Chapter 1274: : Go to Rikia Star

In the next few months, the fleet advancing quickly, and did not encounter much resistance, the situation was smooth.
This surprised the Lithvastars. Although some of their commanders remained vigilant, most of the crew felt that the fierce suppression in the early stage had already had an effect. The Mosleys might not want to hold on and give up temporarily. A battle with the Lisva star.
Then, the star beast fleet began to dispatch, a large number of civilized races need to go to peace talks and conquer, both civil and martial arts.
The star beast fleet flocks to the various planets in the encircled star field like locusts. Depending on the level of civilization and the difference in the planetary environment, these more than 50 million star beasts have been placed on hundreds of planets with civilized races. .
Zhixi also allocated the catalog and quantity needed to complete the occupation of the planet.
"Commanders, the first batch of orders we received this time is to conquer these four civilizations. Although they are all low-level civilizations, several of them are quite powerful. Although they do not have the ability to leave the planet, The defensive weapons they possess are very advanced. I am afraid that this is also the help given by the Moseley Stars. This is the first time that I led the Star Beast Fleet on an expedition. I have talked with the officials, so I hope that during this period, you will use your own experience to make up for my shortcomings. Our only goal is to complete the set instructions and conquer these civilized races. But before this goal, I will add one more point, If it can be resolved through peace talks, then there is no need to dispatch star beasts to minimize our casualties. This will not do any harm to both parties." Zhixi said in the command hall, looking at a hundred commanders.
It is obviously impossible for Zhixi to use Star Beast for the first time.
"Senior Zhixi, do you mean that we must first negotiate with each other before deciding whether to use star beasts to conquer?" a commander asked.
"In theory, this is the case, but from the perspective of the combat plan, our patrol fleet has long understood the information of these civilized races. It is better to use force or to use peace talks to solve the problem, but I still hope that before the action Give the other party a chance, this is also a chance for ourselves!" Zhi Xi nodded and said.
"Isn't this delaying the entire progress? Judging from the current advancing speed of the entire fleet, there is not much time for us to negotiate." Some commanders said.
"We don’t need to grab progress. What we need is respect for all civilized races. Although the two sides are hostile, after this war, do you still think that they are opponents? We used to be like this, but we are lucky to become The master of this galaxy alliance." Zhixi said.
"Understood, if this is the case, then implement it according to your arrangements. No matter what kind of resistance we encounter, we will be courteous first and then pawn!"
After the meeting, these commanders led the star beast transporter to follow the landing fleet to conquer the planet.
"Sister, I suddenly discovered that when a civilized race becomes the master of a galaxy alliance, what kind of luck is needed to do it!" Heina, who was standing next to him, suddenly said with emotion.
"This is natural. The more you reach the peak of power, the greater the resistance you will encounter. If you want to be the strongest existence, in addition to conquering the opponent with your strength, you also need to accumulate hearts for yourself. No civilized race will not encounter difficulties. , And in a difficult situation, only those opponents or friends that you have respected can help you." Zhixi smiled.
"No wonder my sister is always respected wherever she goes. Now I understand what you did before. Although it may seem complicated and trivial at times, these are what you call the accumulation of hearts." Heina said.
"Shangguan Zhixi, our team is also ready and ready to go!" At this time, a small commander came to Zhixi and said softly.
"Well, let's go!" Zhixi responded.
As the commander-in-chief of the Pitt star system star beast fleet this time, it is naturally impossible for Zhixi to stay in the command hall and watch the subordinates execute orders. This is not her usual style.
When using star beasts to fight, they don't need to go to the planet in person, as long as the star beast transport ships follow the landing fleet to fight, they can perfectly complete the combat instructions.
But now Zhixi has changed this combat rule, she needs the commanders to follow the star beast team and participate in the landing operation.
They can participate in the battle without controlling the Star Beast Mech, but they must personally command on the battlefield.
What Zhixi did in this way is naturally useful. It is to allow these commanders to immediately understand the changes in the abilities of these star beasts, the various functional conditions in actual combat, and the comprehensive response capabilities, in order to return to the test planet’s genome Figure to make more perfect improvements.
The super-form Suzaku took the lead, drawing out a golden light and rushing to the designated planet ten light-years away, followed by other star beast teams.
Rikia, a planet one third larger than the earth, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com This is a planet as beautiful as the earth, in too deep space, it appears blue-green, like a flawless gem, embedded in the darkness.
The Rikias belong to the experimental civilization race of the Mosleys. From the perspective of civilization development, they have just completed the fifth technological revolution.
The spacecraft can be used to send people out of their own star system, and a relatively complete interstellar fleet has been formed, and the entire civilization level is more advanced than that of the earth.
This time the conflict between the two major galaxy alliances, unfortunately the star system where Rikia is located is naturally involved.
However, most of the Rikia Stars are stubborn and very aggressive. They have extraordinary ability to withstand external pressure.
This ability to withstand pressure is embodied in the struggles between different regions within them that lasted for thousands of years, which is similar to the confrontation between countries on the earth.
In this galactic war, the Rikia did not give in to the warning of conquest issued by the Lithva star forward fleet, and mobilized all the interstellar fleets to resist tenaciously.
The result can be imagined, but they did not intend to surrender.
According to the information that Zhixi learned, the forward fleet asked the star beasts to cooperate with the landing fleet to wipe out all the active power of the Rikia star people. If the opponent does not submit to the Lithva star people, it will be erased on the planet.
Although the use of absolute power can wipe out all the Rikia star people, it is clear that the Lisva star people want to conquer the Rikia star people.
After all, if such a civilized race is used for its own use, a new alliance system can be established in this star field.
Invading the opponent's star domain, conquering various civilizations and races, and establishing a new order is one of the most fundamental reasons for the galactic war.
Blindly destruction can only bring more resistance!
One second of genius: m.dushuzhe
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