Chapter 1204: : Death Marsh

The conversion of two moon visits into Earth time is almost the same as that of two and a half Earth moons. Although finding a few ancestors on this vast Mar argon star is like a needle in a haystack. Xing, even the entire Heinrich Alliance, cannot escape her search.
This ability comes from the wisdom of the Botania giant, which has evolved to a limit state after millions of years of tempering.
It's just that the stronger the ability, the more trouble it will bring, so Xixi won't show it easily. For her, relying on her original perception is already very powerful.
And she knew that every action of her and Commander Fatanya was seen by Mar Argonians, so she couldn't be too shocked. Of course it is not that they are monitoring anything, but that they can be rescued in case they have an accident.
But Captain Mobson was worried about his commander's safety. For this planetary star, he knew that there was absolutely no problem.
Mu Xi re-entered the road, she unfolded her body, lightning through the jungle, very fast, even those extremely sensitive spirit beasts feel the arrival of strange breath and want to avoid, too late It disappeared directly.
Mu Xi was running and thinking about how to gather these four ancestors together, at least to find their common hobbies or common goals.
For the commander of Fatanya, Xi Shi did not have much hope for the time being. This time he came to the Mar Argon Star, on the surface, he was looking for the upper ancestor together. In fact, Xi knows that this is a rule of many civilizations, a rule that has been handed down for thousands of years.
If you want to see these ancestors like the ancestors, in addition to their own strength, it also depends on fate, whether they can be recognized by the ancestors. Even Shiji is no exception, after all, it is related to the secret of Mar Argon.
Therefore, Xixi intends to conquer the four ancestors alone.
Since he had such a plan, Xixi also intends to take this test seriously. Although she can handle this matter at will, since she has agreed to the other party, she will naturally go all out.
What's more, such a strange thing, Xi Shi rarely encountered, it also aroused her curiosity.
If Feyle is here at this moment, she will definitely explain everything, but she has been dormant since the return of Lu Xi to the earth, and she was still in the string space of Lu Xi when she last met.
Through this lush jungle, Muxi came to a swamp area. According to the map provided, the swamp is 100,000 square kilometers in size, and the whole is somewhat narrow and long, just separating the jungle from the other side of the plain.
Since the gravity on Mar Ar is 1.5 times heavier than that on Earth, once it falls into it, it will be quickly engulfed and there is no chance of struggling at all.
And according to the information provided, there are many very cunning and vicious beasts of all sizes in these swamps.
The swamp is dark purple, and the soil is mixed with the bodies of plants and animals that have rotted in countless years to form a very sticky and smelly zone.
For large and medium-sized creatures wandering in the swamp area, this swamp is both a rich source of food and a terrible place of death.
So here you can see the fresh corpses of death everywhere, and there are many moribund creatures that are about to extinguish vitality. From their desperate and helpless eyes, you can see the coming of death.
The rotation speed of the Mararg is slower than that of the earth, about 30 hours a day and night, so the biological clock is relatively slow.
There are no Earth-like seasons on Mar Ar. Due to the balance of rotation, they are only divided into two seasons, and the climate is like early summer and late autumn on the earth.
It is now the beginning of the summer. The stars of Bilaire are extremely bright. The hot heat roasts the swamp and makes it smelly. Under the gust of wind, it drifts to the distance, causing many creatures and birds to flee.
She opened her respirator and protected herself under the superstring. She was not afraid of the creatures hiding in the swamp, but she did not want to breathe these disgusting smells. She was still a woman no matter what.
The narrowest swamp is also more than 80 kilometers narrowest. If you can fly over the 80 kilometers according to the ability of Muxi, it is easy, but I don’t know why she always feels that there is a breath in this swamp that attracts her and makes her want it. It's okay to do some trekking in person.
In order to explore the source of this breath, Shiji gave up the gravity isolation of Mar Argon and entered the marsh in a normal way.
As soon as she stepped into the swamp, there was a feeling of coolness in her feet, and there seemed to be countless bugs crawling between the soles of her feet, which could be felt through the superstring protective clothing.
Li Shi knew that these small insect-like carrion creatures are actually very powerful and can survive in this swamp. In addition to their own adaptability, UU reading and they also have unique body structures.
In this swamp, there is a creature called 蹸胬, which is explained as follows: corpse.
This small insect is about ten centimeters long, the size of a bamboo stick, the body is composed of sections, the shell is extremely hard, and it is difficult to kill it easily if it is freehand.
The corpse's head is long and slender, and there are no organs of normal organisms. It depends on the small hairs growing on the head according to the surrounding shock.
There is a bone spur in the opening of the head. This bone spur is about three or four centimeters long and usually shrinks in the body. Once a prey is found, the bone spur will be ejected into the prey immediately. Then the venom in the hollow bone spur is injected into the prey, muscles The nerves will soon be melted.
This kind of bone spur is very hard. In the era of primitive civilization, the Mar arginians were used as poison arrows.
Not to mention biological skin, even iron products with low hardness can be pierced effortlessly.
And this kind of corpse has a very strong reproduction ability. Under the condition of sufficient food, each female corpse can lay thousands of eggs, and in a suitable season, can have about ten to fifteen consecutive births.
So in this swamp, corpses are one of the largest biological populations.
It is also one of the main forces for cleaning marsh carrion.
At this time, they continued to attack the strange object with bone spurs around the foot of Muxi. Although they could not pierce the protective clothing, they also made Muxi feel a little bit of itching.
As the murmur gradually entered the depths of the swamp, other small biota including corpse worms, more and more, looked dense and dense, making people shudder.
She is naturally not afraid, after all, she is used to such a situation, remembering that when she was just familiar with superstrings, she did not know how many planets she crawled and rolled under such an environment.
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