Chapter 777: Door to Dreamland (Origin)

"Did you destroy it?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi fell into meditation at once.
Immediately, he closed his eyes again.
"Minglei, mobilize the holographic view of this fortress star."
"Yes, deity."
But at the next moment, Xiao Yi carefully observed the fortress star in the state of conscious space.
"Father, what kind of weapon attack was this fortress star at that time?"
"It is a thermonuclear weapon. Generally, meteorites with a diameter of less than 200 kilometers rely on this.
"But father, you didn't destroy that star?"
"Yes, the star disappeared directly after the nuclear bomb exploded. Although in theory, it would not disappear."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi's brow frowned again.
And just then, Lu Xuexin came over.
"Xiao Yi, what are you doing?"
"Father says he has seen this figure."
Hearing this, Lu Xuexin was also a bit surprised. But then, she seemed to think of something again.
"By the way, Xiao Yi. I have new power to read material memories."
"What do you mean?"
"It is as long as I use this power to convey to a substance, and the experience of that substance will be shown in a way I can understand."
"Is there any problem with the use of this power?"
Xiao Yi asked with some worry.
"Please be assured that there is no danger. I can do it."
Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
In the next moment, Lu Xuexin's hands immediately gathered a gray light ball. Moreover, the interior of this light sphere, and white light dots flickered from time to time.
"are you ready?"
Upon hearing her, Xiao Yi and Xiao Changyun both nodded.
At the next moment, a portal rose gradually on the ground.
Looking ahead, this is a gray portal. And in the middle, in addition to gray, there is a silver sheen flashing from time to time.
"Well, this is the door to my dream."
Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately took a step forward and went straight in.
Subsequently, Xiao Changyun and Lu Xuexin also quickly entered.
As the three entered, the door of this dream disappeared magically from its original place ...
In a dim space, Xiao Yi looked at the surrounding scenery with a strange look.
This is a world composed of seven orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple lines. The dense color lines fill his entire field of vision.
"what is this?"
Xiao Yi looked strangely at Lu Xuexin.
"This is the door to my dream. Don't worry, this is not normal time."
"Then here?"
"The nuclear world!"
"What are those different colors?"
In this regard, Xiao Yi is obviously somewhat confused.
"It's fissioning, all kinds of matter in different cycles."
"It's so unreal here!"
But at the moment, Xiao Changyun couldn't help sighing.
"Father, this is the elemental world of the physical world, so it will be a lot different from the real elemental world. Actually, energy is not here, but we can directly observe energy in the physical world. To the special place of the gate of dreams, it can look at the microcosms. "
"The movements of the microcosm can be found, so I said that we can trace certain memories from here, and I also have a special ability, which is the combination of my dream power and this dream power, the substance itself Will be directly presented to us. "
"So Xuexin, what can we see?"
"This is easy." The next moment Xiao Yi and Xiao Changyun discovered that the things in front of them were gradually blurred.
Soon Xiao Yi found that his vision had been distorted at this moment, and then scenes like dreams appeared in Xiao Yi's vision.
In the picture, a purple aperture appears first, and a white dot appears in the aperture. At first, the white dot is small, but it is slowly becoming larger. As this white dot becomes larger, Xiao Yi finds himself As if coming to an earth blue space.
The light in the sky was a little dim, but what appeared to Xiao Yi was a fixed world.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised, because in this world Xiao Yi has discovered that only himself can move, everything else is immobile.
"What on earth is this?" Xiao Yi asked, but at the moment Xiao Yi could not see Xiao Changyun and Lu Xuexin, but the next moment, Lu Xuexin's voice came.
"I don't know, but it's really amazing here, come with me." The picture that the voice dropped was already cleaned up.
It was a bit slow at the beginning, but as time went by, time accelerated quickly little by little.
Then the blue space without a season suddenly moved quickly ~ ~ It didn't take long, the whole space flashed suddenly, and then the whole fortress star appeared a kind of green. , The green has been maintained, but after a while, the screen has become metallic again.
"What's going on?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"It's time to reach a reincarnation." At the moment Lu Xuexin frowned.
"Please wait a moment." At the next moment, Xiao Yi found that the scene in his vision gradually became clear.
What appeared to be in front of Xiao Yi was a green fog, but at this moment Xiao Yi had already seen it clearly. This was the green fog Xiao Xiao had seen before.
But seeing all this, Xiao Yi was already frowning.
"Xue Xin, isn't this what the planet looked like before?"
"Yes, Xiao Yi, but I can only seem to find so many memories." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"Xue Xin slowed down the picture, this picture is different from what we see!"
"Did you find anything?"
"Yes, but we must leave here first."
"Xue Xin, how can we leave here?"
"Please wait." The next moment the picture stopped.
Then there were lines again, and the next moment, Xiao Yi found that his vision was blurred again. After flashing again, Xiao Yi found that he had returned to the fortress star.
"Did you find anything?"
At the next moment, Xiao Changyun waved his hand, and suddenly a surge of light appeared.
Then a light ball appeared in the picture, but the light ball began to flash.
Soon Xiao Yi did not capture more than three primary colors. With the appearance of these three colors, a picture was also drawn by Xiao Changyun.
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