Chapter 366: Light is the normal speed of time.

Chapter 366 is the normal speed of time alone.
"Then what do you think time is, time is the kinetic energy generated by the friction of the heaven and earth magnetic field."
"Once this magnetic field stops, we will stop there, just like the void."
"But within that realm, why can people reset infinitely?"
"Because the space within the entire enchantment is isolated into an energy realm, and the laws of the energy realm are formulated by the creator."
"It's like your space of consciousness. If you want to make anything, you can do it." After hearing what his father said to himself, Xiao Yi has a completely new concept of time.
"Father, what power is that driving our time again?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"You know more about Aunt Ziyun than I do. You might as well ask her." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Ziyun the next moment.
"Hehe, since you want to know that I will fulfill your wish, as the consciousness of Mars Gaia, Mars’ orbit is fixed for billions of years, but this is from the perspective of me, but I tell you, actually The orbit is changing all the time, the entire solar system is orbiting the galaxy, and it is always changing. This is very simple. The earth revolves around the sun, as does Mars, but the sun also has its own orbit There is no reference in the solar system.
"The Milky Way is also turning. The universe is constantly turning, and the source of power is the original force of the universe."
"The transformation of matter and energy can also be understood as matter space and energy space.",
At the center of the universe, there are two extremely powerful magnetic fields. You can also understand that it is two sides of a magnetic field. Everything is attracted to it, and it wanders around in the universe to produce more magnetic fields. This is the universe I understand starting point.
"All sources of power come from these two initial magnetic fields, one releasing matter and one absorbing energy.
"In human understanding, you can understand black holes and white holes."
"Energy makes white holes, and matter makes black holes."
"Material is born in a white hole, energy is born in a black hole.",
And time is energy constantly transforming matter and matter constantly transforming energy.
"Humans live in energy fields, such as oxygen, without oxygen, and oxygen is the most basic substance in the universe. It can be born no matter where it is, and it can find the substance that gave birth to it."
"A planet with time must have energy flowing, and a planet without energy must have no time."
"Energy bodies are born from the volatility of matter. The volatilization of matter inevitably causes a magnetic field effect. Light is not bound by the magnetic field, and heavy is bound by the magnetic field, and it becomes material again."
"It's the same as water condensing into ice."
"There is no time without life, no time without wisdom, and time will be born with wisdom."
"Time is created by life." At this moment Ziyun looked at Xiao Yi with Xiao Yi.
When hearing this, Xiao Yi always felt a little weird.
"Then what are we doing with these experiments?"
"It's the same as humans putting animals and plants into space to experiment."
"Different energy environments can create mutations in plants. When special energy is drawn, natural plants will change differently."
"Your lightning time, as I understand it, actually controls the flow of energy in the other person's body."
"Without the flow of energy, time has stopped."
"Aunt Ziyun, thank you, you made me understand a lot." Xiao Yi now had a vague concept of time.
"Father, is this experiment a failure, is it because there is no way to control the flow of energy?"
"It's true, I can't cut off the flush of energy."
"Father, maybe this is what I can do."
"So, this is why I came here to do this experiment." After hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little speechless.
"Dad, you know everything."
"Your dad, you've grown old. You lied to me to fight for him." Zi Yun's words immediately made Xiao Yi's friends behind him look at the two people a little surprised.
"Ahem, I just hope that Aunt Ziyun is free, and it took so long to predict the direction." Hearing this, Xiao Yi caught a little bit.
"Father foretold?"
"Although I can't grasp the time, I can see the energy trajectory."
"Speaking and pointing at Xiao Yi, so I can succeed with your help in the next experiment." Xiao Yi was speechless at this moment.
"Well, boy, don't pretend to be garlic with you, please help me finish this experiment." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded silently.
Suddenly the team members looked at the scene in front of them funny.
"Tianhao sent a robot in, but the next moment Xiao Changyun said to the identity watch."
At the next moment ~ ~ several robots rushed through the time channel.
A few robots quickly planted on the ground.
Within a few minutes, the robot had left again.
"Well, Xiao Yi has finished planting, and it's up to you." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little weird.
"what should I do?"
"Wait a while, watch the plants grow, and use your lightning time to wrap those plants." Xiao Yi nodded when he heard what Xiao Changyun said.
At the next moment, Xiao Changyun spoke to the identity watch.
"Turn on 5000 level acceleration." As Xiao Changyun said, the ground quickly moved.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly began to release his lightning energy. With the increase of lightning energy, Xiao Yi first wrapped the surrounding dome, surrounding and even underground, leaving only a small passage.
Soon Xiao Yi saw the mushrooms on the ground again. However, Xiao Changyun was trying to make up for Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi immediately understood that he immediately cut off the connection between this space and the whole world with lightning time.
"Xiao Yi, you did a great job." Xiao Changyun then walked off those plants.
"Xiao Yi recovered their time." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately followed suit.
The next moment Xiao Yi discovered those plants, Xiao Yi found that time actually returned to normal.
"Sure enough, the speed of light is the normal flow rate of time." Xiao Yi was surprised at hearing this.
"Dad, what are you doing?"
"Haha, it's okay. You are awesome, son, and finally let my dad know the secret of time."
"That's it?" Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Changyun nodded immediately.
"What is the use?"
"This is the truth, you will understand it later." (To be continued.)
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