Chapter 1228: : Dufremi's stubbornness

When the first energy field in the blockade area was broken, the shock wave generated almost caused the entire imperial ship to shook slightly. Although you can't feel it if you don't feel it carefully, you can clearly feel it in the center of the shock.
The powerful backlash caused the energy device to exceed its load value, causing the core generator to be overloaded and cracked. Although there were no casualties, the large crater with a range of nearly 1,000 square meters caused by the explosion was enough to surprise the Mudiaxians.
You must know that the safety performance of these energy generating devices installed on the imperial ship is absolutely reliable, and they are responsible for the entire imperial ship's defense system. Hundreds of thousands of these devices are like bombs. If they are not safe, the Imperial Ship will become a super star bomb.
And now the opponent's offensive ability backlash actually caused three of the energy devices to burst, which is simply impossible.
Without the coverage of the energy field, Zhixi and Heina directly blasted open the door of the passage and drove straight in and out.
There are a total of four blockade measures to imprison them. In addition to the energy field, there are also powerful super mecha guards. These super mechas have been issued with a first-level warning order. As long as they find their tracks, they will take no difference. attack.
On the periphery of the Super Mecha Guard, there is a physical protective layer constructed of a super alloy in the Heine Li Galaxy Alliance. This super alloy is similar to the super titanium alloy, but its properties are hundreds of times stronger than the super titanium alloy.
It can not only absorb and dispel various types of power attacks, but also ‘intelligent’ to defend, that is, when it is attacked, the internal structure of the super alloy will instantly change to resist the attacked part.
This is also a very powerful substance developed by the Diakian, and is widely used on warships.
The physical protective layer is tens of meters thick, which surrounds this area like an eggshell.
Beyond this layer of physical protection, there are nearly 10,000 of the most elite guards, and hundreds of extremely powerful abilities.
They come from various civilized races in the Heni slang galaxy alliance, similar to the shadow organization cultivated by the Upadia star people.
The four ultimate defense systems in this way have never been activated on the imperial ship to resist the Diaks. Under normal circumstances, as long as the two are activated at the same time, it is enough to cope with the invading enemy.
From this it seems that they are extremely jealous and afraid of Zhixi, so they attempt to trap Zhixi in this way. As long as the galactic war is over, then Zhixi will lose any effect.
After she has no backing, it will not be too late to deal with this planetary man with all her strength.
But now that the war has not yet begun, Heina has destroyed the first layer of energy protection, and has also caused several energy generating devices to burst.
When the news reached Commander Duflemy, he was deploying an offensive plan in the command hall. Facing the news, the commander was expressionless.
The other commanders and elders did not dare to say anything. After being secretly communicated by Zhixi, the most powerful person has been in a bad mood. The elders knew that it might be because this matter finally rose to the height of full-scale war. Commander Dufremi was very upset.
But how could they know that the secret call between Zhixi and Commander Duflemy had already burned the anger of the power man to the extreme, more because of Zhixi's arrogance and arrogance.
"If you stop talking, use your ultimate power to give up the imperial ship and kill them too!" Commander Duflemy said viciously.
"Dear commander, for the sake of these two low-level civilizations, are we going to abandon the imperial ship?" The elders were taken aback.
"Yes, as long as they are trapped, even if this imperial ship is destroyed, it will be no hesitate!" Commander Dufremi replied decisively.
"Now that the shuttle is in our hands, no matter how powerful they are, they can't resist the imperial ship's offensive and defensive system. Have you worried too much?" Some elders kindly persuaded.
After all, for a galaxy alliance, the imperial ship represents the highest power symbol. If the imperial ship is destroyed because of certain civilizations, this will undoubtedly be a blow to the prestige of the galaxy alliance.
Now the Diak star people have invited Zhixi into the imperial ship and can only carry out a siege attack. This is also what they did not expect beforehand, and it is already difficult to get off the tiger.
If they were not so arrogant beforehand, I’m afraid they wouldn’t let Zhixi enter the imperial ship easily, and even if they met, they would be on the other planetary motherships.
"If you can kill them, what if you lose the imperial ship?" Commander Dufremi said very hard.
"We can rebuild the imperial ship, but once this incident is reported, we will face an unprecedented crisis of prestige for the crew and other civilized races. Other galaxy alliances will guess what kind of sneak attack we have suffered. Even the imperial ship cannot be preserved, and there are tens of millions of warships in the entire assembly base." The elders are very worried.
"If they disappear here, then no civilized race will know about this. Okay, everyone, let's attack the Henni slang galaxy and deploy them. Let's leave these two to Captain Polyone to solve it!" The commander was a little impatient.
Just as they were arguing about this matter, Zhixi had already started a melee with super mechas. These steel bodies were very powerful and equipped with melee and long-range firepower, which formed a battle against them in these nearly 100-meter-diameter channels. Absolute suppression.
This is also a fierce battle. Heina and Zhixi cooperate with each other, and they are not soft at all. Faced with the continuous influx of reinforcements, if they do not destroy them as soon as possible, they will also suffer a fatal blow.
There is no high-energy long-range firepower device in the protective clothing. They can only fight with melee weapons that are deformed. This is a very physical battle.
The super mecha is not exhausted, and UU reading will not be afraid. The super-intelligent system locks the two of them tightly, and waves of attacks do not give them a chance to breathe.
Although the passage here extends in all directions, the super mecha has blocked all the way forward for Zhixi and them.
Amid the violent explosions and rapid metal crashes, super mechas were constantly being destroyed, and some were chopped off by the waist, but they still crawled forward unyieldingly and shot.
The battle became more and more intense, and there were more and more mecha wrecks behind the metal channel.
Without Heina, Zhixi would have no trouble dealing with these super mechas, but now she must seize this opportunity. Only in such a cruel battle can Heina grow.
In the future in the process of implementing the Earth’s defense system, I am afraid that such scenes will be encountered frequently. Heina may execute it alone. Whether he can survive then, in addition to his own ability, it depends on the accumulated battles of fierce battles. Experience, means of escape.
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