Chapter 1072: : The Arrival of the Tiberias

"Captain Luo, you see these ships have entered the offshore area of ​​the mainland of Akaidu, where reefs are ring-growing, and there are toxic mists generated by the action of magma and seawater. It is difficult to pass through!" In the permanent base Researchers always pay attention to the movement of ships on the holographic screen.
"It's difficult to pass, there is always a way. You see how many ships have closed their decks. It seems that they have a way to deal with them." Luo Yun zoomed in on several ships, and there were also Linai She's first voyage.
"Will we guide when necessary? I am afraid that it is one of the most powerful countries in these two continents that can enter this sea area. After all, according to their current technological level, it is indeed too difficult to reach us. "Someone feels sad in their hearts.
"Also, let's look at the situation first! But these are probably just the beginning of difficulties. There are more waiting for them to enter Yakaidu! Can't we all rely on our help?" Luo Yuan said.
As they were discussing, the Xingpeng Xingrao exploration ship had quietly come over the Dali Ashetti, only 100 million kilometers away from Xingtan-1.
Due to the gap between the scientific and technological capabilities of the two sides, the arrival of the detection ship was not detected by the Scout One system.
"Commander Kromia, we arrived at the scheduled starry sky, and now the Earth Rao expedition ship is docked above Dali Ashiti. They have established a permanent base on Dali Ashati. From the scanned architectural form, Look, they don't have any offensive intentions, can we be affirmed that they are not here to conquer Dali Ashti Xingrao? "
Chipella sent a dozen or so probe ships this time. These probe ships are not large. They are five or six hundred meters long. The streamlined shape is very strange, and it feels like a conch on earth. And that huge screw is their power injector.
Bella star is tall and similar in appearance to Dali Artesian, but they are very smooth and have no obvious muscle lines. Although they appear bloated, they are not fat.
They have a huge head, and the ratio is a bit uncoordinated, the head is irregularly round, the front is particularly protruding, and the back is somewhat concave, it looks very strange.
They have two pairs of eyes, distributed in parallel at the front, and look a bit scary. The other organs are the same as Dali Ashti Xingrao.
Their pronunciation organs have degenerated, and the use of brain waves has become their main means of communication, and their mental strength is very strong.
I was talking about an ordinary crew. There are only five or six crew members on a detection ship. In fact, these detection ships do not need to be controlled by the crew. They just collect the information, re-edit it, and send it back to their fleet base.
And the commander of Kromia was the interim commander of the probe fleet. This time they went to the Rossima star system. They didn't pay much attention. It seemed to be just a routine cruise.
"According to Earth Star Rao Technology, they have some difficulty in conquering Dali Ashti Star. This expedition ship is only equipped with self-defense weapons. These Dali Ashti stars are not so weak. At least their genetic inheritance Part of our characteristics! "Commander Cromia said.
"So what shall we do next? Are we waiting for their expedition ship to leave?" The crew asked.
"Wait for a while, and naturally warn them if necessary!" Commanded Cromia.
Just as they were communicating, suddenly a figure appeared on their breath-taking screen.
"Hello, welcome to Dali Ashti Star!" Misha smiled and said in standard sibira star language.
"Earth star?" Commander Kromia's face changed.
"Yes, my name is Muxi, the captain of Scout One!" Muxi replied.
"How did your planetary stars detect our arrival? It's impossible, and you actually star in Perla?" Commander Kromia asked aloud.
The two questions he asked are very important. It is normal for high-level civilizations to understand the technology and language of low-level civilizations, and low-level civilizations can obtain these messages from high-level civilizations.
This is like we can judge and explain the communication behavior of animals through research, and no matter how animals evolve, they have no possibility to understand the meaning of human language.
"Is this important?" Luo Xi asked deliberately.
"Your Earth star is still in a state of advanced civilization and has just got rid of the shackles of the solar system. How is it possible to know our existence?" Commander Kromia appeared nervous.
"Earth planets are only advanced civilizations, but this does not seem to mean that we don't know about intelligent civilizations outside the solar system. The Suppera dominates what we call the Andromeda galaxy, which naturally looks down on our civilization. But many Things can't be viewed with a simple civilization level, just like now. "Xiao Xi laughed.
"The Dali Athetis are the intelligent civilization that we cultivated ~ ~ What do you want to do on the earth?" Commander Kromia vaguely felt that the sudden appearance of the mud was a bit wrong.
"You have thought about it, this is the smart civilization you cultivated. We will naturally not conquer and do not have this ability. But the Rossima galaxy is the closest to the earth and has a smart civilization. We will not easily Let go of the opportunity to establish interstellar civilization exchanges. According to the current speed of their social development, it may take thousands of years to reach the era of the planet. And you have not deliberately accelerated their social progress, after all, you have There are too many civilizations, and it will not move people for an insignificant intelligent civilization. Since this is the case, then this thing is done by the planet star, is it not the best of both worlds? "Said Xiheng honestly.
"What do you mean you want the Dali Artesian to accept your enlightenment?" Commander Kromia asked.
"Yes, we are like God for the Daliseti come, and of course you are also God for our earth star. Since then we naturally need to teach them, you do n’t think this is a Is it a good decision? "Mu Xi said.
"You think it's a good decision, but I don't think so. It's just our experimental creatures, and of course only us. It's up to you. If you Earth Stars want to take it forcibly, we Celeste may as well destroy all of you. For no From the wisdom civilization that maintains the rules of the universe, high-level civilizations have the right to deal with it! "Commander Kromia seemed annoyed!
Obviously, they are absolutely unwilling to be surrendered by the Dalathites by the Earth Star!
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