Chapter 723: Heaven and earth instinct

Xiao Yi noticed this look, and immediately asked it out.
"Is there anything wrong?"
"No." Maybach shook his head.
"In this case, then I will open the entrance to the astral world for me to take a look. I am curious about this world." Xiao Yi said.
Hearing this, Maybach shook his head again.
"To enter the astral world, you must return to Heta City, where I have the key to the astral world." After hearing this, although Xiao Yi was a little confused, he nodded.
"It doesn't matter, don't worry, I have a lot of secrets to explore when I come to this world."
"Just wait a moment, sir." Xiao Yi nodded.
But at this moment Maybach chose to leave and leave Xiao Yi's room.
"Grandpa, who is Xiao Yi? Why is it so great?"
"In my opinion, it's at least God's level."
"Grandpa, if he was a god, would he still be interested in a broken godhead?"
"I don't know about it, but I can't help showing it to him. After all, that thing is there as well. No one in our family can use it."
"Oh-" said Maybach with a sigh.
"Minglei, what do you say will be in the so-called astral world?"
"My dear, I think that it may be an energy world, not the astral world they call. After all, we have also entered a lot of energy world, and the energy world itself is another name of the spiritual world.
"Everything is made of spirit. Whether he is a or a human, he will live in the spirit realm. The area is only the density of the spiritual body. According to our understanding, it is the density of space. For the people here, maybe the astral world is sleeping. Place, but not to us, we can still get elements there, and there will be no less, we can discover a more microscopic world. "
"Will we get anything there?"
"My family, you don't need to worry about it. The harvest is definitely there, but you don't know what it is."
"But it seems that Black Tower City is what it is now because it is because of something wrong with the astral world."
"Minglei, what is the astral world?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"It ’s subspace, just a larger subspace, as if a universe is infinitely large. You can also understand it as an anti-universe, an endless nothingness, but for the universe itself, nothing is actually there. He is also part of it, otherwise he would not exist. "
"It's like holding an apple in my hand, but at this moment it disappears. Although the apple disappears, the apple still exists. For us, as long as we trace the time there, it is simply the micro world Looking back, we may be able to find deeper secrets. "
"I'm relieved to hear you say this." At this moment, Xiao Yi had a vague sense that he would never return empty-handed to the astral world.
"What is Xuexin doing now?"
"Inside the female lead, outside the male lead, now she's helping you unify the world." Xiao Yi was a little surprised at hearing this.
"Minglei, have you carried me on something that I don't know?"
"The time flow speeds up a bit, the others are nothing, and this is mainly because you have to chat with me.
"What is Xuexin doing?" Xiao Yi then opened a dream door directly in front of him, and went straight in.
Instantly Xiao Yi was in his own small world.
"At this moment in time, there is an obvious change from the past. Last time Minglei collected that original space, now Xiao Yi finds that his world has actually grown a lot, even a bit endless.
"Minglei, what happened, how could it grow so much at once?"
"The evolution of material life energy, these three has accelerated the evolution of the small world."
"Is there any difference now?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"There have been many, many different lives. Some are eliminated and others are born. This seems to be a kind of reincarnation. New species are constantly being created, and only the most suitable life is left in the end."
The situation that appeared in front of Xiao Yi at the moment really shocked Xiao Yi, because many planets appeared green, as long as the planet is basically green, what surprised Xiao Yi most is that many green planets have huge energy on them. reflect.
"Why, so many planets have awakened Gaia's consciousness?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.
"Author, yes." After Xiao Yi's search only, he quickly found Lu Xuexin's clue.
"What is Xuexin doing?" Lu Xuexin appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness but stood in front of Ding Hao, pointing at a forest and saying something.
"Holy deity, this is planting trees, planting trees and afforestation. Many Gaia were born because of these trees."
"Yes, plants are the most primitive life, so trees should also be regarded as a source. Trees can combine matter and energy to give birth to life, which is the tree itself.
"Is this useful?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity you are referring to is the influence on the planet itself. This is of course useful. Taoism one, two life two, two life three. It seems that the process of one life two can be reversed, but it is actually wrong Otherwise, there will be no two births and three births, and the life of the tree itself is to send matter deeper into the source ~ ~ even the tree itself is a special one, a special two In simple terms, wood is a collection of matter and energy. "
"So for these planets, because of this evolution, one is that the energy is increasing, and the matter is also increasing, because the density is not uniform, and the wood accelerates the cycle of energy. Such an ecological star is very easy for a planet to form Gaia Conscious. "
"How to judge whether a planet has Gaia consciousness?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"There is a stable supply and demand schedule, such as when it rains and when it is dry. This is the basic form of Gaia's consciousness."
"The general level of intelligence in Gaia consciousness is not high, or more like the embodiment of the rules themselves."
"As the spirit sword said, the three people in the heavens and the earth are all spirits. That ’s why there is a practice that integrates human consciousness with the Gaia consciousness of the planet itself. The higher energy world, the world where Gaia's consciousness is, can be regarded as the immortal world. "
"Heaven and earth originally only had rules, but when the immortal and the Tao were united, they naturally acquired the rules of wisdom, which accelerated the birth of the rules. This is exactly what the myths and legends do.
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