Chapter 1898: The law of time spans too much

   Looking at the surrounding pictures and the sudden change just now, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin looked at each other.
   "Minglei, Gaia Universe is okay." Xiao Yi said.
   "Some Gaia elements have been damaged in the macro world, and the micro world has begun to reorganize."
   With the voice, I saw a progress bar displayed.
  %100% Seeing this speed, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were a little surprised.
   "It's been repaired so soon," Xiao Yi said.
   "Yes, it is a small problem, the Gaia universe at the macro level was broken by the light just now."
   "It is equivalent to breaking the law of a universe, but our Gaia universe is still the Gaia universe, so there is no injury in essence, but there is some potential at the macro level, which has now been repaired."
   Xiao Yi nodded when he heard this.
   "Minglei, is there any problem with the space where we are now?" Xiao Yi asked when looking at the white mans in the projection.
   "This deity, we are currently in the process of transitioning from a high position, and the space tunnel behind has been closed."
   "Doesn't that mean that we have broken away from the original universe?" Xiao Yi asked in a daze.
   "Yes, the deity, to be precise, we have escaped from the universe just now."
   "Who are those people? What is the Universe Administration?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
   "The deity, different universes have different super civilization management, maybe our behavior of breaking the space, the administrator of this universe thinks that we have destroyed the balance of the universe."
   "Where is the space where Minglei is now? It doesn't seem to be that simple."
   "The deity, according to reasoning, we have separated from the original universe and are already in the unknown seven-dimensional space."
   "Minglei, can you reduce the surrounding light a bit?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
   "The deity, wait a minute, I am currently synchronizing the surrounding energy."
   Immediately, I saw the influence around the Gaia universe showing up.
   A golden sphere, surrounded by white light, is gradually getting bigger.
   From black, it gradually turned into a gold color, and when it was not too much, it became more like white.
   At the moment when the Gaia element became white, the surrounding space suddenly darkened, and then the surrounding sky turned into a starry sky.
   "The deity, the Gaia element has reached a balance with the energy of the current space."
   Then a peculiar starry sky picture appeared in front of the two of them.
   This is not a starry sky in the traditional sense, there are a lot of lava floating in the starry sky around.
   There is lava fused together from time to time to form larger stars.
   "Minglei, what's the situation?"
   "The deity, this is very similar to the atomic transition ion. As for these fusions, it is the ion body. If it has sufficient energy, it can jump out of this universe of influence."
   "What about us? Can we also absorb these ionic bodies?" Xiao Yi said.
   "This deity, it is naturally possible. The synchronization frequency just now actually does this. It is only relatively speaking. The natural law here is that we transform all the elements we touch into Gaia elements."
   "Relatively speaking, we still have all the freedom here."
   Immediately, Xiao Yi's picture was projected to the other side. This scene was a peculiar scene, and when he reached the end of Yeye, no edge was visible.
   "Minglei, are we too small, or is this stellar body too big?" Xiao Yi said in a daze.
   "The deity, this stellar body is a universe, in fact, the microcosm in our cognition is similar to this."
   "In fact, the light emitted by this star or the universe is actually divine power, the divine power of the corresponding frequency."
   "Only speaking, once it jumps to the limit of the law, it will commit a crime, which belongs to a cyclic state of energy."
   Hearing this, Xiao Yi seemed to think of something.
   "Minglei, if you say that, isn't it true that the limits of laws are like this."
   Immediately I saw Xiao Yi sketching out a strange picture in front of his eyes. In the picture, a circle was the core, and the circle was surrounded by countless circles.
   Then I saw that the distance around him was spinning, and the ring in the center was spinning.
   "Minglei, then, do you think the law limit of the universe is such a cycle mode?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
   "This deity, the ring you sketched, after rotating, all the rings will have repulsive force due to the rotation of the center ring, and then release all the rings to the edge."
   "The one that is far away is also rotating. This at least explains why a spiral structure forms a similar rotation."
   "If this is a star, it will be like this, sending out energy, and then returning to the star field when it is refracted back."
   "After all, this means that the energy is in a rotating frequency sweeping filling."
   "But Minglei, what kind of consequences will this have?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
   "The deity, when the energy jumps to the limit, a polar yin will be produced, and when the gene jumps to the limit, a polar yang will be produced."
   "Yin is produced because of the origin of zero energy. Because there is nothing, it will grow very fast, and then quickly accumulate huge mass. This is also the most basic law of resonance in the universe."
  As the mass increases, when it reaches a certain scale, it will enter a constant temperature range, because its scale becomes larger, which is equivalent to taking the original polar yang energy, and then a state of yin and yang will appear, circulating each other. "
   "There is a light wall on one side, and a dark wall on the other side. This is actually what happened."
   "But Minglei, stars only stand a small proportion in the general universe." Xiao Yi said.
"The deity is not so simple. Take the space where we are as an example. This polar sun is a big ball of light that releases light. If there is a big ball of light around, its light has not reached us, or the extreme Yin and extreme yin are intertwined, but the extreme yang has not yet been formed."
   "What's this? Why does it feel contradictory." Xiao Yi said.
   "The deity actually analyzes this problem from the perspective of human energy acquisition, which is actually simpler."
   "Oh? How do you understand this?" Xiao Yi asked.
   "The deity, the universe is a god, and all the energy that jumps out of it, if the dimension is not calculated, is actually the energy of the gods, and that is the case for gods everywhere."
   "But why mankind can't use these gods, in fact, it's just that the rules are different."
   "And if people want to use the corresponding energy, they must transform it into the micro world."
   "Moreover, the energy has to be in a high position relative to humans and present a ladder, so that gods can be perceived and used by humans."
   "This means that life can seize the power originally belonging to the rules of the universe for its own use."
   "Just in this way, it is bound to cause changes in the law, and even a chain reaction."
   "What will happen then?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
   "This deity is naturally a butterfly effect."
   "Then what is this butterfly effect?" Xiao Yi asked.
   "The deity, you have seized one energy from heaven and earth, then in the next step, the natural universe will have another energy to come to you."
   "If you can still capture, there will be another one until the completion of a cycle. If you can't get rid of the corresponding frequency, then you will also be attracted by the rules of the universe, and then the universe will be denied."
   "Of course human beings are very short-lived to the universe."
   "Then Minglei, is there time in the space where we are now?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
   "But now we are more like a satellite universe."
  At this moment, Xiao Yi discovered a strange scene. Not all the ions released by the universe jumped out, and some of them were actually returning to the stars of the universe.
   "Minglei, what's the situation?" Xiao Yi asked in a daze.
   "The deity, lack of energy, naturally cannot leave here."
   "Then how do we get out of here?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
   "The deity and the Gaia elements operate in different ways. We can actually speed up and leave here at any time."
   "Sincere can continue to open up a layer of space, but this way, I am afraid we will really enter the unknown world."
   "Unknown world?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
   "Yes, the deity, currently we can break the space barriers from the macro world, and then reach beyond the limits of the law."
   "But if we repeat this, we might survive the cracks in space."
   "Why?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
   "The deity, the space interval is too large. After our transition this time, if it is a planetary level, it is okay, if it is a dusty level."
   "Is there a way to know the specific situation of the surrounding space?" Xiao Yi was a little urgent.
   "The deity currently has no way. We can only get the surrounding energy faster and increase the volume of the Gaia element as soon as possible."
   "Then how long will this take?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
   "My deity, the time rules of this universe have changed again. With reference to our acquired cosmic bodies, I am afraid we have lived here for a moment, which is hundreds of millions of years."
   "So, doesn't it take endless years before we know where this space is?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"Yes, the deity has a large span of space. This is why I did not recommend that the deity has too large a span. Although we can all grow up quickly, if there is no energy ladder in the current interval, our growth is actually Progressively."
   At this moment, a picture is projected next to Xiao Yi, and it is the Gaia element that is fusing the surrounding elements.
   The size of the Gaia universe is also rapidly increasing.
   "Minglei, if this way down, the size of our Gaia universe should increase quickly." Xiao Yi said.
   "Yes, the size of our Gaia universe has increased hundreds of thousands of times. What's more important is that these worlds are filled with Gaia elements, and there is no life."
   "What? What's going on?" Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were a little startled.
   "The deity, the universe that can exist exactly like ours, is very rare."
   "Minglei, we won't encounter accidents again, right?" Lu Xuexin said worriedly.
   "The deity, the surrounding space is very safe, and now we can quickly increase our energy level by geometric multiples."
   "Minglei, since this is the ion world, then we have actually obtained the speed of light in this world." Xiao Yi said.
   "Yes, the deity, but our time calculation, there is actually a huge gap with this world."
   "What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
   "If you want to fly out of here, time may be recorded in hundreds of billions of years."
   "So we are accelerating the transformation of Gaia’s microcosm to adapt to the spatial environment here."
   "Sure enough, every time you go to the Dao macroscopic world, there will be a geometric multiple of time concept improvement." Xiao Yi frowned.
   "Minglei, in this universe, that is to say we can't grasp the power of super-light speed?" Xiao Yi said.
   "From the current stage, unless we reach the level of the universe behind us, using its volume as a lever, perhaps we can achieve the ability to exceed the current speed of light."
   Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
   "Minglei, I understand what you mean, then try to absorb the origin."
   "Yes, the deity."
   The size of the Gaia universe is also rapidly increasing.
   "Minglei, if this way down, the size of our Gaia universe should increase quickly." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, stupid deity. At present, the volume of our Gaia universe has increased hundreds of thousands of times. What's more important is that these worlds are all Gaia elements, and there is no life. "
   "What? What's going on?" Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were a little startled.
   "The deity, the universe that can exist exactly like ours, is very rare."
   "Minglei, we won't encounter accidents again, right?" Lu Xuexin said worriedly.
   "The deity, the surrounding space is very safe, and now we can quickly increase our energy level by geometric multiples."
   "Minglei, since this is the ion world, then we have actually obtained the speed of light in this world." Xiao Yi said.
   "Yes, the deity, but our time calculation, there is actually a huge gap with this world."
   "What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
   "If you want to fly out of here, time may be recorded in hundreds of billions of years."
   "So we are accelerating the transformation of Gaia’s microcosm to adapt to the spatial environment here."
   "Sure enough, every time you go to the Dao macroscopic world, there will be a geometric multiple of time concept improvement." Xiao Yi frowned.
   "Minglei, in this universe, that is to say we can't grasp the power of super-light speed?" Xiao Yi said.
   "From the current stage, unless we reach the level of the universe behind us, using its volume as a lever, perhaps we can achieve the ability to exceed the current speed of light."
   Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
   "Minglei, I understand what you mean, then try to absorb the origin."
   "Yes, the deity."
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