Chapter 1749: Electronic transition

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!
"This is for sure. As long as this thing called vitality has mass energy, it must have radiation, but it is a matter of whether it is ionizing radiation or non-ionizing radiation."
Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were both thoughtful.
"My dear, now that we have come to this world, let's go and see the duel between the elemental giants of this world."
"Does the earth element duel?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"The environment of a world is intricate and complex. According to the pressure, it has different environments. In addition to the continent, this world has areas such as volcanoes, oceans, and even an area, which should be called the sea of ​​storms. The eye of the storm is the giant of thunder and lightning. "
"In addition to the difference in the composition of the elements between the elemental giants and the elemental giants, one of the biggest characteristics is that their temperature has a significant gap."
"The highest density are the metal giants, but the evolution of these giants is not complete at present. Most of them are only in the center of the earth. This is like a fish in the deep sea. Once it escapes from high water pressure, it will instantly lose its ability to move.
"And what we see now is the battle between the earth giant at room temperature and the giant volcano based on the high temperature area."
"Do you have a territorial dispute?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Yes deity, the next thing I want to take the deity and Xuexin to watch is a battle between the giant earth and the giant volcano."
"Under Thunder, is there a difference between the Earth Giant and the Volcano Giant?"
"All belong to the category of earth elements, but due to the influence of temperature, they have separated the earth giant and the volcano giant."
"The earth giant can use earth and stones directly, while the volcano giant can use lava."
"Relatively speaking, the Earth Giant is harder, while the Volcano Giant is softer."
"Well, let's go and see." Lu Xuexin said curiously.
With the voice, the two quickly shuttled the space, but in an instant, they came near a volcano.
The volcano has apparently just erupted, and there are still many lava flowing slowly around it.
Hundreds of volcanic giants climbed out of the volcano, but those who had already climbed out were fighting with the giant earth outside.
A battle between hundreds of earth giants and volcano giants is ongoing.
The explosion of "Boom, Boom, Boom" is endless, and countless stones can be seen, and lava bombs fly in random.
Among them, some volcano giants were hit by heads and fell down.
The earth giant attacked by the lava bomb burst his head instantly.
Just when these hundreds of elemental giants were fighting, there was a huge footstep sound of "Boom Boom" in the rear, shaking the sky.
Seeing the end of the field of vision, a super-earth giant suddenly appeared, standing more than 400 meters tall, and there were countless giants running beside him.
Time flies by, but the super-earth giant has already joined the battle, and the volcano giant generally has obviously entered the trend of defeat.
"Boom, boom, boom." A loud tramp sounded through the earth.
The super-earth giant digs up the earth and rocks, and smashes towards the rolling lava, and a few times lava is buried.
Obviously going on like this, the volcano giant is not far from failure.
But at this moment, the volcano suddenly shook, and the volcano opened a big opening, and a large amount of lava rolled away instantly without money.
And in that lava, there was a super volcano giant that was as tall as the earth.
"Unexpectedly, the volcano actually has its own boss." Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Look, it rushed out."
A large amount of lava rolled out from the volcanic rift. Numerous volcanic giants rushed to the earth giants excitedly. The lava buried many earth giants.
At this moment, the super-earth giant apparently found the target. Suddenly, from the ground, he picked up a huge stone of several hundred meters and smashed it in the direction of the super-volcano giant.
"Boom." Take a look at the huge rock and slap on the lava.
Immediately a few huge stones flew up again, but soon a large area of ​​magma was covered, among which there were countless deaths and injuries.
The super volcano in the distance saw this, but it had already rushed to the slate, and then rushed to the side of the giant giant.
The "bang" punch was suddenly hit by the super volcano giant, and the earth and stones flew in an instant.
An angry roar of "Ang" was issued by the body of the super-earth giant, and then he saw countless sand and stones flying around his body and hitting the body of the volcano giant.
Although the sand is small, it interferes with the action of the super volcano giant, and the body has the opportunity to harden.
"Ang" roared the same way, and the super red volcano's body suddenly lit bright red flames, and immediately saw the earth and stones inserted in his body, dissolved instantly, and suddenly flowed from his body.
"It's not easy. The superland can actually control the gravity, and the supervolcano can even control the flames. This is really shocking." Xiao Yi said with some sighs.
"Holy dear, don't worry, this kind of battle is not very significant to us. Please be patient, the most fundamental battle."
After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both waited with some curiosity.
The battle continues ...
After a long time, both supergiants seemed tired.
What is surprising is that the two giants are now undergoing a change.
The native yellow earth giant has a lot of red on his body at this moment.
The original lava-colored volcanic giant, at this moment, is almost the same as the earth giant.
"It's amazing, hasn't it been for at least five days?" Xiao Yi said with a sigh.
"Yeah, but why do they seem to have a sense of ethnic integration?" Lu Xuexin said in doubt.
"Yeah, I feel the same way, Minglei, what's going on?" Xiao Yi asked.
"The deities are very simple. The temperature and the elemental composition determine their bodies. Now the original elements in their bodies are almost the same. Now they use the nearest material, so the color of their bodies is gradually approaching.
"This is okay." Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"Will there be a fusion between the two races in the future?" Lu Xuexin asked doubtfully.
"It's very likely, dear Xuexin, you see, those little elemental giants have stopped fighting."
"Ahem, that was fixed there by lava earth and stones, okay." Xiao Yi said dissatisfied.
At this moment the volcano seemed to be under pressure to make it erupt, and the hot air flow around it began to cool down.
However, the battle between the two giants is still continuing, but it is already difficult to distinguish whether it is the earth giant or the volcano giant.
"Ming Lei, don't tell me, they will become indifferent and the two elemental giants will become brothers."
"The deity, pay attention to observation, important details are coming." Ming Lei did not answer Xiao Yi's question.
After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both watched intently.
At this moment, the battle between the two elemental giants is the way you fist and fist.
Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi's consciousness seemed to touch something, but he couldn't figure it out.
"Boom, boom, boom, boom ..." The punch sound of one punch, one punch, apparently continued.
Just then Lu Xuexin seemed to find something.
"Ming Lei, this kind of battle itself seems nothing, but from the perspective of the quantum transition we just talked about, it seems that we can find something very interesting." Lu Xuexin said.
"Yes, it is the electronic transition, the collision of force and force, the collision of strong and weak forces, I feel that there seems to be something hidden in it." Xiao Yi also said.
"Yes dear Xuexin, you are right. This is the most important rule. As long as you understand this rule, energy is everywhere between heaven and earth, and you are in an invincible position.
"So exaggerated." Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"My dear, this battle is the collision of rules and rules, and finally there is a fusion. The collision is to create a bond for the subsequent fusion."
"During the electronic transition, such a phenomenon will occur."
"That is, after the electron captures the photon transition to a new orbit, if the photon is still captured, it will transition again, which will restore the transition reflection."
"The formation of this transition orbit is actually related to the light emitted by the nucleus, and this release is actually phased."
"A higher mass atom has a higher chance of radiating, that is, emitting free electrons."
"And this radiation is a free electron group that cannot complete the reduction transition, which has a photoelectric effect.,
"The feeling of earth and stones flying just now seen by the deity is actually a kind of electronic transition."
"Isn't that a macro thing?" Xiao Yi had never dared to think in this regard, but at the moment Xiao Yi was quite surprised.
"Everything is a rule, regardless of size, only between regions, and different sizes of matter intervals, but the same rules."
"Such a battle, on the surface, is a collision of force and force, a collision of strong and weak forces, but the collision of force and force is actually an electronic transition, and the electronic transition affected by the limits of the body law provides the main magnetic field motion force.
"The stronger the core of the element in the body, the greater the power generated by this energy return."
"But for the life of the earth elements, as long as they step on the ground, they continuously draw strength from the ground. In theory, as long as there is the ground, their power will not decline."
"Then why do they only have fists and fists now?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The battle between the two has formed mutual resistance. Naturally useless, naturally it will not be used."
After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were somewhat surprised.
At this moment, the super giant giant suddenly waved his fist and "banged", but it hit the super volcano giant's chest directly.
The volcano giant's chest sunk in a moment.
"What's this?" Xiao Yi asked in doubt.
"The deity attacked the earth giant just now. You can think of it as the law of positive rotation, which belongs to the electric field."
"The attack on the volcano giant, you can think of it as the law of counterspin, which belongs to the absorption of energy."
"Minglei, it seems a bit abstract in this way."
"For the deity, for the universe, human beings are themselves abstractions of the universe."
"Well, what would happen if the battle was shown in accordance with the rules of origin?"
"The power is generated, the light is recharged, and when it is used up, the electrons complete the accelerated release, and the reaction force is recovered.
"It takes only a moment to happen."
"And if the force-side electrons are charged but not as much energy as the force-side, it will cause a derailment. If there is no resistance, it may have penetrated the nucleus and damaged the body.
"In the lap just played by the Giant Earth, if you think of the superland as all energy, that's it."
With the voice of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, a picture appeared in the consciousness space.
The body of the earth giant and the body of the lava giant were suddenly stretched and deformed, and soon became a sphere.
"How did it become a star?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
Just the next moment, countless planets have evolved around the star ~ ~ Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin saw this scene a little bit surprised.
"Are you going to stage a Star Wars?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Suddenly, a planet suddenly ignited a flame and flew out, like a meteor, hitting an unburned planet.
The two planets collided in an instant, and then the planet that became a shooting star talked back a little.
However, this little happened to be captured by the stellar orbit of the super-earth giant.
Immediately, he saw that it started to derail. When it was not too long, as it approached the star, the crack that had been hit by it quickly disappeared.
It soon became a good planet again, and it seemed that it was about to launch another attack.
The planet being attacked, which represents a super volcano, is very unstable at this moment.
Under the influence of pressure, there is no fire and nature, and a lot of light is generated, and then he flies up.
Although slow, it also shows the serious instability of the planet at the moment.
"Ming Lei, that planet has derailed. Can this planet fall into orbit?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"My dear, this is a synchronous orbit. It may be disintegrated due to the impact."
"Is it exploding?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"It's a small range of electronic transitions, but this energy level transition can no longer be called an electronic transition. You can understand it as a meteorite rain."
"But most importantly, we want to capture the rules of reflection in this electronic transition."
"The basic rules already exist. The photon energy captured by the electron is sufficient to complete the transition, and the energy is not sufficient to accelerate."
"After the jump, if there is light next to it, it will jump again in the opposite direction, that is, return."
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