Chapter 100: : Escape

The battle reached the third day. After a tentative attack, both sides had a general understanding. With the commander being an old opponent, both sides knew each other, so the next step was a large-scale absolute consumption battle.
Collens is still anxious here. Although it seems that there is not much movement in his defense, there seems to be something wrong.
In Ebsey's independent command module, his deputy called up a top secret message.
"This group of old guys started playing this game again, it seems that my old bones are still a bit weighty." After seeing the information, Ebbsey smiled.
"The source of this information is absolutely reliable, don't you prepare it?" The assistant is a sturdy Barocca.
"There is nothing to prepare, if I can't guarantee my life in this set of stars, where do you think it will be safe?" Ebbsey waved his tentacles and said.
"I understand, I will arrange it properly!"
"Let's attack according to the original plan!"
The closest distance between the two sides of the front of the battlefield is only about 10 million kilometers. The endless battleships shine with metallic luster, and the atmosphere is extremely dignified.
On the side of the Barocca Galaxy Alliance, the defense network between shield ships is shining with a lilac light. Each group is independently equipped and moves at a speed.
When the distance between the two sides was only three or four million kilometers, almost at the same time, the attack ship behind the shield ship rushed out of the nest, the separation cabin was fully opened, and the carrier aircraft that covered the sky and swarmed out.
All kinds of artillery, high-energy beams, dense crossfire, instantly illuminate the entire star field.
This is an absolute war of attrition. There are almost no winners, compared to the ability of the fully controlled combatants behind these fast flying fighters.
"It's too exciting, wait for it to consume a little bit, I'm going out to play!" Luo Xi looked at the intense scene on the super interest star chart, very excited.
"How do you plan to go out?" The main system asked.
"It must be looking for them!"
Luoxi pointed to the surprise aircraft that was cruising outside the window.
"I understand what you mean!" Said the main system.
"Yes, wait for you to directly invade their main system, just cut off the automatic mode." Luoxi nodded.
An hour later, a patrolling surprise aircraft suddenly broke away from the original track without warning, and quickly flew towards the captivity area where Luxi was located.
Faced with the out-of-control surprise attack aircraft, the master control system of the USS Coron, which was responsible for the control, carried out emergency interference and re-connected.
When the Raider is docked next to the bottom bridge of the shield ship, the overall control system still cannot gain control of the Raider.
"What? How could this happen?"
When Korens knew that Luoxi had fled the shield ship in a raid, he immediately became furious.
Although knowing that Luoxi came to Pitische Starfield must have a purpose, but now he fled directly in a surprise attack plane, how to prevent him from getting mad.
He had not carefully considered why the Raiders would be hacked into the system, and immediately ordered to prevent Luxi from leaving the defense of the shield ship at all costs.
But for Luoxi, there is no effect. Under the action of the superstring, there is no defense net to prevent her from passing.
Behind the defense of the entire assembly site, a surprise attack aircraft drove away alone, rest assured as the center of the battlefield.
Since the Raiders were not owned by the enemy, Correns did not temporarily announce that all warships did not fire.
"Haha! This Corums is estimated to be maddening!" Luoxi was very happy to get a surprise plane in the face of it.
"People want to catch you alive, otherwise the fire will be skyrocketing!" The main system poured cold water on Luoxi.
"I know he wants to catch me alive, so I dare not fire! If I guess well, he will come and catch me in person later!" Luoxi laughed.
"A captain commanding a million warships, for you to be a fugitive, you have to catch yourself! You still look at yourself high!"
"Hey, the more captain the more arrogant, he doesn't allow such a big mistake to happen to himself, so when I stimulate him, he will definitely go in person. Besides, he can't hold back anymore!" Luoxi Said.
The surprise attack plane hurried through the defense network of dozens of shield ships at sub-light speed. The frontier battlefield was in chaos, the starry sky was blazing, and the wreckage of the battleship flew everywhere.
Luoxi excitedly drove the surprise plane and rushed directly into the combat center.
"What's the situation with this earth man? If you don't flee here, you actually enter the battlefield? She's looking for her own way!" Colens saw the Raider driven by Luoxi rushing into the center of the fiercest fierce fighting, and couldn't help but stare eye.
At this time, a line of words suddenly appeared on the star chart of the battle situation in the Corums command module: Want to catch me! Come to the center of the battlefield! .
This is Colens's immediate evaluation of Luoxi.
"Captain Corums, why do you want to deal with this earth man, I let the unit control directly lock her." Then the men said.
"Captain Piri, the planetary mothership is immediately taken over by you, and no one is allowed to attack without my order." Colens Tiger said with a face on his face.
In the command cabin, a group of commanders have become accustomed to the style of Corums. For them, the captain who controls the million fleet, the important thing is to be able to join the battle on the first line, rather than sitting here to command defense ~ ~ But now there is no reason to suffer, and the escape of Luxi just gave him a great opportunity.
A golden light flashed out of the planetary carrier, this is an attack aircraft specially built for Coron.
The streamlined fuselage is more than 300 meters long, equipped with 42 rounds of anti-matter super energy guns; ten self-controlled particle fusion missiles; dark drive dual-rotation defense system; plus a secondary curvature power system.
Coruss was once created with this strong attack aircraft, destroying more than 60,000 shipborne aircraft in a battle.
Although he is not the best among all captain's exclusive fighters, his ability is beyond doubt, and he is definitely a soldier born for the battlefield.
"Report the captain of the fleet, Captain Corus of the right-wing defensive mission, leave his planetary carrier, and drive the attack aircraft to the center of the battlefield."
At this time, in the command cabin of Ebbsey, the information was transmitted to him in the first time.
"It's Colens again. Did he forget what he said?" Ebbsey frowned.
"I heard that the earthman you ordered not to guard escaped the shield ship, so he went after him personally!"
"Oh, this earth man fled the shield ship?" Ebbsey was a bit surprised by the escape of Luoxi. Although he did not know the purpose of Luoxi, he had much more military information than Colens. Man is not a of war between the two sides.
"Yes, you see, this is the route she escaped from!"
"Interesting, I actually underestimated this earth man!"
When Ebsi saw that Luoxi had actually flew into the center of the battlefield, his face changed.
"Am I coming down to control personnel to directly destroy this surprise aircraft?"
"No, let this be dealt with by Corus!" Ebsi's face showed a very rare playfulness.
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