Chapter 56: Mysterious Giant Bloodline

As the lightning ball illuminate the underground parking lot, the surrounding scenes immediately caught the eyes of everyone in Xiao Yi's team.
The surrounding scenery is mainly load-bearing columns and some cars, but now these cars are a bit horrible and have been maliciously destroyed, and some even the entire car was broken by something heavy.
However, Xiao Yi and others did not find any trace of the existence of heavy objects around, which made everyone extremely confused.
"Is it a zombie?" It was Lu Xuexin who made the sound.
"It doesn't feel like it's impossible for zombies to destroy all the cars like this," Xiao Yi said with great certainty.
"Is that human?" Lu Xuexin's doubts were not over, and Li Yunhe seemed to have found something.
"Have you heard any sounds?" At this, everyone held their breath and felt the sounds around them with their own means.
Hold for one second, two seconds, three seconds ... Twenty seconds passed, and finally someone spoke.
"It seems that someone came over, but the steps seemed a little special. The heaviness of the steps seemed to be getting a little bit bigger, not the kind of sound that gets louder when approaching, but the object, which seemed to get heavier ..." Tang Yunfeng, who made these remarks, felt that his remarks were strange, but he described them in his own words according to the fluctuations coming from space.
"Did you feel it with abilities?" Xiao Yi whispered.
Tang Yunfeng nodded immediately, seeing Xiao Yi dare not delay.
"Xue Xin, quickly use your mental strength to take a closer look."
"I see."
Lu Xuexin began to exert her mental exploration power with all her strength, and spread the entire space around her with her spiritual power. Lu Xuexin quickly discovered something.
"It's strange ..." However, she hasn't waited for Lu Xuexin to say anything. A loud roar was heard, ringing through the entire underground parking lot.
Everyone was taken aback by the sound. Xiao Yi subconsciously threw a lightning ball in the direction of roaring.
"Ready to fight!" Xiao Yi shouted.
As the lightning ball flew to the darkness, Xiao Yi and others soon saw the master who made a huge roar.
肖 Under the control of Xiao Yi, the lightning ball instantly changed direction in the air, and hit the huge figure directly, and then the lightning ball attached to him, emitting blue electric mansions constantly.
However, the scene that surprised Xiao Yi happened. After eating the enhanced lightning ball of Xiao Yi, the huge figure just trembled slightly, his pace still moved forward definitely, although it seemed to be affected. . But ... he was still moving.
At this moment Lu Xuexin's voice sounded.
"What the is Xiao Yi, why do I feel his body is constantly growing tall?"
"This ..." Xiao Yi didn't know what to say, at this moment Xiao Yi also noticed the problem Lu Xuexin said.
Obviously this is not as simple as the ordinary power zombies, because his body is constantly being enlarged.
Xiao Xiaoyi even speculated that he would be able to grow to 10 meters and directly hit the top of an underground parking lot.
The huge monster hit by Xiao Yi at this moment, the electric light on his body is still flashing, illuminating everything around the monster.
"This guy is actually immune to my lightning ball." Xiao Yi was helpless at the moment.
"After all, your lightning ball has also slowed down, my ice bomb seems to be empty." Li Yunhe's face was a little red when he said this.
"But this guy is still moving after all." Xiao Yi said with some worry.
"Xiao Yi don't worry, we have so many people. Can't we solve such a monster?" Lu Xuexin on the side cheered.
Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this, Xiao Yi was not worried about it, but just felt that his attacking methods seemed a bit single.
However, what Xiao Yi didn't notice is that the speed of this huge figure dazzling with electric light is gradually returning to normal, and he also slowly approached Xiao Yi and others.
As this huge figure approached, everyone also saw the true face of this huge figure.
This is actually a humanoid, but everyone is not sure he is human.
"How this guy looks so weird." Lu Xuexin was very surprised at the moment.
"Yeah! So ugly!" Ding Hao nodded in agreement.
"It's really ugly enough." Li Yunhe also interjected.
"Well, don't say so elegantly, this thing can't be described by ugliness, do you think he is human mutant?" Hearing Xiao Yi's voice, Tang Yunfeng had doubts.
"Xiao Yi, what do you mean, this is a brand new mutant zombie?"
"It's possible!" Xiao Yi was a little worried now.
"How can there be such a terrible monster?" Lu Xuexin obviously could not understand what kind of person could become like this.
Xiao Yi thought for a while: "This thing should still belong to the power-type zombies, but it seems to be three meters taller than Tang Jun when he turned. The most important thing is that his body always seems to grow slowly." Yi also had some doubts.
"Did he and I be the same from the beginning?" When Xiao Yi had this doubt, Ding Hao seemed to find something.
"Boss, what do you think he is holding in his hand? It didn't seem to have just now!" Everyone heard Ding Hao's reminder and looked intently.
At first glance, Xiao Yi's face immediately became ugly, and everyone at UU Reading also changed his face. In the hands of this huge monster, I don't know when a huge leg bone was added. "
"Only what kind of person can have such a leg bone, giant?"
腿 This leg bone is 4 meters long and is being held in the hand by this weird giant monster.
The next moment Xiao Yi hurried to ask Gaia in his heart.
"Gaia, what exactly is this, and why is there such a huge monster?" Xiao Yi asked Gaia in his heart at this moment.
"Don't be surprised, that's a human awakened by the giant blood."
"What the is that?"
"It is an ancient bloodline, hidden among ordinary people. When the world and the sea change dramatically, their bloodline will be released again."
"Be careful with the bone in his hand, it is likely to be a psionicist-like weapon!"
I heard Xiao Yi immediately realized the problem.
大家 "Everyone move back, don't get too close to him, the weapon is weird."
I heard Xiao Yi's prompt, everyone started moving backwards.
When the giant discovered that these humans started to move backwards, the giant immediately ignored Xiao Yi's lightning ball and began to run wild.
Xiao Xiaoyi saw this scene and immediately threw two larger lightning in the past. However, Xiao Yi found that the weapon in the hand of the giant monster had begun to emit a milky light at this moment, and gradually wrapped up the monster.
PS (PS: I accidentally overdid it, there is still a chapter today, seeking collections, recommendations, members click)
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