Chapter 916: 2 Demon Advent

"Minglei, what's going on,"
"It is the entanglement of origin, or the collision of origin.
"How do we solve our current problem?" Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.
"My dear, I recommend controlling all the demon zombies around the world."
"Ming Lei quickly do it." Xiao Yi, however, gave Meng Lei an authorization.
And at the next moment, the entire consciousness space was suddenly flashed by a golden light, and the whole consciousness space was filled with gold everywhere, and then a white light shot out of these golden awns.
The black in front of Xiao Yi was gradually diminishing.
"Can I fight?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
At this moment, the corners and corners of Xiao Yi's world are falling, and huge lightnings, as if they can penetrate the void, one by one, infected humans disappear out of thin air.
"My dear, is there any problem with the Titans?" Xiao Yi was surprised when he heard this.
"What's the reason?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"The deity is because the lightning energy contained in the body of the Titans is hundreds of times that of ordinary life, so they are basically not affected."
"Do you mean, I won't be infected?"
"Yes, deity."
"Then my lightning can clear the virus from them?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"My dear, the virus can clean up, but its soul may not be able to remain intact."
"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked a bit erratically.
"Our deities, their souls have begun to mutate, or have been modified, or even devoured and merged into this demon soul."
At the next moment, Xiao Yi projected a creature in front of him.
"This is a demon! The legendary demon? What's going on?" Xiao Yi said a little bit wrongly.
"I don't know, but we just accidentally broke into the demonic world."
"This should be where the devil was born."
"My dear, here it is again." As the voice fell, the roar again came from all over the world.
"What happened?"
"Master, some primitive creatures have mutated."
"Boom" a loud noise, but a huge ancient rhino hit a wall of a building.
At this moment, the rhino has two more horns, and the skin has turned black with red light. The hoof is like stepping on the lava and touching the ground. The ground actually started to spread flames. .
"Damn, all creatures are demonizing."
"Minglei, is there no way to cut off the connection here with that world?"
"The deity, keep going, it's already in your conscious space."
"What?" Just the next moment, Xiao Yi found a huge black sphere in his conscious space. "
"What is going on?" Xiao Yi asked.
"My dear, I don't know, but it suddenly came in."
"Damn!" Xiao Yi was a little crazy now.
"Minglei, what should we do?"
"My deity, according to my observations, is similar in nature to the brain nucleus, but it is too large. Each element is a life, that is, a demon."
"According to my guess, this mutation cannot be terminated unless we can obtain the internal authority of this black brain nucleus."
"How long will it take?" Xiao Yi urged.
"I don't know, the power of time may be faster if it works, but ..."
"Intercepting the beams of light he emitted cannot keep those beams close to the planet of life." With Xiao Yi's orders, it was all lightning, and even the power of time, all began to intercept these beams of light.
At the next moment, each phantom was imprisoned in the air.
"What is that?" Xiao Yi frowned at the moment.
"It's the soul of a demon." I saw countless heads floating among the masses of energy, and it even made a harsh buzzing sound.
"The deity, this buzz is called the magic sound. Once the soul resonates with it, its soul will gradually change its essence under the resonance of this demon soul, that is, the instinct of the soul will then form a space suitable for the devil to live in. At this time, this soul group will drop a demon soul. Let the demon will enter its body. "Hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes flashed a sense of killing.
"Kill it all."
"Respect, no. Each group of souls has hundreds of billions of souls. Yes, this is a large collection of demonic species. If the energy in these demonic souls can be separated, they can also become ordinary human beings. If If I can capture them, I suggest breaking them down first, otherwise we ca n’t completely solve the problem here, and we are still capturing the original soul. So many people have died in our world this time, and we always have to recover some interest.

"Okay, okay, hurry!" Xiao Yi urged.
"At this moment in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, there is a scene of spectacle. In the space, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple brilliance is shot from the black universe brain core, but it will be the power of time in Xiao Yi's moment. freeze.
And in the next moment, a stream of black brilliance was condensed, and then swept directly towards the frozen demonic souls. The white light of the power of time was only a slight touch. Xiao Yi felt only in front of his eyes. A flower. Then the next moment, the white light had disappeared from the place.
"My dear, this thing can resist the rules of time. The rules of time have no effect on it."
"Split it with lightning." Xiao Yi shouted.
Hearing Xiao Yi's roar, everyone around looked strangely at Xiao Yi.
"Xiao Yi ~ ~ What happened?" Xiao Changyun urged Xiao Yi at this moment to ask.
"Father, things are serious, I must send you to a safe place."
"My dear, I do not recommend that you open any space entrance. If you do this, you may bring endless disasters to other worlds."
"What do you mean? Endless disasters? Aren't these demons?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"My dear, you have forgotten that in the void in front of you, there are a lot of chaotic matter. Among these chaotic matter, there are countless worlds. Now these worlds are basically infected with these viruses. Once these viruses pass, With such channels expanded, it is likely that all the world will enter the end. "
"So what do we do?" Xiao Yi hurriedly asked.
"Our deity, the energy of this thing belongs to the extreme of things. Now we have no way to completely block this thing. Once Pandora's box is opened, it will be difficult to close it."
"Then we have to bear it all here?"
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