Chapter 1647: 3 forms of memory

"Lilith, what am I going to do!" Thunder God looked helpless.
"Those Thors need you to adjust yourself, and in principle I can't help you."
"Okay, then can you tell me what happened?"
"Why now I feel exhausted and I seem to really lose something in general."
"The tunnel of time and space just tore up your connection with the avatar, so your current state should belong to the avatar injured state. It can be said that you have lost the right to communicate with the avatar."
"Well, Lilith, as long as I'm alive, I can have those in the future, but now my state is like a saliva, I really can't stand it."
"Captain, can't you control it yourself?"
"I don't know where that memory is stored, Lilith helped me find it and seal it."
"Okay, Thor, please come later."
With the words, Thor's body moved, as if a balloon was emptied, and Thor's body dried up in the blink of an eye.
"Minglei, what is this? Is it using the air to adjust the density in the body?"
"Yes, deity, this is indeed the way to do it, but this is based on the fact that it is an energy life. If it is ordinary life, it may be dead."
Just then, a projection appeared on Thor's body.
Over time, after a while, Lilith had found the problem with Thor's body.
"Thunder, this body can be adjusted accordingly, but your memory is not well adjusted."
"Why?" Thor asked in confusion.
"That has to start with your soul, and this time your fusion has mutated your soul, and the design has changed a lot."
"Oh my God, how could this happen, would I go on like this forever? What fun would anyone do?"
"Don't worry, now your memory positioning will be based on your physical response, you should pay attention to cooperation."
"Well, Lilith, it's all up to you."
Just as Lilith and Thor were locating that instinctual memory.
In another world, Thunder Dragon's body has already reached this world, which is exactly a planet.
This picture is projected in front of Xiao Yi.
"Ming Lei, now that his giant body has been transferred to this world, will this planet be swallowed up by him soon?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"Respect, this planet belongs to Thor in this world, but it may not be born of only one person, but a race, and even if it swallows the resources of this planet, it will take a lot of time."
"Even if he fuses this planet, he will only be about the size of life in this world."
"Compared to the universe they lived in before, that's the micro world, and the universe we live in is the macro world."
"Now they are in our world."
"Although there is still a big gap with Torres' world, as a middle ground, this is actually very significant."
"The deity shows you the perspective of this world." With the voice Xiao Yi only felt a flower in front of her eyes, but it was a picture projected on a planet.
In the picture, there are countless giants walking on wide streets.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled: "Isn't it our world? How can such a picture be presented?"
"Sorry, I forgot to switch vision. I just used proportional vision in the world of the super cube."
Sure enough, with the voice of Ming Lei, the surrounding picture gradually reduced, but it gradually looked like a normal person.
"But at this moment the picture is turned again and came to the world where Thunder Dragon is.
"Ahem, this world is so small."
"Yes, deity. In contrast, if this planet is not specially arranged for us, its life cannot exist. There is no temperature of proper benefit. The temperature in the universe is high and low. Such a thin atmosphere There is no way to stop temperature radiation in cosmic space. "
"It seems that even if this dragon thunder really turns into a giant, it will be almost in this universe." Xiao Yi said with a smile.
"Yes deity, his potential has been controlled in this world."
"Oh? What is his potential in this world?" Xiao Yi asked with some doubt.
"Our deity, our world belongs to a high latitude world compared to them, and its potential is still refreshing."
"Compared to their world, there is still a lot of potential for evolution here, but there is no natural amethyst energy here."
"It can be born only through its radiation, but it may be quite troublesome to find the energy he is good at. The most recent energy source has to fly in space for several years."
"And there is no relay energy replenishment point in the middle, so if it really devours that planet, it may be time for him to fall."
"Compared to Long Lei, except for the planet on which he is located, he has the energy he is good at, but there are few other planets. If you transform it through your own energy, what you get is lost and you will not get extra. Supplement. "
"Then he can't produce this energy?"
"You can do it, deity, but you have to raise awareness of the rules."
"Doesn't that mean that after understanding the rules, you can still evolve infinitely?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.
"Yes, deity."
"What about his evolutionary limit?"
"The deity, his evolutionary limit, is to evolve into one of our universes."
"Even if he knows the rules better, he can't go beyond the Gaia limit, which is the characteristic of our Gaia universe."
"Excessive evolutionary energy will be directly converted into other energy by Gaia elements and recycled to other places."
"Ming Lei, doesn't it mean that if there is no limitation of Gaia elements, its potential is still unlimited, is this life really good?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.
"Our dear, this is certainly not a good thing, but it is for the ordinary world. For us, such a rule is also within the scope of Gaia's circulation."
"One of the most important attributes of the world of Gaia's Law is Gaia."
"Gaia will ensure that life is as stable as possible in the process of circulation, and Gaia itself stores a large amount of data on the peak stage of intelligent life. These data are equivalent to a data model. According to this model, Keep their intelligent life at a certain peak. "
"Is this true for all life in the Gaia world?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity, of course not, only life that can evolve infinitely."
"Ming Lei, this is not the evolutionary power, not the intelligence of a race, as long as the evolution is infinite, is there any significance in the existence of such a wasteful place?"
"It's precisely because it doesn't make sense that we limit their evolution and keep them in a certain state, that is, they won't exceed the average size of the world."
"But from the origin, we have not cut off their evolutionary characteristics."
"It feels like a hidden danger. This will make them dissatisfied with our rules." Xiao Yi frowned.
"Originally, the operation of memory is in the brain. In the Gaia universe, memory is also completed by Gaia elements, so there is no necessary memory and it will be sealed.
"Does this happen in nature?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"The deity, the general seal of memory in nature relies on forgetting, and in some cases time will smooth everything."
"Why is this?"
"Holy deity, if the law space we are in is still part of the universe."
"The universe is infinite, and our Gaia space, which is now our universe of universes, is still limited."
"Everything is smoothed relative to nature. My understanding is that it has entered a higher latitude."
"But our Gaia world has locked all of this and locked everything we can control into our Gaia world."
"In a sense, to be a universe with the law of infinity is a basic attribute."
"If there is no law of infinity, it will be affected by many surroundings."
"The energy interference from all latitudes will be very much."
"I think I understand what you mean." Xiao Yi nodded.
"But what I want to say is that we are not equivalent to intercepting information or energy interaction with the existing universe?"
"No, we just blocked the instinctive interaction, and our intelligent interaction is still running. It can be said that this intelligent interaction is an interaction mode limited by us, so that our world can appear to this universe. It is not unusual to avoid many problems. "
"Listening to you, I feel that this infinite universe is really a dangerous place."
"The deity, if you don't find it, it won't work. For the universe, it will actually follow this rule."
"Everything has its own magnetic field and electric field range. As long as it does not enter this range, it will naturally not be affected by this magnetic field and this electric field."
"While two substances with magnetic and electric fields are close to each other, an energy interaction is bound to occur during this period. This interaction may not be seen, but it is real."
"What happens under the influence of each other, whether it is energy aggregation or energy dispersion, which involves the law of higher latitudes, which is difficult to observe on the surface."
"Magnetic field and magnetic field can be said of one thing. When one thing comes into contact with another thing, it will reflect differently according to the frequency."
"And relative to us, we have to control these frequencies in a certain category, to avoid the loss of life due to excessive frequencies."
"From the origin, taking human memory as an example, human memory is divided into instinctive memory and intelligent memory."
"Instinctive memory is like water, and intelligent memory is like distilled water."
"It is more pure in itself, and it is because of this intelligent memory that it will be more profound."
"So intelligence is the result of the aggregation of rules?"
"Yes deity."
"Then I want to know, can intelligence form instinct?"
"Of course, intellect can form instinct. If intelligence is the embodiment of a rule, relatively speaking, if it presents instinct, it will form a certain inertia of thinking."
"Is there anything wrong with inertia of thinking?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"In the deity, the inertia of thinking leads to relying on experience to do things, which leads to a lack of creativity."
"It can be said that instinct and intelligence are mutually reinforcing."
"Instinct can give birth to creativity, but intelligence cannot give birth to it."
"Minglei, what you said made me think that creation is equal to destruction."
"Yes, but the essence of intelligence is to maintain the cycle."
"I'm a little confused about Minglei. Is it pure memory or good memory?"
"Deity, the biggest feature of intelligent memory is stability."
"And the instinct we are talking about actually refers to the rules, and turning the rules into intelligent and controllable things is exactly what human beings do from primary school to big."
"So to improve the intelligence of memory, although it is experience for human beings, it is also very important for human beings."
"Purify the memory?" Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both had thoughtful expressions at the moment.
"Ming Lei, can this purification really transpiration like boiling water?"
"Our deities, people have different emotions. The so-called memory boiling point is actually what impresses you when different emotions are triggered."
"Doesn't that mean that there will be three kinds of memories: gasification, liquefaction, and solidification?"
"The deity, in theory, exists, but it is precisely because of such excessive intelligence that it will cause stubbornness and reject new things."
"My God, it turned out to be this way." Xiao Yi seemed to want to understand something.
"Minglei, can I adjust my emotions and freeze my memory?"
"So, there should be both natural instinctual memory and artificial instinctual memory ~ ~ Yes, but from the origin, natural is generally the basis of human existence, and human-oriented instinctual memory is for Better adapt to the natural environment. "
"Is there any natural intelligent memory?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Our deity, this naturally exists. Natural intelligent memory is actually crying in emotions."
"Compared to humans, these are low-frequency memories, but from a micro perspective, this is probably not a means of energy release."
"Ming Lei, I feel a little weird to hear you say this." Lu Xuexin said a little puzzled aside.
"Xue Xin, do you have any questions?"
"Of course, I want to know, can a person become a memory superman with a specific boiling point state?"
"Can such memories never disappear?"
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