Chapter 125: : Identity of Pamel

Three days before the start of the galaxy conference, the space city of Oros star began to be busy. Ships of high-level civilized large families can reach the Warrior City on time without flying directly through the portal.
Which participants of high-level civilization will take the ship of high-level civilization in the past, due to the relatively backward technology and resources. Advanced civilizations are not yet able to build star rings, and the Barocca Alliance will help build small portals on these galaxy trade points.
Herak has only one portal, used to teleport the galaxy civilization coming to the galaxy conference in various ways.
Oros star is only forty-five light-years away from this warrior city. The Suzaku directly sails with a curvature of more than three levels, which can be reached in one day.
After the high-level civilization of Oros star left, the originally lively space city gradually calmed down.
Suzaku took off directly on the building's dedicated docking bridge. Due to the death of Fried Ang and the annihilation of the smearing organization, the hunt for the stone controllers had long since ceased.
Even if Pamiel appears in the city of Caldari, it is estimated that there is no Oros star to pay attention to.
"Sister, this space city is so big, but I remember when I was a kid, when my grandfather said that when the string star was the most brilliant, the space city was bigger than the asteroid."
"Then do you hate the civilized race that destroyed your home?" Luoxi asked.
"Hate, it's just that I don't currently have this ability, I want to make myself stronger!" Pamel said with a fist.
"Are you sure you are strong and you can get revenge? The opponent you are facing is a hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times stronger than you! How do you deal with it?"
"I haven't thought about it yet, but I can wait until I have this ability!" Pamela's eyes filled with perseverance.
"Ah!" Luoxi sighed softly!
"Sister, what's wrong with me? Am I wrong?" Pamel asked, looking up.
"Nothing!" Luoxi said, touching Palmier's small head.
The Suzaku flew over the space city over Caldari. Luoxi knew that this would never come again. There are still some string force stars on the planet of Oros. Once she completes the matter of the wandering planet, they will usher in a Belong to your own string power star age.
After entering the superluminal flight, Pamel seemed to be unable to bear the pressure brought by it, and took a rest in the dormant cabin.
"Have you thought about it? Take him with you." The main system asked.
"For the time being, this is the only way, but I think there is something else you didn't tell me last time, is it about Pamel." Luoxi asked.
"Yes, this matter is of great importance, and I am considering whether to make it clear to you." The main system said.
"Experienced so much, no matter what the situation, we all survived, the universe collapsed, and your master is there!" Luoxi smiled.
"The same thing is said, in fact, this is about the identity of Pamel."
"His identity?" Luoxi wondered.
"Yes, I have re-compared his genetic code in the past few days, the most important event analysis of the chord force star in these 20,000 years. If I guess correctly, he should be a descendant of the black corpse." The main system said.
"Are you sure? According to the history of string force stars, the black imaginary should be more than 15,000 years old. Due to the decay of the population, it should be the fifth generation by Pamel here." Luoxi was a little surprised.
"Yes, the black corpse is the branch, and then there have been two stone controllers, one of them is Pamel and the other is his grandfather. Unfortunately, his grandfather has been missing for many years, and there is no record of what happened. What happened. "The main system said.
"Do you mean the black corpse has known Pamel's true identity?" Luoxi frowned.
"I do n’t know this. The elders must know it, so I concealed everyone and sent him out. It may be the most dangerous place and the safest. But I did n’t expect the black incorporeate looking for the stone controller. Is it intentional or coincidental. "
"I think it should be a coincidence. It has been more than a thousand years since the black corpse has left the string force star. He does not know whether he still has any offspring. If he knows, I am afraid that he will not treat Pamel this way." Luoxi said.
"You have made sense, but the heart of the black corpse is currently filled with revenge, and has lost its sense. The grudge between the string star and the star was not clear in one sentence. For him, the star star is early. There is no more. "The main system said.
"Then what do you mean, I can't take him to the black market of Serekz?" Luoxi said.
"I'm not worried about what the black corpse will do to him, but I am worried that when you promise to invite Ebsi to invite the black corpse, there will inevitably be an inevitable war. Everything will be revealed, then if Pamel knows , What impact will he have in the future? "
"Looking at his answer just now ~ ~ I'm afraid the seeds of revenge have been planted long ago. In case of growing up and becoming the second black corpse, the Barocca League will fall into chaos again." The main system Continue.
"Your consideration is not unreasonable, but if you do n’t let him go through all this, watching his fathers fight for their own lusts and finally be ended. Then he will never understand that revenge will only bring civilization Pain, how to re-establish the future of string force stars? "Luoxi said.
"I also understand these reasons, he is just a child, if you do not let him know all this, practice more around you, this is actually the best choice."
"I've been thinking about what you said these days. Although he looks small, he also experienced a hundred years of suffering. Revenge is inevitable. Without seeing the consequences, his mind will not change. Instead of letting him Growing up personally to create pain to confirm this wrong decision, it is better to let him understand now. "Luoxi is also very tangled.
"You are right, but the pain caused by the predecessors is now to be imposed on these juniors." The main system said helplessly.
"This is a very helpless thing, so why do I want to wander the planet, that is, let the string star people see it every day, and always remember that revenge cannot solve the problem. Otherwise, they will return to the asteroid ground and continue to grow. Alive. "
"The galaxy conference is just the first stop he has experienced. When the black corpse is over, he is willing to follow me and take him away. The string star needs a leader, and his ancestors have abandoned the string star. Now he needs him Take on this responsibility and let the string force stars rise again. "
Luoxi's face now showed a smile, she seemed to see the future, and Pamel became a great leader. The string force star also stands on the top of wisdom and civilization again.
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