coupled with the appearance of the model, it is naturally a flying carriage. "He glanced at Chu Hao proudly.
"It's so powerful, but why haven't I seen anyone use it?" After hearing this, the girl's eyes were a little dim.
"Hey, the failure rate is relatively high. Without good magic skills, ordinary people may be in danger if they encounter failures."
"Such an aircraft is really the most dangerous thing," said Chu Hao, but it was the girls who carefully and intently picked up a lot.
"What is your look?" The girl was embarrassed to be stared at Chu Hao.
"Nothing, I just think you look like a person." The girl's eyes widened when she heard this.
"Really? But I really don't know you." After hearing this, Chu Hao shook her head and smiled bitterly.
"I don't know, just a feeling, okay, what's your name?" Chu Hao asked with a smile.
"My name is Dongfang Ruoxi, what's your name?" Chu Hao nodded and said immediately.
"Chu Hao, the owner of this team."
"Are you a big businessman?"
"No, work for others." He looked at his wrists.
"Oh." At the moment Dongfang Ruoxi looked at the end of the stone road.
"Ah, I wonder if there are so many undead here. If it weren't for you, that undead would be really hard to deal with."
"Oh? Is that undead terrible?" Chu Hao was a little confused.
"Yes, other skeletons are easy to deal with. That kind of undead is the gold skull king."
"Generally, it is an intelligent body that can reach human wisdom. This kind of undead is very intelligent, and some even retain human memory."
"But they are not human acceptance, so they can only stay outside the human realm."
"Oriental Ruoxi, what are you going to do in Shangguan City?" Chu Hao asked with some confusion.
"Get my sister back."
"She is in Shangguan City?" Chu Hao was a little confused.
"Yes, my father was worried she was in danger, so he sent me over and asked me to support her."
"Are you strong?" Chu Hao was a little confused.
Hearing Chu Hao's question, Dongfang Ruoxi was on the alert.
Seeing this scene, Chu Hao smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "I'm sorry, I asked more, I just wondered if you can't even deal with that skeleton, how can you support your sister?" He sighed.
He pointed to the carriage next to him.
"Oriental Ruoxi girl, you can take a rest on the carriage first." He pointed to the carriage that Chu Hao himself called.
"What about you?" Dongfang Ruoxi asked.
"I'm fine, I should also pay attention to the movement of the surrounding undead." After speaking, Chu Hao suddenly shouted.
"Everyone, ready to go!"
"Yes, boss." With the response of his team, the team moved on.
It is not surprising that Chu Hao has some hot weapons in the convoy. After all, these people are from all over the world. Perhaps there are people in the army among them.
At this moment, Chu Hao was concerned about the surrounding undead. It was almost 10 minutes before they harassed their team. There was a wave of undead, but most of them were ordinary undead, and even a senior undead did not want to approach them.
In Chu Hao's consciousness space, a map is still unfolding at this moment. The map shows the surrounding blue light spots. These are the high-level undead. Whenever the team approaches these high-level undead, these high-level undead But they are avoiding one after another.
Feeling the strange scene around him, Chu Hao was a little confused.
Then Chu Hao sent a message to Ming Lei.
"Minglei Boss, why are these undead afraid to approach us?"
"It is wisdom that lets them avoid you. Your strength can completely crush these undeads. Generally, those who possess wisdom are basically higher-level undeads, but lower-level undeads do not have such wisdom, so they are not close to you, the wisdom of higher-level undeads. It's no different from ordinary people, so they will judge your behavior with wisdom. "Chu Hao was a little surprised at hearing this.
"Minglei Boss, will there be an undead stronger than me?"
"At this time, there hasn't appeared around it." After hearing this, Chu Hao suddenly remembered something.
"Boss Minglei, who are those 15 orange dots?"
"It should be to pick up the girl in your carriage." After hearing this, Chu Hao immediately understood.
As the Chu Hao team moved forward, about 2 hours later, they saw 15 people displayed on the map in the conscious space.
A group of people was walking in front of a soldier in armor, while the others were wearing steel armor of different colors. It can be said that they were armed to their teeth. In the middle of the crowd, a man in a silver-gray robe stood In the middle, holding the wand, at the moment there is a picture on the top of the wand.
"Is Dongfang Ruoxi in the convoy?" When he heard this, the carriage window opened immediately, and a head came out.
"Are you looking for me? Did your sister let you come to save me?" Upon hearing this, the man in the silver grey robe brightened his eyes.
Then smiled.
"You are the East Ruoxi, I'm glad to meet you." Said the gentleman to understand.
When the other party called his name, the girl stepped down from the carriage.
"Where is my sister?"
"He is near Shangguan City. Let us you to Shangguan City now."
"There is a senior undead near here, who has been following us."
"Yes, chasing me just now. I originally attacked it with magic. I didn't expect it to be so fast that I couldn't hit it at all."
"So terrific? I heard your sister say that you have just been promoted to a senior mage?" The man in the silver robe frowned.
"Boss, will it be the one ran out of the royal cemetery rewarded by the Yongye Guild." The man with the silver mask beside the man was talking.
"Shadow, is that 50,000 gold reward?"
"Yes, boss." The man's eyes flashed when he heard this.
Then he was a little cautious.
"I heard that there are many mercenary regiments. In order to chase him, they are all regiments."
"Yeah." The talking shadow looked at the team.
"This team is not simple. If the undead is always near the team, it should not not attack the team." After hearing this, the man in the gray robe looked at the team.
"Boss, follow them back to the city. I don't recommend touching the skeleton." Hearing the gray man nodded his head with a smile.
Then came to Chu Hao's side.
"There are many undead in front. To protect the safety of the lady, I decided to go with you."
After hearing this, Chu Hao nodded happily, obviously very happy.
Immediately, the team continued on its way.
But at this moment Xiao Yi is watching this scene.
"My dear, this pedestrian is a member of the mercenary regiment in Shangguan City."
"What the is going on with that skeleton?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"According to the information from Shangguan City, the Yongye family is a family in the subspace and time, and the purpose of the royal family is exactly the purpose of the royal night family. The undead that emerged from there is naturally the immortal soul of the royal family.
"Does it still have wisdom?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.
"The deity, in theory, exists, but at the moment it is like this, human society will not accept it."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi's mouth made a difference.
"Minglei, can we resurrect it and let him work for us?"
"of course can."
"Catch it! I'm curious about it."
"Yes, deity." With Xiao Yi's order, the next moment, in the sky near Shangguan City, there were gradually inexplicable lightnings. With the emergence of lightning, the air changed inexplicably. Wet.
In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds wrapped over Shangguan City, and then the rain fell from the sky.
In the meantime, the advance of the canyon near Chu Hao and others was a thunderstorm, but it fell from the sky.
"Master, do you capture them all?" Ming Lei asked Xiang Ming Lei in confusion.
With each light of the sky, there was a lightning to take away an undead.
The thunder in the sky fell like rain, but the undead on the ground disappeared.
Time is not long, but Chu Hao is finding that the blue dots on the map of conscious space are disappearing one by one.
After just a few breaths, the blue dot on the map had completely disappeared.
At this moment, Xiao Yi brought Xuexin to land, but came to a strange space.
It was a void, and a skeleton was floating here.
Each skeleton is fixed in the void by an electric ball.
"All the undead near Shangguan City are here." Appearing in the vision of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, there were about 500 skeletons.
These skulls have different colors, most of them are white, silver and white, and golden yellow. Among these skulls, there is a purple gold skull.
"Do these skulls respect purple?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled.
"My dear, the density of these skulls is the highest in purple. What was shot in the Chu Hao team just now is the golden skull."
"And this purple-gold skull has a higher density than gold."
"It seems that this Zijin skeleton should be their king." Speaking of this, Xiao Yi laughed at this immobile skeleton.
"Minglei reads its memory," Xiao Yi said, pointing to the purple skull.
"Yes, deity." Just the next moment, a huge projection appeared around this illusive space, and hundreds of pictures appeared at the same time in the projection.
Seeing these pictures, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.
"Why so many different people?"
"Our deities, these memories all exist. In this skeleton, maybe this skeleton devours other undead."
"Then what is his origin?" Xiao Yi was a little confused ~ ~ Benzun, please wait. "With the voice of Ming Lei, among them is a picture of a palace appearing in Xiao Yi's conscious space.
Some minister-like people are kneeling in the direction of the picture.
At the moment, on the right side of the screen, a white hand is holding a golden and red scepter.
Seeing a scepter stand the next moment, but it was as if someone had said something, and then immediately saw the person who looked like a minister backed down.
The next moment it came to night.
A man was clearly asleep in a palace.
And at this moment, a man in a black costume touched it.
With a scream of "ah".
The man in black disappeared instantly.
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