Chapter 1077: : Establish She Alliance

Similar to the excitement that Muxi first encountered high-level civilization, Luo Yun had a keen interest in seeing all this, and she absorbed all the cognition like a sponge.
Although the Milky Way galaxy is not a big galaxy, there are very few high-level intelligent civilizations, but it is enough to satisfy Luo Guan!
Luo Xi gave the superstring protective clothing to Luo Wan, and for her now these have not much effect.
Looking at Luo Yun's current state, Mu Xi couldn't help but think of the situation when she had just encountered the body before. She missed the body a bit, but he had left, went to the origin of the universe system, and explored his future!
In the third year that the Dalíatis landed on the mainland of Akedu, they continued to persuade and negotiate, and finally established a brand new organizational system: She Alliance.
Prior to this, shes on the two continents had no alliance relationship. Except for economic and trade exchanges, all the shes and shes were independent. Even if there was a so-called grouping phenomenon, they were based on the most basic There is no idea of ​​coexistence and common prosperity for the mutual exchange of interests on an equal basis.
The establishment of the She Alliance, in addition to maximizing the use of the resources and personnel of each She, can unify the cohesion of the Dali Athetis and allow the weak She to have a certain right to speak.
There are no restrictions on the membership of the She Alliance, but if you want to be the main spokesperson in the She Alliance, you must enter She Academy.
This Sheyuan is similar to the permanent members of the United Nations on Earth, with the power to make decisions and veto important events.
Of course, this is just a prototype, and it takes time to improve, but this is also one of the signs of the development of the Dali Artisians towards an efficient and unified social form.
The She Alliance's plan was put forward by Baduo Qi She Chang. At first, many She Chang opposed it. After all, they have survived for so long. Although there are wars, they are also used to each other.
Later, after many discussions, the decision to establish such a She Alliance on the mainland of Akedu was a new attempt.
That is to unify all the actions on the mainland of Yakaidu, and consume the least resources to obtain the greatest benefits.
And behind all of this is to want to share a piece of soup with that "beast".
The city of Gadar, this is a new city built on the mainland of Akedu, the first She Alliance headquarters of the Dali Artesian. The city was established to serve the She Alliance.
This is a true neutral city. In addition to not being allowed to station any soldiers in the army, although it is stipulated that no troops should be stationed in the city of Gadar, there are thousands of elite guards in the surrounding areas. These are all The best soldiers are selected by the members of each alliance.
The people living here have a strict code of conduct, because the She Alliance represents the interests of all the members who join, so the words and deeds of the people must not be suspicious.
The city of Jiadar is not large. Currently, there are only thousands of people living, plus the representatives of the She Alliance, the maximum is less than 2,000, but here is the most important city at present, there is no one.
In addition to the social elite, the people who can live here represent the most powerful family forces in each She. They provide the best commodities and materials to serve the members of the She Alliance.
The layout of the entire city is similar to that of other Shes. The tallest building is the Union Chamber representing She Alliance. It is still a classic pyramid-shaped building, demonstrating the worship of the Dali Athetis.
Nuolibanguo and other elders lived in the residence closest to the Union Chamber. All of these residences were of different sizes and different architectural decoration styles because they represented their own image.
From the first step on the mainland of Akaidu to now, Nolibang has paid a lot. In the past three years, he has traveled between Cherina Sheshe and Akaidu several times and experienced many dangerous.
For his dedication, Baduo Qi Shechang spoke highly of him and has given him the power to represent in Sheyuan.
It is equivalent to saying that every sentence that Nolino promised in the She Alliance in the future represents the interests and positions of Chelinai She, which is definitely a supreme glory.
At the time, the first batch of elites who arrived on the mainland of Yakaidu had already lost four, and the remaining eight became the most important representatives of Shelinai She in the She Alliance.
However, in order to limit the maximum number of people in each meeting of the She Alliance, the meetings in the Alliance Chamber generally only allow three members of each She Alliance to participate. Therefore, like other She, Chelinai She will be dispatched in each meeting Targeted and authoritative elite rotation participation.
Although the number of participants is the same for each She, the strength in She still represents the size of the right to speak in the Alliance ’s Chamber of Justice. Dozens of the most powerful She ~ ~ Each of their suggestions has been answered by all She Alliance members.
No matter what kind of small friction there will be between the individuals in private, the unification in the general direction has a decisive influence on the social decision-making of the entire Dali Ashti.
The grand priest seems to have never participated. He is obsessed with the pursuit of the "beast". Over the past three years, he has traveled almost half of the Akaydu continent, but still has nothing!
Like other She members, although there is not much gain, but because the landing ship has to travel to and from the base and the exploration ship every once in a while, the resulting 'sky vision' will make everyone believe in the 'beast' Existence, and very active in the magic domain.
As the base of the Dalya Seti in the Akaydu continent became more and more stable, in addition to searching for the existence of the "beast", they began to discuss the distribution of resources across the Akaydu continent. The original separate plans were unified.
For the first time, I realized that the Akaydu continent does not belong to any She, but it is a common resource for all of them to open reasonably. This is extremely important for the development of the Dali Ashti. The rich resources of Akadu mainland have far exceeded their imagination!
For example, on this continent, an ore is produced, an ore that is as important as the rare earth on earth: black stone.
Because this kind of ore is completely dark and dull, the Dali Ashti people saw this ore and named it Wushi. Although their current technological level is impossible to superbly refine Wushi, but after the most basic Separation and quenching can easily extract the mixed alloy containing titanium.
This alloy can greatly enhance the hardness of the original iron alloy surface, which is of great significance for the construction of powerful weapons and equipment.
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