Chapter 1671: Energy superposition

"Manipulating memory and instinct, it seems to be really not a simple thing." Xiao Yi sighed.
"The deity, energy has frequency, memory also has frequency, all of which are affected by the environment."
"When a human calls a memory pointer, the memory pointer itself has a magnetic field."
"The greater the energy of the memory pointer, the greater the effect of awakening memory."
"Like a city's landmark, it's hard to forget once."
"This is the specific scene, the role of the energy field."
"Heaven and earth people, the frequencies between these three can be superimposed on each other."
"In general, the energy of the heavens and the earth can be superimposed on the human body. If the frequency is not controlled, these energy will also circulate in the heavens and the earth, and will not be controlled by people, even causing bad effects on the body."
那 "What if it is controlled in a very balanced state?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Respect, that is naturally very good for the human body, which is equivalent to the blessing of the power of heaven and earth."
"It seems that it is very difficult to obtain the blessing of the power of heaven and earth." Xiao Yi asked.
本 "The deity, the celestial magnetic field is ubiquitous, blessing is inevitable, but whether this state lasts for a long time."
"If it is too short, it is often overlooked, but this state is very meaningful to human beings. The formation of many high-level intelligent thinking and the formation of super-intelligent thinking depends on these environmental factors. produced."
"High-latitude, high-energy thinking? Feeling very interesting." Xiao Yi said.
"Minglei, do you mean that humans can actually obtain the blessings of electromagnetic fields from the heavens and the earth's environment to humans?" Lu Xuexin asked in surprise.
"It's not short-term, it's a relationship of alternating frequency. Sometimes the energy is high, sometimes the energy is low. At this time, human beings have to adapt to adjust the frequency fluctuation range of the" human "among the heaven and earth people to adapt to the changes in the electromagnetic field of heaven and earth.
这么 "So, isn't it necessary for the people of heaven and earth to maintain the stable state of the magnetic field given to humans by the heaven and earth magnetic field?"
"Xue Xin, the survival of human beings is to adapt to the changes in the magnetic field of the sky and earth, so this is not a simple matter."
"Can you talk about the specific changes in the celestial magnetic field?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
本 "The deity, for example, at sunrise, the energy is rising. This rise is based on the law of rotation, and the energy rises from the earth to the height. It will stop until it reaches the limit of the law, and then enter the cycle."
"By reaching noon, the energy has reached the limit of the law and reached its peak. At this time, the object must be reversed."
"It's also the afternoon, when the energy will fall back, until the early morning, the energy will return to zero and enter the most peaceful state."

These things bring ups and downs to the human energy field, and in the process of human adaptation to environmental changes, this is the addition and subtraction of human beings adjusting magnetic fields.

"For example, at the hottest noon, you can control your emotions to maintain the quietest state, and you can still cool in the space around the karate."
"But if it's irritable, I'm afraid you're going to explode hot, which is exactly the reason for calmness and natural coolness."
"What do you mean by controlling emotions and keeping the energy in the body within a certain frequency range?"
"Yes, deity, but actually maintaining this frequency is not easy, and generally requires active intelligence to maintain it."
"Is there any way to instinct?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Yes, and there is a good way."
"What is it?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"Time memory method, such as 7 am to 5 pm, two hours at noon, which is 8 hours."
"Morning is a phase in which an energy magnetic field is generated. As long as there is sufficient rest at night, the magnetic field in the human body will be calmed."
"As the density of the energy field continues to increase, then people will gradually enter the peak memory mode."
"At noon, it is not recommended to continue memory work, but to enter a meditation state, that is, to use the state of the human body to balance the energy of the heavens and the earth, to avoid energy out of control.
"Wait until the afternoon, the energy begins to decline, at this time the energy of the person also begins to decline, reaching around 5 pm, at this time the energy in the body will start to run out."
"The heaven and earth magnetic field game is in a declining state, and energy will be quickly lost. At this time, energy needs to be replenished."
"For example, the energy density in the human body is supplemented by eating, so that the human body maintains a stable energy state."
"When it reaches 12 midnight, the human body will completely enter the most exhausted state, which is the most important step to zero energy."
"Whether a person can enter a complete rest state lies in this period of time, which the ancients called the child hour."
"When the yin and the yang are upside down, the thing is bound to be reversed, that is, from 11 am to 1 am."
听 "Listening to you, it seems that it should be related to the planet and the stars, even the galaxies, and even large galaxies."
"Yes, it seems that the energy is small, but the impact on human memory is very obvious."
"Ancient Chinese people, different seasons have different foods, it is based on this, following the principle of heaven and earth cycle."
"I can't think of the ancients moving forward than we thought." Lu Xuexin sighed.
"It's not going forward, it's instinct, summing up instinctual experience, which is the law of heaven and earth."
"Now people's wisdom is definitely not worse than that of the ancients. The ancients need to survive, and how modern people survive better and last longer."
"The same is true of the ancients, and modern people also pursue this goal."
"Many of our galaxy civilizations have evolved from ancient times to modern civilizations, and then advanced to super civilizations, and then pursue eternal life."
"Undermind, controlling the changes in the energy field, is it good for anything other than memory?"
"The deity, nature is good. For example, if there is stable energy in the human body, it is not easy to cause cell necrosis, which is equivalent to increasing human life in disguise."
"Is it just a delay?" Xiao Yi said disappointed.
"Is there no way to transform the human body with the help of electromagnetic fields?"
"Yes, but it's too difficult. Generally, this can only be achieved through artificial intelligence matrix operation."
"Using technology?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"Yes, deity, the use of biological currents to stimulate local cell division, implantation of division factors, and bioelectrical stimulation to generate cell metabolism, and then exchange for the old, this is a direction.
"The other direction is high-latitude energy technology, which realizes the reorganization of the universe by surpassing the instinct of the current world."
"What is the relationship between the reorganization of the universe and human life? One is macro, the other is micro."
"My deity, although this is said, it is indeed related."
人 "Man lives in a space. This space does not represent a whole universe."
"This also leads to the need to reorganize the local cosmic space to achieve the reorganization of the human body."
"It's like a thing moving too fast, and humans will see phantoms. This is the limit of human laws."
"Electromagnetic cutting to achieve the movement of electrons is actually consistent with an overly fast phantom."
"When humans move, electrons are also moving, they are just aggregating electrons."
"This also leads to the establishment of a sealed law bounded space, which can also realize the manipulation of the local electric field, and then realize the three-dimensional reorganization of the human body."
"This is the method of life transformation based on electromagnetic technology."
"Ming Lei, do you mean that there is an overlapping relationship between humans and space?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.
"Yes, deity, the movement of people is also the movement of electrons."
只是 "Only relatively speaking, human beings belong to semiconductors, which is equivalent to an electronic cluster that reduces speed and has intelligent control."
"The reason why there is a phantom, in fact, it is not that phantom is a phenomenon of space retention. This part of the space should have its own magnetic field information."
"When humans move, they will be interspersed in different magnetic fields. When people move too fast, or when things move too fast, phantoms will form."
"To put it plainly, after the magnetic field and the object are combined, before leaving time, they have left again, resulting in a delay effect of displacement."
"Isn't that what we are watching is the process of spatial homing?"
"Yes, deity, waving one hand to the left and right, when a shadow appears, centrifugal force will also be generated. In fact, this centrifugal force is generated because the space has collapsed."
"Isn't that forming a black hole?" Lu Xuexin asked in surprise.
"Yes, but the size of this black hole is too small to affect the orthopaedic realm, and it will return soon."
冥 "Minglei, doesn't the propeller of that plane also have phantoms?"
"The aircraft will not run locally when it is in operation. It also has a displacement effect. As displacement occurs, it will be re-elected."
只是 "Only with respect to aircraft, the energy range it produces is different from that of humans, so what you see will not be similar to the phantom that humans see."
"Can it be said that because the energy range is the same, so humans can't see it?" Lu Xuexin asked in surprise.
"Minglei, in this sense, isn't there always energy in space that interacts with our bodies, or is it a kind of penetration?"
"Yes, Xuexin."
"Does that mean that the magnetic field of the human body can be changed by using magnetic field air of a specific frequency?"
"Yes, Xuexin."
"Isn't that saying that as long as you master the scale, you don't need to isolate the universe to adjust the magnetic field?"
"Yes, Xuexin, but without isolating the relative magnetic field environment of the universe will be very complicated."
"It can't be precise, it can't be without interference. If you use electromagnetic fields to repair cells, errors may occur, which may lead to life and system breakdown."
"I understand what you mean, just like a doctor needs a sterile operating room for surgery."
"Yes, in fact, it is mainly the subtlety of magnetic field control. If it is not possible to achieve astonishment, energy shift may occur when the energy is running, which will lead to errors."
"I think I understand. Just like the longitude of lathes and holographic printers, if the accuracy is not enough, the created items may have parameter shifts, which in turn is equivalent to shifting the system matching during macro assembly. "
"Yes, deity, so it is not easy to restore cells."
I heard here, but Xiao Yi shook his head.
"Gaia can do just fine." He seemed to think of something.
"Ming Lei, since people in heaven and earth have electromagnetic fields, isn't it that human beings also have the means to use the electromagnetic fields in heaven and earth?"
"For humans, if no adjustment is made, over time, the energy container of the human body may directly reflect the world."
"Even an elemental cascading effect is produced, and then humans enter a state of aging."
"Have the body's magnetic field balance maintained, for humans, isn't it lower than a part of aging?"
"Yes, but it's hard to get full control."
除非 "Unless we say, we can perfectly control the magnetic field in our body."
"Is there any way to perfectly control the magnetic field in the body?"
"The natural method is actually to sleep well, rest on time and on time, wake up on time and on time, and then form a complete energy cycle system."
"If not?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
本 "Respect, inversion in living things. If it is maintained for a long time, it will naturally cause a lack of magnetic field in the body, which will lead to a lack of energy in the body, and then the information that the surrounding environment will give you back is that you have gained weight.
"Why is this happening?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise ~ ~ The three people of heaven and earth form a unity, and people can move with the help of the heaven and earth magnetic field. "
但 "But the heaven and earth people's magnetic field runs asynchronously, and then you may become a stepping stone to heaven and earth."
"It is better to be a stepping stone in this way," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, in this way, it is better for manpower to use the power of heaven and earth than to borrow the power of people."
"Ming Lei, just now you said that using a machine to control the magnetic field in the body, is there any benefit?" Lu Xuexin asked curiously.
"In fact, it can be managed without a machine, but it requires a very complex energy cycle and instinct."
"This instinctive exercise requires periodic cycling."
所以 "So it is necessary to establish such a cycle."
"What to do specifically?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"When energy is high, energy is released, when energy is low, energy is replenished, and then the body is maintained in a state."
"Under the rules of the influence of the celestial and terrestrial magnetic fields, repeatedly, repeatedly adjusting the body's instinct to adapt to these frequencies throughout the year."
"The result is that the energy in the human body is always at its peak."
"This will reach the goal."
"The human body is large, or the potential is great. When you have more energy, you can naturally open up more functions."
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