Vol 2 Chapter 401: The strength of the enemy!

Chapter 401 The strength of the enemy!
Although Zhao Hai is on vacation, he is not doing nothing at all. Zhao Hai suddenly remembered that when he was in the lower bounds, he still learned a very special method of refining, that is, water refining.
The smelting technique is still learned by Zhao Hai and the sea people. However, because he has a universal machine, he rarely uses it. Now it is just a process of using water refining to add some green snails, and Zhao Hai is somewhat annoyed in the space. Some of the green snails have become very viable. As long as Zhao Hai does not move them, they can even live forever. The snail shell of the green snail has always been in the smelting, which makes the snail The rigidity of the shell has reached a very amazing degree.
In addition to the Qinglong snail, Zhao Hai also used the smelting technique for some of the World of Warcraft in the sea. There are several advantages in the operation of this smelting technique, and there are several difficulties.
The hard part is water. The water refining technique is very demanding on water. If the water level is not enough, the results of the water refining technique will not be too good.
The second is that the time required is too long. The technique of fire refining is a way of tempering. It is impossible for you to temper so fast, it will be several times or even dozens of times slower than the speed of fire. The skill is also a very big shortcoming.
The advantages of smelting techniques are also many. First, as long as the water level is high enough and the water is enough, he can refine the ware, and how big it is. If you have a sea, you can even use water. At the same time, the refining technique refines many giant spirit ships.
In the case of the failure of the smelting technique, the probability of failure is very low, because the smelting technique is a relatively soft refining method, and the time required for adding it is long, so the success rate will be greatly improved, and some small stats are The success rate can even reach 100%, and the success rate of some devices will not be too bad as long as they are done well.
The reason why Zhao Hai began to ponder this smelting technique is that he thinks that this method of refining is very suitable for use in the big world like Baibao. The high-grade water is not for those people in the big world. It is very difficult, they have the talents, the water control personnel will not be less, and the water refining technique does not necessarily have to completely control the water, you just need to pay attention to the fireworks to pay attention to those instruments that are being refined. The degree is enough.
The most important thing is this success rate. Zhao Haike didn't want to be used as an adult-shaped decomposition machine after he came to Baibaojie, so he was ready to study the technique of water refining and hand this method to Mu Yu.
Zhao Hai is afraid that he will become a humanoid resolver, because he saw the process of failure of the refiners in the space. It is terrible. The failure rate of those refiners has reached one tenth. Zhao Hai used to listen. Tang Jie said that the success rate of the refining device is only less than one percent. He still doesn't have much feeling. He is really shocked when he sees a retired fake snake needle.
When I saw that Mu Yu was very satisfied with such achievements, and even raised praises, Zhao Hai really felt a little laughter. This success rate can still be praised. He really didn't know what to say.
After staying in the space for three days, Zhao Hai came out of the space. At the same time, he also burned the water refining technique into a jade. It is not very difficult to say that this smelting technique is just people. It seems that they have been fixed by a kind of thinking. They seem to think that only fire can refine the implement.
In the past three days, Zhao Hai also paid attention to the situation in Barick. They were like what Mu Yu had worried before. Barick was ready to pack the octopus island in one fell swoop, and this time they found it. The reinforcements are not 50,000, but there are a total of 80,000 troops. In addition to the 5,000 giants who were originally behind Barrick, there are 3,000 giants, and these three thousand giants. The arrival of the Ling people brought two giant treasure ships, and there are also twenty eight Junqing scorpions. The only good news is that this time the giant spirits did not bring the broken snakes.
Zhao Hai believes that people who may be giants like to use the broken snake needle, the giant spirit people, like the device, like to force the ten meetings, and the broken snake needle is a very dexterous device Although his attacking power is super-powerful, the snake-like flexible body is not liked by the giants. The horse’s guards can send two more ships to the giant ship, and send more Bajunqing Yushen. It is not easy to take out the broken snake needle. In their view, the three giant spirit ships, plus twenty eight Junqing scorpions, can pack up the octopus island!
Only these people have just joined Barick. They haven’t set off to Octopus Island yet. Barrick has already thought about it. He also saw it. Tang Jie, they are not able to withdraw from the octopus island, just right, He doesn't have to worry too much, and he is ready to attack.
Zhao Haiyi saw Barick's current actions, and he was not talking about anything. When Barick wanted to attack when he attacked, he didn't care, and he was not in a hurry.
Zhao Hai has noticed that during these three days, although the refiners have wasted a lot of materials, but he also has to recognize, those guys still have two sons, three days of refining, they have refining nine More than a dozen of the imitation of the snake snake needle, this figure is not too small.
Zhao Hai came out of the space and went directly to the refining hole. There were already people outside the guard. The average person was not allowed to go in. It was afraid to disturb those people, but Zhao Hai was not here. Mu Yu confessed. If Zhao Hai arrives, don't stop.
When Zhao Hai entered the refining hole, he found that Mu Yu was sitting in a corner where no one would notice, and obviously he did not want to disturb those who were refining the device.
As soon as Zhao Haijin came in, Mu Yu nodded to Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai also nodded to Mu Yu. Zhao Hai came to Mu Yu and whispered to Mu Yu: "Mu Big Brother, let's go out and say, I have Some things have to tell you."
Mu Yu nodded. He understood that Zhao Hai said that it must be about Barrick. He stood up and flew outside with Zhao Hai, then flew to his own cave.
Into the Mufu's Dongfu, Mu Yu immediately took Tang Jie, Tang Wen, and had no respect and air to find it. When several people also had a trip to Dongfu, Zhao Hai said this with Xu Yu. The back force of Barrick and the number of weapons he brought.
Zhao Hai just finished, Tang Jie they arrived, and when several people arrived, Mu Yu also told Zhao Hai about the news.
As soon as I listened to the strength of Barrick’s hand, I couldn’t help but breathe in the cold without the respect and the air. That’s 80,000 people, not eight thousand, and there are eight thousand people who are giants. It seems that the Giants did not give up on the octopus island this time.
Mu Yu looked at a few people and said: "Let's talk about it, how do we deal with this situation?"
Tang Jie, a few of them frowned. To be honest, they really didn't know how to deal with this situation. This time, the number of reinforcements that Barrick had found was beyond their imagination. The more devices really make them very stressful.
Zhao Hai did not speak, but he did not have any nervous expression. On the contrary, there was still a trace of disapproval in his expression. Obviously he did not put Barick’s number of people in his heart.
Although Mu Yu also noticed Zhao Hai’s expression, he knew that Zhao Hai’s words at this time were still not as heavy as he said, so he did not wait for Zhao Hai to speak, and he said:
Everyone actually does not need to Worried about how many Baricks they have come to, the second step in the world has already begun. What we need to do is to hurt Barkley here and let all the people here in the battlefield see us. The strength of the treasure world, this will be fine."
Tang Jie, their mood is still very heavy, because they don’t know until now, how many refining instruments have refining the number of snakes and needles, and if the number of those who break the snake’s snake is not enough, then they It is even more troublesome to deal with those devices.
When Mu Yu saw them, they knew what they were thinking. He said: "These days, the refiners have refined ninety-four fake snakes, and Barick they. Before they arrived, I am sure that we can refine some broken snakes, and the amount of broken snakes must reach 100, but our materials are not enough. I can only refine about one hundred."
Zhao Hai lighted a cough and said to Mu Yu: "Mu Big Brother, in fact, in the past three days, I have also produced twenty imitation broken snakes, and in fact the number of broken snakes in our hands. It has already broken through a hundred, and the material is not a problem. If Barrick is giving us a few days, then the number of broken snakes in our hands will be even more, fearing that it may reach about two hundred."
As soon as I heard Zhao Hai say, Mu Yu was excited and said: "Xiaohai, is this true?"
Zhao Hai smiled and said: "I can't take this kind of thing to lie to you." After Zhao Hai took out a space bag and threw it to Mu Yu, Mu Yu passed the space bag and swept the space bag. Ten imitation broken snakes are lying quietly inside.
Mu Yu laughed and said: "Okay, great, as long as we have these broken snakes, we are more confident in dealing with the giants."
Tang Jie, a few of them are also shocked. It can be said that these appearances of the imitation of the snake snake needle finally gave them a sigh of relief. Tang Jie, these people are not afraid of Barrick and their men, they are afraid of those weapons, those weapons, whether used to fight or to protect the island, will bring them A huge threat.
If there is no such squad to break through the big island, then they can use the big island to easily block the attack of these tens of thousands of people. After all, any interface that guards the old camp is not so simple, and In the past few days, they have no respect and they are not idle. With the help of Tang Jie, they have further strengthened the big island defense. If you don’t use the weapon or the broken snake, you want to It is almost impossible to attack the big island of Octopus Island.
Before Tang Jie, they were worried about those weapons, fearing that the number of fake snakes in their hands was not enough to meet those weapons, and now they are not worried!
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