Chapter 1209: : Deep Sea Hunting

"Isn't this the ancestor of Fanluo? He actually came out of the body of Qi, is he already tamed by him? This is too powerful!" The commanders at this time saw this situation, everyone's The expressions are shocked.
   "Possibly, after experiencing such years, the ancestor naturally has the ability to tame these giant beasts, but this earth star can defeat Qi in just a short time, which is really terrible!"
   "We really underestimate each other, it seems that the commander's decision is correct!"
In addition to expressing their marvel at the strength of Mu Xi, the commanders' trust in her suddenly soared. This was not just verbal, but also a true inner worship.
  択浠's respect for the ancestors, in addition to the other party's identity, there is also the ability to tame Qi, in addition to strong strength, you also need to have sufficient patience and perseverance.
   Awe of nature and thorough mentality can tame such a beast, which is not just a manifestation of strength.
   "I've heard of you before, I didn't expect to be stronger than I thought, but this one was spent two thousand years of taming, and I didn't expect to be defeated directly by you today." The upper ancestor said with a smile.
"Your ancestor, you have praised me, I defeated it with strength, and the difficulty of taming is far greater than this. This requires your understanding of nature and awe of life. I only defeated it once, and you are afraid to fight it. It’s been thousands of years. I can’t compare with you!
Xi Xi said very humbly.
   "You are not easy!" After listening to the words, the Venerable Venerable Venus showed a surprised expression.
"This time I came to Mar Argon, and I was invited by Commander Fatanya to meet your ancestors. If you are rude, please forgive me. Just now my hands and feet may be a little heavy, which has caused some damage to Qi, I am very sorry!" 択浠Said.
"This little injury is nothing to it. Besides, since I was tamed, it has never met other opponents. This time it is not a bad thing. Although this head is irritable, it is very spiritual." Fan Luo Shangzu laughed.
   "Now that you are the first to find you, this is the appointed place to visit, please trouble to go on time!" Xi Xie sent the official address to the grandfather.
"Well, I understand that the big things are important, but the next few are not as good as me. If you want to persuade them to have some difficulty. Fatanya, who doesn't know what to do, came up with such a way!" Fan Luo said.
   "Thank you for reminding me, since I came, I will naturally go all out, and then say that meeting the challenge is something that every civilized race must face." Xi Xi laughed.
   Then the two said goodbye to each other. For the grand ancestor, his status was here, and he naturally kept a certain distance from the 択浠.
   Watching Muxi disappear on the horizon, the upper ancestor nodded.
   "You old guy, actually defeated by an ordinary Earth star, is really shameful, punish you for not allowed to eat for a month, so reflect on it!" Then the upper ancestor scolded him.
  庑亀 seemed to understand his words and groaned with grievances. It was naturally unwilling to be defeated, but its strength was not good, and there was no way.
   It didn't take long for the calm to return to the swamp. Except for these extremely smelly aged mulch, it seemed that there had been no fierce fighting.
   At this time, the sky darkened, and when Xixi passed through the swamp to reach the plain, it was almost night.
  Now the night is not very cold in this season, but it is the time when many large predators are infested. The plains are rich in food sources, and the complete ecological chain provides hunters and hunters of all classes.
The plain area above the land of the Mars star accounts for more than half of the entire area. The continent where the Shijia is now is only one of them. The season is suitable for it, without any external factors. Through the night vision equipment, a large number of Muxi can be seen. Creatures ran above the plain.
  On all plains, giant beasts like 庑亀 don't exist, and the largest body is only fierce beasts that are half as small as 宩宊.
   The area here is vast. In addition to body size, speed is also one of the most important abilities.
   group predation is king, so most of the creatures living on the plains are based on population.
  The plain that arrived at this area is millions of square kilometers, which is not a great plain, but the rain brought by the humid ocean wind makes this plain lively.
  択浠 didn't perceive anything special here, and just now there was an upper ancestor in seclusion in the swamp land, then there would naturally be no other upper ancestor here.
  After more than one week of the earth, Mu Xi spanned the entire plain. Although many beasts were encountered along the way, they all spent their lives in a shock.
   This plain faces the sea. At the prompt of Commander Fatanya, one of the upper ancestors is hidden in the deep sea and is the oldest one.
   This grand ancestor hasn’t shown up for thousands of years, and even the other three don’t know whether this is still alive. The previous monitoring system only occasionally detected some abnormal signals in the deep sea, but it soon disappeared.
Diving deep into the sea is not too difficult for Muxi, but it must be difficult to find this upper ancestor. Obviously the other party did not intend to be disturbed, so he must hide himself from him and want to find it absolutely difficult. Just like Fanluo's ancestors, they lived within Qiu, if they did not come out on their own initiative, it would take some time for Xiji to know.
Because the gravity of the Mar Ar star is 1.5 times heavier than that of the Earth star, the seabed pressure here is naturally much stronger than normal. The average depth of the entire Mar Ar star ocean is more than 7,000 kilometers, which is enough Earth doubled.
   But what is interesting is that the deepest point is only more than nine thousand meters, which is more than two thousand meters shallower than the deepest trench on earth.
  In spite of this, it is not easy to dive into the sea bottom. The extremely powerful pressure will instantly squeeze and burst ordinary creatures.
Seawater is rich in various minerals on the earth, so the final taste is salty, but the seawater of Mar Argon has a strong sweet taste, but this sweet taste is formed by toxic minerals, so it needs Filter to eat.
   And the density of seawater here is also much higher than that on the earth, and it takes more physical energy to want to sneak quickly.
  No matter what color the seawater is, as long as it is below a kilometer, it will become dark when the sun does not shine.
   In the dark, a black figure was sneaking. Muxi used the propulsive force generated by the superstring protective suit, just like a submarine, falling rapidly into the deep sea.
   is dark around, but Shiji can perceive that there are countless fish-like creatures on the earth and countless plankton.
   She did not understand why the eldest elder ancestor, why did she want to hide in the seabed? Isn't she looking for guilt for herself?
   If it were not for this time, he was really unwilling to search if he was invited by Commander Fatanya.
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