Chapter 104: : Ebbsey's choice

When only Ebsi and Luoxi were left in the command module, the whole environment was silent.
Ebsy walked to the superstar map and kept calling up the screen, marking it while thinking about something.
"Miss Luoxi, I know what I said next to you is absolutely not allowed for the Barocca Galaxy Alliance, and it may not be acceptable to you. But no matter what, since I made this decision, I believe Your own vision and judgment. "Ebbsey said seriously.
"Don't scare me, Captain, if so, I will take back what I just said!" Luoxi looked innocent.
"Miss Luoxi, I know that the fate of the Barocca system has nothing to do with you, but if you have the base code of life, are you one of us?" Ebbsey said.
"You are tempting me! If I want to have a life code, it is actually very easy!" Luoxi smiled.
"That's natural, what if I promise you the highest level of branding? In addition to our commander!" Ebbsey asked staring at Luoxi.
"The higher you give, the more you pay! Your price seems too high! I'm afraid I don't have the ability to enjoy it." Luoxi said calmly.
"I'm not wrong!" Ebbsey said affirmatively.
"A common wanderer, can invade the control system of the assembly place; can drive the fighter plane at such a fierce scene into the unmanned land; can face a captain of the general fleet, and talk with laughter." Ebsey said.
"You also praised me. I really need the code of life, but I don't want to use my freedom to exchange it. If you think you can use this to control me, then I'm sorry! You are not facing the earth!" Luoxi calmly Said.
"Miss Luoxi is not a transaction between us, but an equal exchange!" Ebbsy said.
"Since that is the case, how do you talk about an equal exchange?" Luo Xi looked at the label on the super interest star chart.
"Help me win this battle, be my escort, and accompany me to a trip to the appointment! After all is over. You will get the highest level of life base code." Ebsey said.
"Am I dreaming? Do you let me help you win this battle? Who do you really think I am? Or a savior?" Luoxi looked at Ebbsey, trying to see from his face that this was a joke Only words.
"We will win this battle in the end, but it takes time, and what I lack is time! I need your help to end as soon as possible."
"I do n’t know where your courage came from. It ’s true that your request, the Barocca Alliance will never agree, and give the fate of the entire fleet to a completely strange alien. You are not gambling, but one. This kind of craziness before destruction! "Luoxi said.
"Miss Luoxi was right, I was crazy. Half an hour ago I felt that I had no chance of being crazy, and now I know I can be crazy!"
Looking at Ebsi's expression, Luoxi felt very puzzled.
No one knows how Ebsey thought, but he knew that the soft-looking earthman in front of him would definitely be able to solve the current huge dilemma.
After the black incorporeal body left, Ebbsie had fallen into a desperate situation. He knew very well what kind of existence this guy was facing.
The annihilation battle that shocked the entire Barocca Galaxy Alliance three thousand years ago has not yet destroyed this terrifying demon king. Now he must be more powerful.
The visit an hour ago is a declaration of strength. I am afraid that in the next period of time, the old guys who participated in the siege will receive his invitation.
Just when he felt powerless, the picture of Luoxi came into his sight.
After his detailed analysis, he was extremely shocked by this data. If it is placed in front of the top warriors of the Barocca League, it might not feel amazing.
But the opposite is just an ordinary wanderer, which cannot be explained.
And he carefully asked the whole process, and the final conclusion suddenly gave him an absolutely bold idea.
He knew that his decision could not be passed by the league meeting, but the sudden appearance of black corpses disrupted his thinking. For him, time is now the key.
"It seems that the captain of the fleet is in trouble? It's certainly not a trivial matter to make you do this!" Luoxi said.
"Since even the commander-in-chief can't solve the problem, how can I help you, a small earthman? This is too much for me!" Luoxi squeezed her hair.
"Many things can not be solved from a high position, the star field is vast, the universe is deep, no one can say that it is invincible." Ebbsey sighed.
"That's right, but I just passed by and wanted a common life code. Now you throw me this unclear burden? Is it a bit!" Luoxi laughed.
"I admit that there is selfishness, but many things may not make people feel scared before they are explained, so I can only ask for it like this." Ebbsey looked at Luoxi. UU Reading
"Now that the captain has explained everything, then if I resign, I should be a little bit wrong. You can say things, no matter if I agree at the end, you can be assured that in the words of our humans: heaven Know where you know, know what you know! "Luoxi said.
"I think this old guy has a big trap for you, are you coming next?" The main system asked.
"No matter how big the trap is, can it be bigger than the whole body? Besides, I also took this opportunity to create a high-level life code, so that I can unblock the Barocca system." Luoxi said.
"But I always feel that this is not right. He has thousands of captains in his hands. With his power, what other problems can't be solved in the Barocca system? Should I invade and see?" The main system said .
"Forget it, let him say it himself, besides the whole body, who dares to say that he is invincible?" Luoxi smiled.
"I like your straightforwardness, let me see me when I was young, I also like to swim in the galaxy, and do what I like freely! Unfortunately, as I grow older, the responsibility increases, and many things start to become involuntary. "Ebsey said.
"Haha! The captain of the fleet also began to sigh?"
A little bit of time passed, and Corus waited for five or six hours outside the command cabin. He did not understand why Ebbsy would stay in Luoxi for so long?
He carefully analyzed the data outside, and it was indeed amazing. But this is definitely not the key to making Captain Ebbsey so concerned.
He didn't understand why this little earthman could have such ability, unless the other party was once a powerful warrior.
The more I thought about Correns, the more I finally walked out of the command module with the help of his assistant.
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