Chapter 11: Insatiable belly

I heard Xiao Yi's comfort, Lu Xuexin nodded: "That's all it can be!"
"Come on, let's go to the first floor!"
The next moment they came to the first floor. Entered the room on the left, and found that all three of the family became zombies. Xiao Yi cooperated with each other, Lu Xuexin was in charge of floating, Xiao Yi was responsible for throwing the lightning ball paralyzed, and the three killed the three zombies. Obtain 3 ordinary brain nuclei.
肖 When Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin came to the last room, Lu Xuexin seemed to sense something.
"The zombies in this room should not be ordinary zombies. I felt that my mental power was released, but it seemed very weak." Lu Xuexin's spiritual body passed directly through the door. The next moment he saw an old man with books stacked beside him. Seems to be looking for something during his lifetime, but the end of the world comes, making it directly into a zombie.
"It is a zombie of the spiritual department. I see books flying around him."
"Is it dangerous?"
"I think there should be no danger, after all, there is really nothing terrible in that room."
"What are you waiting for, you control him, I will go and kill it." Lu Xuexin nodded.
Immediately after the rush, Lu Xuexin released a more powerful spirit and entered the door.
"Well, I have control of it."
Xiao Yi entered directly through the door, the lightning ball produced a paralyzing effect, and then went up to the axe. In one go.
"That's it, it's another blue brain."
"Isn't the blue brain nucleus a rare brain nucleus? You gave me three, one more. This is too much." Lu Xuexin was obviously unacceptable. The spiritual power is the reality of cabbage.
"I don't know this either, but it seems that the high intellectuals and mental strength are extremely powerful."
After cleaning up the zombies on the 1-2 floor, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin returned to their room.
The two were sitting on the sofa.
"Finally, I'm almost exhausted," Lu Xuexin said, stretching her waist.
"There are only a few of them, and you're tired of shouting."
"I'm so tired, I'm so nervous!"
"Okay! You're right without yelling."
"Although it's a bit tired, this feeling is really good. I feel like I don't have to sleep today. I'm not sleepy at all." Lu Xuexin said with excitement.
"Aren't you afraid of not going to sleep, wrinkles?"
"Is there anything so bad for you!" Lu Xuexin refused to look.
"But after our attributes have been enhanced, it seems really different from before." Lu Xuexin was looking at the attributes displayed on her citizen terminal at this moment.
呵 "Oh, in the eyes of ordinary people, we may already be Superman!"
"What are you going to do with the brain you just hunted?" Lu Xuexin suddenly asked.
"Three transparent brain nucleus, one mental brain nucleus, I see that your strength and agility are still 0, or you will eat them all! Although you don't know what those attributes represent, but showing 0, it must be a sports idiot. "
Lu Xuexin heard something moved here.
"I ate it all. What do you do?"
"You don't have to worry about me, I'm a powerful lightning bolt."
"Now you project the attributes of the citizen terminal, we look at the attributes to eat." Upon hearing Xiao Yi's request, Lu Xuexin immediately projected the information in the terminal.
"Then I eat it." The next moment, Lu Xuexin put the transparent brain in her mouth.
肖 Under Xiao Yi's expectations, the citizen terminal has been constantly refreshing information.
After about 5 seconds, Lu Xuexin opened her eyes.
"Alright?" Xiao Yi was a little confused, it seems that this time when he was born again, this brain nucleus digested too quickly.
"Well. Why hasn't the value changed?" Lu Xuexin apparently found the value without any change.
"Maybe you have to wait." Xiao Yi said with some confusion, but after waiting 5 minutes, there was no change in the value.
"By the way, I remember I ate two last time when I changed. Let's get another one!" Xiao Yi gave a transparent brain to Lu Xuexin.
Lu Xuexin swallowed it, and the property finally changed after 5 seconds.
Power: 1
Agile: 1
Intelligence: 5
Physical strength: green
"It seems to work, why do you feel stronger?"
"I don't feel it, as usual."
Xiao Xiaoyi looked at Lu Xuexin a little bit confused, it should not be like this, why is it like this.
"No matter how much, you eat this blue too, first get the mental strength to 6."
"But there is intelligence."
谁 "Who knows how this ghost is displayed as intelligence should be wrong. Let's use it as a reference."
The next moment, Lu Xuexin swallowed the blue psychic brain core, and her intelligence changed from 5 to 6. However, other attributes have not improved.
"It seems that the blue brain is just a single attribute brain." Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.
应该 "It should be like this, I feel my mental body is stronger."
Well, Xiao Yi picked up the last brain nucleus.
"Eat this too!" Then he fed Lu Xuexin.
At this moment Lu Xuexin's attributes are:
Power: 1
Agile: 1
Intelligence: 7
Physical strength: green
毅 That black brain nucleus, Xiao Yi selectively forgot.
"I feel like I shouldn't have to sleep anymore."
"If you don't sleep, you don't sleep, but we should eat something first."
"Let Xiao Er cook and eat for us."
Xiao Xiaoer is a domestic service robot hired by Xiao Yi's family. Possessing the most basic artificial intelligence can help the host cook, UU reads and cleans things up.
肖 As Xiao Yi operated on the citizen terminal, a short time later, a robot came out of a cabinet.
"Master, what do you want."
"Cook something for the two of us."
"Yes, my master."
"What does the host eat?"
"Jasuo noodles."
With Xiao Yi's order, the sauce noodles were cooked soon, and the two quickly ate them, but they found something strange.
They didn't feel full at all.
"Are you still hungry?" Xiao Yi asked.
"Well, I still feel very hungry." Lu Xuexin touched her belly.
"I feel my stomach is empty, as if I didn't eat anything." Lu Xuexin was a little confused
"I feel the same way," Xiao Yi continued.
"Should not let Xiao Er cook 2 servings." Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi.
"Xiao Er cooked two more fried noodles." Xiao Yi commanded.
"Yes, my master."
The next moment Xiao Er housekeeping robot. Busy again.
After a short while, the two finished eating the hot fried noodles again.
"Why do you still feel hungry?" Xiao Yi said, touching his stomach.
"Xiao Yi, has our body mutated and must we eat meat like zombies?"
"Small two, make two fried steaks."
Not long after, the fried steak came up, this time it was pure meat, and the two finished eating.
"It seems to work."
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