Chapter 1154: : Pleasant recognition

"After weighing the gains and losses in the war, the ones that should be abandoned should be abandoned. Besides, in such a small-scale galaxy war, the destroyed planetary motherships are only small and will not have any impact." Captain Mobsen Said.
"It's a good thing, you have something to give. This is what a real commander thinks about, not just about the victory or defeat of a war! In this case, I might as well take you out of here, as to when to return to the fleet base This is not clear to me. I show here that the nearest forward fleet base is also close to thousands of light years, and the last 100 light years are the base of the Upadia Stars, so my judgment is that you are a long distance I didn’t plan on how many ships I could go back to in a raid, otherwise I wouldn’t abandon the planetary mothership,
said Xixi.
"You are right, as long as you can leave here, and I will be able to contact my fleet base when I reach Neutral Star City." Captain Mobsen seemed to be unwilling to send him to the fleet base and heard quickly .
Mu Xi then sucked the escape capsule under the shuttle fuselage, opened the door and let Mobsen enter the Suzaku.
Margins, this is a humanoid intelligent civilization, they are tall, with an average height of about one meter and nine, and the proportions are well-proportioned.
Their eyes are arranged in a reversed eight-character pattern, which looks strange, and like other advanced civilizations, their noses have degenerated into two small holes.
As the intake of food has been transformed into pure energy intake, the mouth has almost completely degenerated, leaving only a thin gap, and their voices are generally sharp, but the captain of the general fleet is very hoarse.
Their ears are very large, like long strips of meat hanging all the way to their shoulders. Like the earth, they also like to personalize their bodies, so usually there are many small holes in the ears, which are covered with decorations, and they will make a noise when they act. .
But the crew does not allow this.
Margins do not have a trace of hair, and their skin is smooth. Except for the light muscle lines, they can see light blue blood vessels like humans.
The Marargs do not advocate force, their technology is very developed, and most of the ships are mainly defensive.
The captain of the Mobson captain, like other Marargs, differed only in a uniform that was full of majesty and fortitude. This is the kind of momentum that the captain of the captain has.
And like the commander who has met many high-level civilizations, Mobsen also has a long and deep scar on his face. Although it looks scary, it shows that the commander has experienced countless lives and deaths.
They usually do not remove these scars, but as a glory and reminder to always warn their past.
When the captain of Mobsen saw Muxi, he couldn't help but stunned. The charm of Muxi made him a little dazzling, and more importantly, the aura radiated by Muxi didn't lose to him at all.
"Miss Xixi, thank you very much for your rescue. As long as I can safely return to the base of the fleet, you will become the most distinguished guest of our Margaret star." Captain Mobsen knew that this magnificent Earth star , Is definitely different, so the similar thanks mentioned earlier may not make any sense at all.
"Really? It seems that the captain of the general fleet is generous. Are you not afraid that I will save you specially, and have intentions for the entire Margaret star?" Xi Xie laughed.
"If I did have this idea just now, but now I have eliminated this idea, because with this shuttle, I know that the Mars are not your target." Mobson is not a loss. The captain of the fleet is not only well-informed, but also has a sharp eye.
All the technology and facilities in the Suzaku are indeed at a height that the entire intelligent civilization cannot reach. Ordinary people may only see their unparalleled perfect appearance or extremely advanced intelligent systems, but for high-level commanders like Mobson In other words, when he saw the cockpit, he knew the most reasonable, efficient and perfect control system.
"Sure enough, as the captain of the total fleet, not only daring to skip people, but also the praised technology is first-class!" Yi Xi smiled slightly.
"This is not a compliment, but a heartfelt idea!" Captain Mobsen said sincerely, looking at the Earth star who was much shorter than himself.
"You have said this, no matter how I will send you to the base of the fleet safely, I also want to experience what kind of treatment it is to be the most distinguished guest of the Margaret." It flew in the direction of deep space.
Because this starry sky is relatively remote and close to the control area of ​​the Upadia star, there is no neutral star city here, but the star city established by the Upadia star is the main transit center, and it is 500 light years away. There are two star cities within the range.
And there are more than two thousand light years away from the neutral star city. From the precise coordinates, it is almost at the balance point of both sides.
According to the speed of the Suzaku, this neutral star city can be reached in an instant. However, Xi Shi seems to want to know more about the current status of the Mar Argons. Although it can be searched through the Suzaku system, she still feels the most real-time Understanding is the most real and effective.
Only in this way can we control how to integrate the Marargs into the Earth's defense system.
What's more, by understanding the captain of the general fleet, Muxi can find the other party's attitude of approval by the fastest all, unlike the previous travels in various universes, time will not be a drag. But now for the earth, time is everything. Establishing a perfect earth defense system in the shortest time is the most critical thing.
During the Earth week when the Suzaku left here, the Upadia star sent a large number of ships to conduct a rug-like search here. As long as the volume is larger than the escape cabin and can hold the wreckage of a person’s hidden items, it will be torn into Debris.
Moreover, they interfered with the gravitational field of the entire starry sky and disabled all hidden devices, so as to conduct a thorough search.
But in fact it is cruel, they did not find the trace of the captain of Mobsen, which made the Upadia star angry.
They knew that this message would be error-free and absolutely accurate, but why is it not found now? This makes them incomprehensible.
And the commander who ordered the destruction of the Suzaku, and finally reported this matter, attracted the attention of the power stars of Upadia, and they believed that the shuttle was definitely not destroyed, but fled the battlefield. .
So they issued an order to search for the Suzaku, of course, all these 択浠 naturally did not know.
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