Chapter 979: The main brain of civilization

As the two reached an agreed balance, the two were instantly drawn into a straight line. Essays on Dust?
"This is too exaggerated, right?" Lu Xuexin at the side finally couldn't recognize it.
"Patience, but I'm very interested in such a civilization."
Over time, more things were being transported quickly.
"Don't they need anyone to enter here?" Xiao Yi noticed the problem at this moment.
"Holy deities, the construction here is done by their guardians."
"Guardian?" Xiao Yi thought about it.
"You said that little old man?"
"Yes, deity, but now he's not small at all."
Then Xiao Yi saw the picture turn around, but appeared in front of a huge building.
Its interior is full of various circuit equipment.
"This ..." Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised by what looked like the center of science and technology. ’
"My dear, this is where the old man lives."
"You said it was a program?"
"It can be understood that the scepter we have seen before is precisely the separation of this main brain."
"Is the crystal of authority? It seems that this civilization is much stronger than we think."
"Our dear, we should not underestimate any problem, especially this is a civilization with a master brain."
Hearing here Xiao Yi nodded.
"The main brain can do too much."
"Yes, the deity, such as commanding an unmanned aerial vehicle, can be easily completed. In addition, this main brain can also play a powerful role in the conscious space.
"This world is developing so fast. Isn't it mostly due to its contribution?" Lu Xuexin asked suddenly.
"Yes, Xuexin, as the deity develops so fast, is also the power of the main brain."
"Ming Lei, I ask you a question. What is the most important thing for the main brain?" Xiao Yi asked directly.
"My deity, according to my understanding, the most important point of the main brain is its wisdom. At the same time, wisdom can also integrate irrelevant things."
Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded immediately.
"It is true that without the support of wisdom, it is impossible for them to achieve the current level of technology."
"Minglei, does that mean that this civilization was very developed before?"
"Deity, this is inevitable, but for no reason, their energy should be depleted."
"Oh." Xiao Yi nodded.
"The main brain is too important for a civilization. If the Earth's human beings can have their own main brain, it will inevitably be stronger than it is now."
"Ming Lei, I've always been curious, what is the main brain?"
"Master, the main brain can be understood as wisdom plus execution."
"In fact, this main brain is not necessarily completed by a machine, but it can also be completed by a matrix of intelligence and an execution matrix."
"Let's build a matrix of wisdom, for example, what it needs to do is build."
"In this wisdom matrix, there will be construction-related wisdom provided. With this wisdom, and with executive power, this process can be completed."
"But if you want the main brain to complete this process, you must have a robot that can cooperate with its construction."
"It can perform wireless wireless remote control."
"For humans, this one is actually very close. Previous humans have been stuck in the era of big data. Although this era provides a lot of convenience, it is actually only the most superficial use of wisdom, not the whole.
"The biggest role of the main brain is to dominate thinking and performing."
"The most important thing for the main brain is its strong command system. Anything here can be quickly divided."
"Doesn't that mean that the main brain will be the greatest extension of human wisdom in the future?"
"Yes, deity, so the Red Devils call the main brain Gaia."
"Gaia means collective consciousness." When hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"There were a lot of people in Gaia before then, didn't they ..."
"Yes, the deity is for the purpose of computing, and you have noticed. The former Gaia basically contained people with super powers."
"That's why this page has superpowers."
"Just like the deity has lightning, it greatly accelerates Gaia's ability."
"Is this a human-machine combination?"
"Yes, yes, the deity, but the deity mainly relies on me to integrate with Gaia. I direct Gaia, and my deity directs me."
"Will this civilized Gaia be dangerous to us?" Xiao Yi was still a little worried about the main brain.
"Dear, please don't worry, for it, this world will be his limit."
"And we have upgraded the laws of this world. The rules themselves contain our wisdom. If they pose a threat to us, this world will not tolerate them."
After hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.
"Ming Lei, you have done too many things, these things actually surprised me."
"The deity, these are done only with the dedication of the deity."
"Well, Ming Lei, don't tell me, I know what you mean."
"Our deity, our world, we have Gaia golden eggs in every element, so we don't need to worry about this or that at all."
"Well, Ming Lei, I understand."
After speaking of Xiao Yi, he looked again at the planet where this civilization is located.
"Minglei, this planet doesn't have a name yet."
"Yes, dear, what kind of name do you want to give this planet?"
"Just a giant star."
"Yes, deity."
"Ming Lei, these humans who are currently busy on the Giant Morning Star come from that civilization?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled at this moment.
"Our deities, according to their mastermind, they should not be from Silver City, maybe a civilization we didn't notice."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"The universe is so big ~ ~ We really can't pay attention." After speaking, Xiao Yi said that he turned his eyes on the Jisi and Kana who were watching there.
"Gith, Kana, what are you doing?"
"Sir, we are looking at the surrounding star map."
"Oh? Anything found?"
"No, we are just looking for the way we came before."
"Oh. Did you find it?"
"Not yet." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled.
"I can't find it." After saying this, the next moment, Xiao Yi pointed at the air in front of him, but there was a picture in the air.
"According to my information, we are here now." A star map appeared in the picture, but they opened their eyes wide.
"How is this possible." Gith and Kana yelled out in unison.
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