Chapter 931: Original instinct

"Yeah, I feel like this thing is mine. Dust ↑ Yuan ↓ Wen Yan Xue? Net" After hearing this, the crystal flew to Lu Xuexin the next moment.
Then Lu Xuexin began to touch with her hands.
"Weng", Lu Xuexin's body flashed green instantly.
And at the next moment, a cyan wind filled the surrounding world.
The next breath of life began to be born around. Green grass grows from the ground.
Xiao Yi saw this scene, but thoughtfully.
"Xue Xin, intelligent?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.
Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin nodded.
"Yes, but this wisdom will not affect my thinking, just a kind, very simple, they like me very much." Lu Xuexin said happily.
"What are these little grasses?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion. For all of this, Xiao Yi was a little confused, what was going on.
"I can't say clearly, but it seems that this crystal appeared to transform the world."
"Ah?" Xiao Yi was surprised.
"The deity, this possibility, is the reward given to us by the source world."
"Aren't we the masters of the origin?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Origin, although we are the owners of the origin, there are also unexpected factors in the origin."
"Obviously this is an incentive after the rules were born."
Hearing here, Xiao Yi frowned.
"I always find it bad."
"My dear, I am also investigating this matter, and I believe that the cause will be found soon."
"Hurry up to find this information. I don't want my world to not take control of me, and some wisdom appears somehow."
"Yes, deity."
"Xiao Yi, look at it, this flower is so beautiful." While Xiao Yi and Ming Lei were talking, Lu Xuexin's feet had already grown many purple flowers.
"It's really beautiful." Lu Xuexin sighed and said, but after holding Xiao Yi, she started to run farther away.
At this moment there was a large purple light.
The two came to this flower soon.
These purple flowers emit white light and look very strange.
And at the next moment, the elf flew from these flowers.
When Xiao Yi saw these elves, Xiao Yi had a familiar feeling.
"This is the Lightning Elf, but how can the Lightning Elf become so huge and still appear in my eyes."
"My dear, these are not real Lightning Elves, but they inherit the power of Lightning. According to my opinion, these should be called purple electric flowers."
"Is it the lightning flower? It's really beautiful."
These purple electricity elves are not real elemental elves, they are just like elemental elves.
"Oh." Xiao Yi nodded, but the next moment, Xiao Yi's hand came a pulling force again.
"Xue Xin, where are you going?" The next moment, Xiao Yi suddenly saw a large piece of green in front of him, but it was a kind of golden plant.
"This ..." Ming Lei, what is going on here, and what is the crystal that Xuexin just fused? "
"Respect, that's the source of life."
"Is the origin of life the function to make the ground covered with this strange plant?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"Of course not. These plants are not ordinary. They contain a lot of elements. These plants can convert other energy into specific elements."
"You can understand these as elemental flowers, producing elemental flowers, so these things can be rare and rare good things."
"Then he grew up like this?" Xiao Yi was a little speechless.
At this moment, Lu Xuexin was running around constantly, but with the movement, green plants grew rapidly around.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi felt that Lu Xuexin was a bit wrong.
"Xue Xin, are you okay?" Lu Xuexin turned to hear Xiao Yi's voice.
"Everything is fine, nothing better than it is now."
"What are you doing now, why are you focusing on these things?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"It's not that I focus on these things, but that I have to plant it right now. I have a feeling that we will stay here for a while."
"Oh." Xiao Yi nodded.
"Well, Xiao Yi, let's play. I want to study this crystal thoroughly." After hearing this, Xiao Yi found that Lu Xuexin had run away.
"My dear, there is nothing wrong with that crystal."
"Well, there is no problem, I really worry about what's wrong." Looking at Lu Xuexin's happily jumping, Xiao Yi's heart could not help but have some happiness.
"My dear, as long as Xuexin is fine, everything will be fine."
"Yes, Minglei, still know me."
"Origin, now the outside world has basically merged into a large one."
"All merged?"
"Yes, deity, the fusion is worse than some of ours."
"We worked so hard, they merged so easily?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"The deity, it ’s not, the rules of the origin world have changed, maybe because we changed, so they changed. We merge into one big, and the other will be affected by us. How old we are, they naturally change How big, the only difference is the internal life, they are not the original life, so they are not affected by the original life. "
Hearing Ming Lei's words, Xiao Yi nodded thoughtfully.
At this moment in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, there is a huge change in the environment, but Xue Xin has disappeared from Xiao Yi's sight at this moment.
"My dear, Xuexin has run to the edge of this world."
"Oh, Xiao Yi nodded at this."
But at this moment Xiao Yi felt a trembling in his conscious space ~ ~, Xiao Yi only felt that his conscious space seemed to be broken, but it was suddenly shaken.
At the next moment, Xiao Yi froze. Because he clearly felt that the space of consciousness seemed to have changed.
At this moment, the entire conscious space is more completely white.
"What is this?" Xiao Yi was a little bit surprised by the sudden change.
"It is the reward of the deity by the rules of instinct."
"It's weird. I feel the space of consciousness is different than before."
"Yes, dear, this difference will continue."
"How did you find out?"
"The deity does not feel too much abnormal, but the density of the element of conscious space in the deity seems to have increased."
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