Chapter 1104: : Game of Prey

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Lu Xi's words surprised everyone. They still don't understand what this sentence means, especially Anticeans.
However, as soon as the words of Mu Xi fell, the tail of the cockroach shot another aircraft directly and slammed into the curtain wall.
With a loud bang, the curtain wall seemed quite strong, without any damage, and the aircraft was fragmented and splashed everywhere.
Antises standing in the curtain wall shocked them with cold sweat and looked at Muxi with some surprise. This blow was definitely not an accident.
The curtain wall didn't break once, and the cockroach seemed to be very angry. It swept its tail directly towards the curtain wall, and it didn't affect it anymore.
"Don't worry about it, since we are still standing here because this curtain wall cannot be broken, and when the angry anger erupts, you will have a good look!" Antises smiled.
"Really? But it seems that your curtain wall needs energy to provide it. If you don't have the energy support, what will the result be?" Xi Xie said with a smile.
"You!" Antices changed his face.
"I said that since I was arguing, then you don't need to stay out of it. This hunting game is absolutely beautiful!" Xiao Xie smiled, raising his hand and snapping a finger, the curtain wall with a thin light actually Disappeared.
They were overwhelmed by Antises, but they never thought of it. This curtain wall system is their safest system, and the energy source and ship island provided are independent of each other, and it is impossible to disappear.
Losing the resistance of the curtain wall, everyone's breath was exposed in this area, and the cockroach seemed to smell the familiar taste of Antises, his mouth wide open with sharp fangs roared.
The sound is sharp and high, making the whole area resonate extremely harsh.
Antises they backed up one after another, trying to find a corner to fight back, but here was empty except for the sloshing shuttle that was still stuck on the door.
What's worse is that the door of the aisle has failed and cannot be opened, and it has become a real hunting ground.
At this time, a platform floated out of the shuttle, holding the 揞 渠 firmly suspended in the air, she looked at the group of people with a smile, as if she was the master.
"Who the are you?" Sergeant Skard asked, looking at Mu Xi in the air loudly.
"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is to continue the game first!" Xi Xie laughed.
On the side of Antises, they directly took up their weapons to attack the 択 浠, but what made them extremely shocked was that when the lethal energy beam hit a few meters in front of the 択 浠, it was directly affected by a layer of invisible energy Offset, simply cannot penetrate.
Seeing these dozens of people shooting and escaping indiscriminately, Kunji flew directly to the crowd like seeing delicious prey, and the huge impact and screams suddenly flew up and down in this place.
As for the powerfulness of the scorpions, these people are naturally very clear that they cannot face the hard bars at all. They can only rely on flexible evasion and the weapons in their hands to frequently attack the scorpions.
Although the scaled armor of Thick Gecko is thick, it will be able to resist the attack of these weapons for a while, but for a long time, Thick Gill will naturally be injured. At this time, Squadron and Antises formed a very good alliance. They knew that they could only save their lives with their enemies. Otherwise, they might not stay.
Despite this, they are all flesh and blood after all, and they cannot resist the powerful offensive of the girdles. It did n’t take long for the entire area to have flesh and blood blurred, and the blood colors of different civilizations were mixed together to form a colorful picture.
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