Chapter 942: New world

"Isn't I dead?" Xiao Yi said worriedly. Dust, Fate, Literature × Study
"My deity's memory is my memory. As long as I don't disappear, the deity will not disappear."
"What about Xuexin?"
"The deity is the same. I will replace the highest body with the deity and Xuexin in accordance with the rules of the source world."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"In this case, let's go in." Said, it was pulling the landing Xuexin into the current of this space.
Xiao Yi felt only numb all over his body, and his consciousness burst out of the body in an instant. Then I just felt that this space was like my own consciousness space. Actually, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin did not know how many times they had become larger in two moments.
"This ..." Lu Xuexin, you looked at your body just a little surprised.
At this moment, the two bodies had dissolved rapidly and then disappeared.
"Respect, here you will build your brand new body."
"Are we still human?" Xiao Yi asked at this moment with some worry.
"Originally human."
"What's that?" Xiao Yi asked with some doubt.
"An immortal person can live in the source world."
After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.
Although the body shapes of the two are a little illusory at this moment, they are staring at any time.
"Ming Lei, what exactly is this place?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"The deity, this is the created space specially designed for the deity, which will encompass the entire source world in the future."
"Then how long will Xuexin and I be here?"
"My dear, this is a difficult question to answer. If there is no accident, it will be instantaneous, but if it is slow, it may take trillions of years."
"One trillion years?" Xiao Yi was a little confused by this statement.
"The deity, if the deity becomes the original life, first the soul will live in the soul space. In this way, I need to completely recalculate the cultivation of the soul. Hesitation across the latitude is too large, it must require complex calculations. The volume is as big as the world far away, so the body of the deity must be enlarged by hundreds of millions. "
"Do you mean, Xuexin and I will break out of the shell again from a white egg?"
"Yes, the reason for saying that billions of years is in the state of the deity's awakening, if the deity is awake, it is already the moment of eggshell formation." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Xuexin .
"Then they fell asleep immediately.
It was dim, and the two were at the moment a platform in a huge void. No one could see here, but at this moment Gaia was constantly injecting energy into their souls.
10 times, 100 times, 1000 times ... I don't know how long it has been, but at this moment it has grown to billions of times, but the origin of this world has been absorbed.
This Gaia was once transferred to Xiao Yi's consciousness space.
And Lu Xuexin's body also became an extension of Gaia's space.
"Master, wake up, master wake up." I don't know how long, but Ming Lei's voice came again.
"What happened? Minglei."
"The deity is almost done." Xiao Yi opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this.
But it was white.
"What's this? Just touch it, but Xiao Yi feels a body close to himself."
Touched by Xiao Yi's hand, Lu Xuexin opened her eyes immediately.
"What happened?" Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi in doubt.
"It seems to be done."
"Minglei, what are we going to do now?"
"Break through this barrier, the deity and Xuexin will enter a new world."
"..." Xiao Yi and the two looked at each other.
"What's that outside?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.
"Unclear, Gaia cannot detect." Xiao Yi frowned instantly when she heard this.
"It can't be detected, what can't we break, Minglei?"
"According to my analysis, this thing is an eggshell, but it really can't be opened with my strength."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little speechless, but then reached out and touched.
At the next moment, Xiao Yi couldn't believe it, because the eggshell actually listed it.
A flash of light came in instantly.
"What's that?" Xiao Yi looked at a large light ball next to him in doubt.
"Our deity, the energy reflection of this thing is very abnormal." Xiao Yi looked around in confusion.
Xiao Yi frowned momentarily, because at this moment Xiao Yi appeared in a tree hole.
"What is this place?" Xiao Yi grotesquely emerged from the eggshell.
Then he pulled up Lu Xuexin.
Both looked at the surrounding space with a little confusion.
"How is that possible? We have become human again."
"Yes, Xiao Yi, have we played?" Xiao Yi shook his head.
"No way, there must be a secret here."
"Where has my lightning power gone?"
"The deity, the power of lightning can still be used, but there are very few elements in the deity's body.
"Why are there so few?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity, if only one deity is constructed, the deity will have more energy, but the deity constructs two bodies, so the energy is not sufficient."
"Then we are in danger in this unknown place?"
"The body of the deity is not the body of ordinary life. It is the source body. Even in any world, it should have a certain degree of self-protection."
"That's good." Xiao Yi then looked at Lu Xuexin.
"Xue Xin, let's go out from here." As he said, he pulled the landing and Xue Xin was leaving.
"The deity's eggshell must be received in the space of consciousness. That kind of material is too rare." After hearing this, Xiao Yi, although a little confused, also walked over.
Only the next moment, Xiao Yi's hand flashed a weak electric spark.
The next moment Xiao Yi frowned.
"The deity has insufficient power in the body ~ ~ The deity can try to devour these eggshells."
"..." Xiao Yi glanced at Lu Xuexin.
"Xiao Yi, you eat it all. I watch you eat it. I won't grab it from you."
Hearing this, although Xiao Yi was speechless, he had to return to the eggshell.
Immediately, Xiao Yi's body flashed a yellow light, and the next moment Gaia flew out of Xiao Yi's body.
Immediately, Xiao Yi felt that reading was full of strength.
Subconsciously felt the lightning in his hand.
"Boom" burst into tears.
Then Xiao Yi was a little dumbfounded, but at this moment Xiao Yi opened the hole of this tree hole, and Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin saw the outside world at once.
"What the is this place?" Xiao Yi frowned.
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