Chapter 9: : First arrival at Vata Star

The Suzaku flew into the atmosphere. There is no thick cloud layer on the Vata Star. The atmosphere is clear, the gray land and the dark ocean make the whole planet very dark.
Luoxi felt that this seemed to be the appearance of the early earth.
"Are you homesick?" The complete words in my mind sounded.
"A little bit!" Luoxi could not help nodding.
"In all universes, the earth is just a very ordinary planet, and it is a home for you. But there is really nothing special about the universe. The family is important, but something outside is fundamental to the development of civilization. . "
"Thank you! I understand." Luoxi knew that although the words were a little bit ruthless, they were extremely real.
"They are a group of extremely intelligent civilizations, and it seems not strange to choose you!" At the moment, the body said something inexplicable.
"What?" Luoxi asked.
Didn't answer the whole body, and came out directly, a burst of light burst into the sky, rushed to the sky, and finally disappeared.
For the behavior of the body, Luoxi has become accustomed to it, as if the ants can know God's thinking.
Suzaku slowed down and landed slowly on an open plain.
The ground is hard, the exposed rocks are smoothed by the sand, and the day and night of Vata Star is more than three times that of the earth. It is now a day.
Booker wheel stars hung on the sky, burning turbulent heat, as if to bake the ground.
Lianxi put on a special tight protective suit, taking the first step that may be the longest distance in human history to reach an unknown planet.
This protective suit does not have the slightest shadow of a space suit. It is similar to an ordinary uniform. The super string is mixed into it. I am afraid that there is no force in the universe except the energy of the super destructive eruption above the galaxy cluster level.
The ground is very hot, the whistle of the whirlwind has stopped, and I feel a lot more nervous than before when I landed in the solar system.
Although she understands that she can completely cope with the current environment after using her body-modified equipment, she is only one person after all.
The protective clothing does not have any bloated feeling, and even a layer of light film covering the head can not be felt without touching it by hand.
Luoxi knows that this is the magic of superstrings. It can not only shield the force field freely, but also establish a suitable breathing environment.
This is a primitive planet, except for the sound of wind, there is no other sound. Luoxi took a few steps carefully to regulate the coordination of the body in order to adapt to the gravity of the planet with twice the gravity.
The mountains in the distance are ups and downs. Apart from knowing that you are on Vata Star, other places look no different from the desolate mountains on Earth.
Luoxi first explored the area around the Suzaku, then walked towards the dense low vegetation area according to the information map provided by the main system.
Just half an hour after she left the Suzaku, there were countless small cracks on the originally dry ground. The cracks were like open bottle caps, and they slowly extended from below. The color was exactly the same as the ground. The slender and shrunken tentacles .
Tentacles are only two or three centimeters long, and the number is extremely large. They seem to smell something in the air and slowly shake in the air.
At first glance, it looks like a large piece of hay that is about to wither, and is struggling with the final.
A few minutes later, the body behind the tentacles also wriggled out of the ground. The index finger is thick and thin, and there is a link every five centimeters. A pair of sharp hooks on the link can directly penetrate the hard rock and soil, and move forward steadily.
The name of this creature is: Lu Mingtu, living in the vast plains on Vata Star.
Group living creatures, highly toxic. Although the adult Lu Ming Tu is only half a meter long, and the action is not very keen, but the number is extremely large. Each attack has tens of thousands of collective actions.
They haven't evolved vision yet. They can only rely on the tentacles to sense the vibrations of the surroundings and the ground, and send messages to each other to hit the rock and soil with a hook.
Lu Mingtu is the same as the primitive creatures that live in Vata Star. Its life cycle is extremely short, generally about one standard Earth year.
Because there are no large creatures on Vata, worm-like creatures like Lu Mingtu belong to the top of the food chain.
The dock of Suzaku and the shaking of the footsteps of Luoxi triggered Lu Mingtu's hunting instinct. It didn't take long for Suzaku to be completely surrounded by Lu Mingtu.
Looked far away as a group of creeping flesh, a bit creepy.
Although its venom cannot erode the Suzaku, the unpleasant smell and mottled stains, I am afraid that after the stream comes back to see Xixi, he will be surprised.
Because the Suzaku docked on the edge of one of the great plains, it took only two hours for the Xixi to cross the plain to the low vegetation area.
Most of the vegetation here is ink, with a hint of purple.
Luoxi's eyes stay where the main system naturally displays detailed information.
At the beginning, when Luoxi came into contact with the cosmic information given by the whole body, he had doubts. Was such detailed information edited by the whole body?
Later thought that directly overturned this idea, because the creator will not be bored, and there is no need to edit and organize such a huge system, and these detailed information are obviously edited by the advanced civilization.
Many galaxies in are named similarly to the way humans name galaxies.
Luoxi finally concluded that these were only the whole body and integrated all the relevant information together for the purpose of checking and understanding, rather than being edited by the whole body.
The most amazing thing is that this information is always in an intelligent closed state, and it can selectively provide the information that Luoxi needs to understand.
Is not much different from the imaginary alien plants. Although they are primitive and have not evolved a complicated system, the most basic forms of these plants are already available.
Luoxi searches for the information of the ancient paleontology known in the memory, trying to connect some of what he saw in front of him.
She was surprised to find that, in addition to the difference in shape and color from the earth, other functions are close to plants in the Paleozoic era of the earth.
"Does it mean that the evolution of the creatures on the planet has really been adjusted by the whole body?" Luoxi couldn't help but think about it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
"I'm afraid there are billions of galaxies in the entire universe, and there are trillions of suitable planets in each galaxy. How did you do it?" Luo Xi immediately felt dizzy when he thought of this order of magnitude.
In her understanding, let's not say that the planet's biological evolution takes millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years. Even if each planet stays for a second, I am afraid it is not just a hundred million years to measure.
"Forget about these, maybe this is the gap between low-level creatures and the creator!" Luoxi smiled bitterly.
This low bush is boundless, and the main system indicates that there is no potential danger, but Luoxi still walks carefully.
Her goal is to reach the shallow sea area five kilometers away, because she knows that the evolution of creatures mostly starts from the sea.
Although here are only primitive creatures, the diversity of creatures can best be reflected in the sea.
After a while, Luoxi's body was covered with various small insects. Although there was no threat to the protective clothing, it was goose bumps.
Luoxi shook a little, little bugs dropped, and disappeared into the grass.
The whole body told her that each planet has its own unique evolutionary laws and environment, and each organism will have a self-regulating repair mechanism during the evolution process. This is also the body that is imprinted in their genes when they create life and cannot be erased. instinct.
Creating life is a magical feeling.
Longxi walked while imagining that there might be such a smart civilization on ancient earth. They visited the earth and carried out large-scale transformation and evolution of the evolved creatures on the basis of the whole body.
And now life on earth is their final masterpiece, even human beings.
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