Chapter 1202: : Looking for the ancestor

After leaving the bridge, the dense jungles came into view, and these lilac jungles made a rustling sound under the breeze, and Muxi seemed to return to the earth.
There is a familiar earthy fragrance here, with the call of birds and animals, a piece of peace and tranquility.
Since Mar Ar has been banned, it is impossible to enter without the command of the commander. Although there are very few artificial structures on the planet, the super defensive system buried under the planet is still working.
It can detect the identity of any ship that enters the defensive range. Once an illegal invasion is found, it will immediately notify the surrounding fleet and the power center building.
When necessary, these super-defense systems will also activate attack devices to carry out devastating attacks on intruders.
But since it became the resting place of the previous ancestors, such a thing has never happened. You know, this is the core of the core, and it is still inside the fortress mothership.
"Miss Xixi, we will have to work hard next. The whereabouts of the upper ancestors are erratic. Although we can track and lock to them, we can only go on foot. And they are almost not together. It takes time to find each one. "!" Commander Fatanya reminded him as he walked.
"It's okay, we need sincerity to do anything. We need to fully investigate this matter. In addition to the known information, some of the most critical things in nature need to be excavated from the memory of the ancestor. From what aspect is more profound than our cognition." Xiao Xi smiled slightly.
"You are saying, in fact, the most important thing is to get their support. After all, some long-standing secrets also need their approval to be known. This mother star is buried with all the secrets of the Marargs!" Commander Fatanya Nodded and said.
"I haven't walked like this for a long time. Although the gravity here is greater than that on Earth, I like this kind of challenge. Since these ancestors are still traveling around the world at this age, we have no reason to be inferior to them." Xi laughed.
"No hurry, since you are here, you can also visit the scenery of Mar Argon. I haven't been so leisurely in a long time. I usually need to deal with a lot of alliance affairs. It is rare to relax!" Commander Fatanya also smiled charmingly.
"Since this is the case, we each look for a goal, and whoever finds first wins." Xi Xie said loudly.
"This proposal is good, but it seems that you are a bit disadvantaged, because even if you find it, I am afraid that the ancestors will not necessarily see you." Commander Fatanya said.
"Challenging things I like to do the most, only get their approval to get more valuable information." Xi Xi said confidently.
"Very good, so what kind of protective equipment do you need? You must know that Mar Argon has returned to its original state. Not only is there beautiful scenery, but also fierce creatures, it is difficult if there is no certain protective equipment. Survive." Commander Fatanya said.
"No, for me, the most basic thing about traveling interstellar is to survive on a barren planet, relying on your own hands without using any technological equipment. Only in this way can you experience the resonance of the most primitive life in the universe and perceive them Everything, prying into the mystery of the origin of life." Lu Xi laughed.
"Haha! I admire you more and more. Since then, I rarely indulge once again. I don't use protective equipment like you, and pass through this Mar Argon Star." Commander Fatanya said with pride.
Then both sides did not get the location of the upper ancestors, but went away by feeling each other, and began the journey of ancestors.
Mu Xi seems to be back in that period of ephemeris, facing the boundless jungle, looking for his goal.
At this time, in the power center building, high-ranking commanders and elders, including Mobsen, smiled when they saw the agreement between the commanders of Xixi and Fatanya that they had agreed to find the ancestors, but They haven't seen this female commander's smile for a long time.
After all, as the person with the highest power, her every move, every word and deed, affects the life and death of hundreds of millions of civilized races. She spends every day in efficient and tense days, even her family rarely takes care of it.
I don’t know how many years ago I lived a free life like this. Maybe she didn’t succeed her commander-in-chief, maybe she exiled herself on other asteroids.
"Captain Mobsen, this Earth star is indeed very special, her appearance has changed a lot, I have almost never seen the commander smile like this."
"Yes! If this time she can help us to solve the secret about the life and death of Mar Argon, then from now on, we and the Earth star will become the closest alliance."
"This is an incredible Earth star, I feel that the ancestors will definitely agree to this matter!"
The commanders are all expressing their opinions eloquently, their words are full of expectations and appreciation for the muddy Captain Mobsen is naturally the most happy, if not one of his own Coincidentally, there will not be these next things, maybe this is the butterfly effect.
However, he naturally did not know that this so-called butterfly effect was not accidental. Of course, this secret was only revealed to the Marargs after tens of thousands of years. When the Earth’s defense system was in the past, they were already selected. It's just pushing the boat down the river.
A few days later, inside the Suzaku shuttle, Heina received a signal from the Upadia star.
"Dear Master Anfit, hello!" Heina recognized the other at a glance and said very respectfully.
"Miss Heina, hello! I don't know if Miss Muxi is free?" Guru Anfit said quickly without seeing Muxi in the cockpit.
"Guru Anfit, I'm very sorry. Sister Muxi is not in the shuttle now. She is in the power center building of the Margaret." Heina replied.
"Oh, when she comes back, let me know and say that Amphit has urgent matters to discuss!" Amphit seemed a little disappointed after listening, but he said very politely.
"Okay, I will tell you the first time!" Heina smiled.
When Guru Anfitt’s figure disappeared, Hina felt strange that the peace talks with the Upadia star had ended. Both sides entered a truce, and now they only have a contract. Why is this guru Another urgent matter?
However, she didn't neglect it, and immediately connected the signal of Shi Xi to inform Master Affitt!
At this time, Shiji has already spent the adaptation period on Mar Ar, and is preparing to head towards the most dangerous area. When she heard this message, she couldn't help but feel tight. If it was not an urgent matter, this guru She will never contact her again.
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