Chapter 1850: Circling comet

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"But if the deity pays attention to these worlds, you will actually find that the energy cycle of the world here is very complicated."
"Perhaps the last second was a modern city, but the next second became a martial arts fantasy."
"You mean that the law of the world here is not sound?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"The deity is not as simple as semi-sound, but is not a complete fragment of the law at all, it can only be called space debris."
"Then Minglei, what will happen if there is another meteor or comet impact here?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Natural space debris will become more fragmented, but generally only meteors can collide with this place, and comets will not appear. Comets have relatively stable orbits."
"However, when a comet crosses a star orbit, it actually has a certain chance to carry some meteors into the local galaxy."
"That is, the outer ring of the solar system is brought into the inner ring of the solar system. Compared with the outer ring orbit, the inner ring orbit is actually more stable. These different orbits are like different energy movement intervals."
Following the voice, Minglei projected an image of the Milky Way in front of Xiao Yi.
The picture is dynamic, in which the sun takes the lead, as if flying, and the surrounding stars surround it.
As the screen zooms in, you can even see large tracts of meteorites, which are quickly walking through behind them.
However, the pictures seen between Xiao Yi and Xiao Yi are obviously different, and there is a lot of fire around him.
"Minglei, what's the matter with these fire lights?"
"The deity, from the human measure of energy, human beings also have energy, and this energy is the benchmark for human perception of energy."
"But from the perspective of the universe, human benchmarks cannot represent benchmarks based on the universe."
"No matter how human beings continuously radiate energy, natural planets are also emitting energy."
"Speaking of dissemination, it may not be easy to understand. With the jump, it may be clearer. Everything in the universe is in the jump. It does not stop, but is relatively fast and slow."
"And what is presented now is the picture of the solar system in transition."
"From this perspective, it seems to fit the spectrum very well?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Yes, this is the basic law of the universe. As long as it is a normal universe, it has such a law."
"Minglei, is there also an abnormal universe?"
"The deity naturally exists, such as our Gaia universe. Although it looks like a normal universe on the surface, it has already loaded permissions, and this permission is not instinctive control, but intelligent control."
"Apart from our situation, are there other universes?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Naturally, there is a universe with multiple origins. In fact, the most normal universe is only the solar system as big. It can also be said that the solar system already has a complete system of laws."
"But the solar system has a lifespan?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, it's only for the energy range human beings are in. You must know that only coming can never disappear."
"But this is the case, wouldn't it be like this in the end." As Xiao Yi waved his hand, he switched the projection screen directly to a screen.
The solar system is rapidly extinguishing.
"Yes, the deity, but there are so many plasmas that the sun jumps out. It only needs a slight change, and the plasma will reappear in our cognitive range."
"It's just hidden from our positional laws."
"This is interesting."
"Doesn't that mean that the result of my evolution will eventually become a cause?" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.
"Perhaps because it happened before it disappeared."
Following the voice, I saw Xiao Yi's projection screen, and many areas were lit up.
"This, that computer is a new universe born like this?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Yes, the deity, look there, there is the earth, but now it is showing the light."
"It seems like a sun?" Xiao Yi was really surprised.
"Yes, the meteorite in the starry sky will turn into countless stars."
"Minglei, has this world changed for the original human beings?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"When the star goes out, the environment has changed. This is the absolute zero in the original human perception."
"But after the birth of the new world, there will be new weights and measures, and absolute zero will become a new source of life."
"Minglei, the world among these meteorites?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"This deity, they are in a process of lowering their latitude."
"The original four-dimensional life will also be frozen in essence. Here we need a more microcosmic way to come to that law."
"Minglei, is there a chance that such a world will return to the original solar system?"
"The deity, this is about the movement of energy. If there is enough time, it is natural. If there is not enough time, the process will naturally be much slower."
"Minglei, then come down like this. Doesn't it mean that the legendary red giant has a great chance of appearing?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Yes, the deity, the universe is constantly spreading, and then in the process of transmission with the core, it is possible to be instantly ignited, but relatively speaking, it may take countless years for this phenomenon to occur."
"Okay. Since this is the case, let's not talk about things that are so far away, let's talk about our eyes." Xiao Yi directly dissipated the picture directly.
A large number of meteorites soon appeared around.
"Compared to the matter here, there is actually more energy here. It can be said that there is a powerful energy world here."
"Then, for example, if other energy worlds approach here, what will happen?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"My deity, it mainly depends on whether there is four-dimensional life. To know that four-dimensional life is available, you can rely on the natural four-dimensional transition force to travel through time and space."
"Relatively speaking, all the resources in front of us can be said to be just the nourishment of four-dimensional life."
"You mean the four-dimensional life can absorb the energy here?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Yes, it is actually not easy to consume the meteorites of this broken star belt."
"After all, the four-dimensional world is just an energy world. No matter how powerful a life is, it has a certain energy ratio to the use of energy in a world."
"Minglei, the different energy world beings should be of different sizes, right?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, yes, the deity, such as the four-dimensional life on the planet. Relatively speaking, its law must be more sound than the law of Sheng Mi Guan Ning here."
"Minglei, I'm a little curious. Many planets have events like meteors coming all the time. Will these events lead to the arrival of the four-dimensional energy world?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"This deity, this is definitely possible, but in relative terms, it is a very small dust compared to a planet, and the information in it is still a very small dust to a world. ."
"Minglei, for example, the energy world on a comet and the energy world on a meteor, or the energy world on a meteorite. Actually, they are all different?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, the birth of the energy world, is based on the energy that the mass of matter jumps out in an instant. If the energy that jumps out is more, the range of the energy that it can form will come from. The energy world that it can jump out of is naturally very limited."
"Compared to meteors, the energy world carried by comets is naturally larger. It is precisely because of this that many people call comets a disaster star."
"Is it because there is something wrong with the information it carries?"
"From the perspective of macroscopic laws, its transition to the earth will inevitably drive some meteors to approach the earth, and then the meteor will come, which is very common."
"This will also bring disaster to a planet."
"From a four-dimensional perspective, this is an opportunity for an energy world to come."
"The energy world will cause turbulence in the energy world because of the contact of the unfamiliar energy world."
"Does that mean that it will cause disaster?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, a large amount of energy movement, whether it is self, intelligence or instinct, will cause the appearance of energy tides, and such tides are undoubtedly disasters for humans, such as floods, earthquakes, etc., can happen. "
"Then there is no four-dimensional life coming?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Relatively speaking, life is actually much less, especially if you can grasp the opportunity to come. After all, if it is coming, then there are multiple reincarnations, then how many lives come over, maybe humans themselves also come like this."
"Moreover, compared to four-dimensional life, it has no origin, and its strength is constantly decreasing."
"It can be said that it is actually difficult for the life from the distant starry sky to overcome the native life on the earth."
"You say that, I feel that life on earth, perhaps its origin is also very powerful." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the life of the four-dimensional world is powerful, especially once human beings awaken the four-dimensional consciousness, their intelligence will grow rapidly, and this growth is generally based on instinct."
"In this way, even if the four-dimensional life on the comet descends on the earth, its destructive power is limited." Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, from the three-dimensional world contact to the three-dimensional world leaving, this time seems to be very long, but in fact it is very short, especially for the four-dimensional world, the energy it can bring is also very limited."
"And compared to the earth, the energy brought by comets is generally negative."
"For this kind of energy, for the earth close to the sun, it must first be neutralized by the sun."
"What about after neutralization? Will it generate new energy?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Yes, the deity. Many meteors approach the planet and then leave. In fact, they are all based on similar principles."
"The energy range of the astral body has changed, and then the transition direction has also changed."
"Know that the hot air flow will transition to the cold air flow."
"Oh? How do you understand this?"
"The hot air flow is an expanding air flow, and the cold air flow is a compressed air flow. Once the hot air flow approaches the cold air flow, it will also be energized from material.
"This also leads to repulsion in the process of interaction between the cold air and the hot air."
"But there will also be part of the neutralization exchange reaction. This is the process of establishing the law ladder."
"This also leads to the fact that after its comet actually enters a near-star orbit, its own negative energy is consumed rapidly."
"Then it was caused, first repelling, then returning to balance, forming a kind of whirling force."
Just as Minglei and Xiao Yi were talking, a large area of ​​colored light appeared in a starry sky.
"The deity, the meteorite impacted, and there was a plasma transition."
"Are there no oxygen in space?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Too close to the star, relatively speaking, its oxygen consumption rate will be very fast."
"Once it leaves a certain range, the element content will increase."
"The range of human beings seems to be really burning." Xiao Yi sighed and said Yes, for humans, the world that humans see is the same as the life in the outer universe. The world you see is completely different. "
"Minglei, then it is a four-dimensional life, and there should be different energy ranges, right?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, but generally speaking, what humans can touch is generally the four-dimensional world that connects with humans."
"Minglei, let's go and see the comet." Xiao Yi said.
"Good deity."
Following the voice, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin flashed, but they had already appeared in another starry sky.
Here has come to the edge of the solar system, infinitely close to the legal limit of the solar system.
Countless meteorites floating around in the starry sky, obviously this is the broken star belt in the Milky Way.
"It's really a chaotic area." Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, not a world in a galaxy, is actually relatively chaotic."
"This is because the level of clarity of the law ladder is actually different."
"Stars release energy, that is the high position, and the high position instinct will drive away from the low position. Relative to the space we are in now, this is actually a low position."
"Minglei, what about the comet?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"This deity, the comet has actually reached a certain orbital level in volume."
"Let it work back and forth between the dual orbits of the solar system and the Milky Way."
"Even some civilizations use comets as cross-galactic vehicles."
"What do you say?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"The deity, a planet with a fixed orbit, and the orbits it can provide can actually be used for interstellar travel."
"You know, many starships are actually transformed from some stars, so that they can use the power of galaxies to realize the transit between galaxies."
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