Chapter 1161: Black Zone Extreme Icy

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed.
"Ahem." Lu Xuexin on the side immediately made a sound.
"No, it was you who peeped at us and was found. You did n’t know what you saw." Xiao Yi stared at the three with a poor look, and saw the three without answering, but Xiao Yi continued talking .
"It's so interesting. I didn't expect that your abilities are so powerful. As soon as I appeared, you met me."
Xiao Yi's gaze just read some of the memories of the three. At this moment, Oranide had a sense of being seen through, which made him feel very nervous. He could not help but add magic to the three of his own. .
Adding Frost Armor and Wind Blast to three of them at the same time in 1 second, Oranide is really not easy.
"Don't attack us mentally, otherwise we will take measures against you." Oranide was serious now.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi could not help but be a little angry: "Olanide, do you think your little tricks threaten me?"
With the words, Edric, Oranide, Ryan Isa's body of ice, and even the blast, were dissipated into the light of the stars, and concentrated towards Xiao Yi's palm. A cyan air mass appeared in the hands of Xiao Yi, but a golden light flashed, and the cyan air mass was instantly assimilated by the Gaia element.
"I warn you, don't challenge my patience, otherwise I will be terrible." Xiao Yi threatened immediately.
However, the voice had just dropped, and a group of people actually appeared around them, some with magic wands in their hands, some with cold weapons, and even a group of semi-robots.
And Oranide's body formed a layer of ice-blue enchantment in an instant.
"Protect Lord Oranide and Miss Ryan Isa." A group of people were immediately surrounded by three people.
"You are already surrounded, don't make unnecessary resistance, otherwise we will take necessary measures against you." The voice is loud, but Xiao Yi did not see clearly the voice of the person shouting. Seeing this, Xiao Yi has a kind of Weird feeling.
Xiao Yi smiled immediately: "Well, then I will not play with you." Said Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin disappeared out of thin air.
At this moment Oranide and others retreated to the outside.
Xiao Yi, however, entered the subspace.
Looking at the crowd in front of them, gradually leaving, Lu Xuexin at the side finally couldn't help but speak.
"Why don't you take a shot?" Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard this.
"We are just passing by, why not leave too many traces of us here."
"But they actually peeped at us."
"Oh, rest assured this time, I have already paid attention to Gaia, and have thoroughly analyzed the principle of their encounter, and we will encounter this ability again in the future. What they can see is only darkness. And we can directly sense that those people are thinking about paying attention to us.
Xiao Yi shook his head and said,
If it ’s not Gaia, it ’s really hard to know that there are such guys in this world, it ’s simply terrible. "
"Huh! You were so indifferent to being peeped." Lu Xuexin was obviously a little dissatisfied.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi smiled: "What shall we do?"
"Kill them all, and stay away, especially the little goblin. I just saw that goblin firing towards you."
"Why do you get a lot of private information?" Lu Xuexin said a little dissatisfied at this moment.
"What privacy?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at hearing this.
"Well, pretend to be garlic, I saw it all." Xiao Yi was even more confused when he heard this.
Just then the sound of Minglei was ringing.
"My dear, just now you used the Gaia element to directly copy the memory of the three people. One of them has a girl named Ryan Isa. She has a good impression on you." When hearing this, Xiao Yi looked awkwardly. Lu Xuexin.
"Xue Xin, I really don't know about this, hum, I don't know yet, this memory is forbidden for you to read!"
"Well, listen to you." With Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin was now in the space of consciousness.
"What is Minglei doing?"
"Master, reading that Isa's memory."
"What's interesting information?"
"My dear, Xue Xin won't let you read it?"
"I just want to know something about it."
"Holy destiny, many of them related to the ability of magical relics to meet this ability."
"What else?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"It's about the girl dressing and eating and other related information, and what she likes and what she likes." When hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.
"Can Xuexin's memory be read?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"This, this is not good." Ming Lei is somewhat non-nuo.
"Is that all right?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.
"No!" Lu Xuexin's voice suddenly sounded at this moment.
"Hum, just know that you have this heart, do less of those useless, what are you doing, hurry." Said Landing Xuexin's hands, but there is a hockey ball.
Suddenly Lu Xuexin's eyes brightened.
"Xue Xin, what are you doing?"
"Learning magic, magician! Magician!" At this moment Lu Xuexin felt a little dancing.
"Is it easy to learn?" Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin glanced at Xiao Yi.
"It's hard to learn, it's boring. It took me 2 minutes to learn an ice hockey, and I promised you." Then he passed an ice hockey to Xiao Yi.
Xiao Yi took it in surprise.
"It's so ice."
"Ice cold and clear, let you refresh yourself, haha." After saying this, Lu Xuexin's hands flashed magic light from time to time.
Xiao Yi's attention was also quickly noticed above the ice hockey in his hand.
This is an absolutely round sphere.
"My dear, are you weird, why is this hockey puck so round?" Xiao Yi nodded at Ming Lei's question.
"Yeah, it's too round, and it's a little round."
"Holy deity, the space we are in is subspace, and here is the vacuum zone without gravity."
"Do you know what the trick is to use ice hockey?" Xiao Yi was a little dazed when he heard this.
"The deity is refraction, using water to refract all the light, so that it can condense into an ice ball."
"Vacuum itself is empty, empty means nothing, everything is cold, including heat. Both cold and hot need a medium, such as gas, liquid and even solid. One of the biggest functions of vacuum is conduction."
"The real principle of ice-based magic is to isolate a true vacuum, without any vacuum, so that the temperature will naturally return to 0 degrees above freezing all degrees Kelvin."
"It's amazing." Xiao Yi sighed.
"Yes, deity, all rules of all things are the same, as long as you are willing to go to enlightenment, you can find the trace of where it came."
At this moment Xiao Yi is a little stupid, because at this moment Lu Xuexin is clearly making something.
"Xue Xin, what are you doing?" Xiao Yi finally asked, wondering.
"The gate of the plane, this thing is so magical." While talking, Lu Xuexin was in front of a prototype of a room door.
"This door can really lead to a world?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.
"Yes, this magic should have been lost, but for us, establishing such a space-time channel is not a problem."
"So I thought, by building this thing on both sides of our space-time channel, we can achieve a long distance between two times."
"But what's the use of this thing?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Of course it's useless for us, but we can't do anything for everyone, so we can make some tools that we will definitely use in the future."
"Is this door a bit similar to the portal made by Tang Yunfeng?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"The deity is different, the distance is different, the others are similar, except that his space door can shuttle to the energy world, similar to the dream door, and this is a real shuttle."
"One of the passages was built directly by Gaia elements." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned.
"Are you going to use a lot of Gaia elements?"
"Yeah, why are you distressed?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"No, it's just that we might transform some worlds again."
"My dear, don't worry, we can go to the black zone."
"Black Zone?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"My dear, there are many dark galaxies around the Fairy Galaxy, and these galaxies do not know how long they have existed, and are not affected by the gravitational influence of large galaxies. As some already silent galaxies, we can take them for our own use."
"This is a good idea." Said Xiao Yi looked at the world ahead. At this moment, a group of people dressed as guards looked around in doubt.
"My dear, I think we can go."
"Not here anymore?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"My dear, I don't need it." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
And at the next moment, Xiao Yi turned into a streamer and penetrated deep into the subspace.
I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Yi felt a flower in front of her, but Xiao Yi came to Xialadi Moxing again.
"My dear, we must go to 8324 quickly."
"Why?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"Don't you see the memory of those three people?" Xiao Yi shook his head in confusion after hearing this.
"I haven't had time to see the memory of an alien yet, Minglei, just sort it out and tell me."
"My dear, they found 16 prophets to prophesy and found our whereabouts. Now they are heading for 8324, preparing to sneak attack on 8324 and occupy it."
"Oh? Isn't that those little girls in danger?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.
"Yes, I just don't know what kind of fate is facing them."
"You mean, let's help them?"
"Our dear, we just drop by."
"Well, let's go. I also want to see what the spacecraft in Ramosia looks like."
With the voice, Xiao Yi moved quickly and crossed the vast sea of ​​stars. After about 15 minutes, Xiao Yi had already arrived near 8324 at this moment.
Looking at the still glowing planet, Xiao Yi put a little refreshment, but soon Xiao Yi found the problem.
Sophie's ship is gone.
"My dear, it seems bad."
"Turn on the scan and see what's going on nearby?" Xiao Yi urged.
"Yes, deity." With the voice, Xiao Yi didn't know how long, but Xiao Yi's consciousness space was projecting a picture of the surrounding starry sky. Among them, a large photoelectric was moving fast.
"My dear, I think we found it."
"Then follow up." Xiao Yi immediately turned into an electro-optical shuttle.
"My dear, someone is watching us with meeting ability."
"Will they be seen?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"My dear, I have protected the space around us with Gaia elements. As long as they are within the scope of protection, they cannot see us."
At this moment Oranide was frowning, looking at the empty space in front of the water mirror operation.
"Not detectable at all, but I have a very bad sensation." Oranide frowned.
"Why, you say it quickly." Edric, now aside, seemed to be anxiously urging.
"I feel that my father is very close to them." Just said this in Oranide.
Ming Lei's voice rang immediately in Xiao Yi's conscious space.
"My dear, I'm afraid we have been found again."
"Oh, how did they find us?"
"Our deity, although he can't sense where we are, he has a general direction ~ ~ and his father is nearby. Although we blocked ourselves, he started to meet his father It is because of this that they know our approximate position. "
"No matter how much, catch up."
"Yes, dear, follow the voice." Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin chased the past in one direction.
But at this moment Lu Xuexin is still playing with its magic gate.
Lu Xuexin is obviously more interested in magic than anything else.
But time is short, Xiao Yi has already seen the darkness, a huge ball of light suspended in the void.
"That's their spaceship?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"Yes, deity, that's their spaceship. In order to withstand the extreme cold here, they have released the energy enchantment to protect themselves."
"Is that the energy shield?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.
"Yes, deity, which counts as a simulated ecosystem, and human beings can live in it for a long time."
"What about Sophie?"
"My dear, they have been detained in the cell, and the good news is that they have not been harmed in any way."
"Oh, that's weird, how did they get caught."
At this moment, a group of meeters in the Olefa spacecraft were discussing something in the combat command room.
"Sir Marshal Orange, we are very optimistic now, I'm afraid we are in big trouble."
"I know, Lane Carey, but what can we do? Put that little spaceship back?"
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