Chapter 127: :visit

The rest cabin is incredibly spacious, so big that Luxi ca n’t even imagine it. Not to mention that she lives with Pamel, even the Suzaku can be stopped in.
Each has a length and width of 4,500 meters, an area of ​​almost 200,000 square meters, where is accommodation, more than enough for large group meetings. All settings are very complete and complete.
"This is too exaggerated! Is it necessary to set up such a large size?" Luoxi looked at the rest cabin, in fact, it was actually a city in a city.
"You are only one person to participate, naturally it is not so large, like the large families of galaxies come from hundreds of thousands, naturally need a spacious rest cabin." The main system said.
This is the first city of warriors in Luoxi. The main system calls out the super interest map of the entire city of warriors, and explains and explains each key point in detail.
"This time, there were more than 50 million galaxy families participating in this galaxy conference. This scale is too huge!" Luo Xi was a little surprised to read the statistics of the final entry into Pyramid City.
"It's all on this scale. This galaxy conference is almost the same as before. The total number is a little less, but there are more than 1.6 million core members of the galaxy superfamily in the Barocca Alliance. The overall quality is absolute. Yes. "The main system lists a large list of data.
"It seems that this trip is worthwhile, this information is directly stored in our system, it is best to correspond to the coordinates of their star field, which will help me later." Luoxi laughed.
"Ebsi family, it turns out that the old guy is not weak behind him!" After entering the name of Ebsi, Luoxi really had the name of his family.
"That's for sure. Since the Tenados can rule the entire Barocca Group, their strength is absolutely spread throughout the galaxy, not to mention that many families with top life codes can obtain planetary rights, mining rights, trade, and resources. Many of the powers are equivalent to dividing the star area. "The main system said.
"Well, no wonder this old guy exchanged me with the top life code, it seems that this chip weight is very heavy." Luoxi said.
"That is, as I said before, the life code represents the status symbol. The entire Barocca League may have a top life code of about one million, so do you know how much power you have in your hands? "
"I didn't have this concept before. According to the normal galaxy data, I can get a star dominion with a range of more than 20 million light years. I am a landlord!" Luoxi laughed.
"Fortune fans!" The main system expressed contempt for the laughter of Luoxi.
Looking from the window, the huge hemisphere in the distance is brightly lit, which is absolutely lively at this moment.
Pamier has not returned yet. According to the mark, the little guy flew to the top of the pyramid, and it is estimated that he will be back at 1:30.
Luoxi told him a few words, decided to go to the center of the hemisphere alone to see.
When Xixi enters the center of the hemisphere directly from the transmission cabin, it is indeed very lively like a city on the ground.
Different races and buildings of different styles are mixed together. Such a scene is rarely seen. This is a super mixed city.
Between tall metal buildings, thick transparent pipes are connected into one body, which can be used for mechatronics to shuttle between them.
The only thing here that can stay in the air at will is the executive machine of the city of warriors. It monitors everything in the hemisphere at any time and warns.
Is in charge of the executive aircraft and has no attack weapons. The only weapon is the super-strong binding energy network.
This is a killer weapon of the Turnado Stars. Although it will not hurt lives, the powerful energy network can make the hitters lose their ability to resist instantly.
This is also specially prepared for all galaxy assembly to prevent accidents at the galaxy assembly.
Luoxi was randomly transferred to a place. This area is very remote. There are no tall buildings at the entrance, only all low-rise houses, and these houses seem to be formed naturally, not artificially built.
The house was a little worn, and many doors could not be closed. The Luoxi suddenly felt like crossing, and returned to the time of the ancients in their hometown.
There are very few civilized families here. Even if there are, it is also a transmission error. After a quick glance, I left directly.
"What area is this, is it the ability of low-level civilization?" Luoxi carefully pushed open a broken door to enter, it was empty, there was nothing, but it seemed very clean.
"Here is the place where the Lake Talent abilities live. They are also high-level civilizations, and they may have different understandings of their own ability cultivation methods. I remember that you humans also have a kind of ascetic monk, who constantly hone themselves with a cruel living environment to achieve A state of harmony between man and nature. "The main system said.
"Oh, this is the first time I have encountered the same way of practice in other galaxies, and I am very appreciative!" Luoxi nodded.
"Otherwise you can perceive them!" Said the main system.
"Forget it, I don't feel any danger here, but I feel comfortable. I like this!"
While observing at Luoxi, a group of civilized races came in from outside the area, about four or five. They were not tall, and all red uniforms were very conspicuous.
Light blue skin, oval head, no neck, seems to be directly connected to the body. The eyes are upright, the nose is small, and the mouth is wide.
The cheeks have two or three tentacle-like organs, which swing as they walk.
"This is Gabon Star ~ ~ Very belligerent, if you don't need it, you leave first!" Then the main system said.
Gabone, located in the galaxy galaxy in the galaxy Ella, is the home base of the Pedi Mori family.
The Pedi Mori family mainly provides the manufacturing and R & D of part of the fusion missiles on the Raiders for the Baroca Alliance. The family has a huge star field and is very powerful.
After listening to Luoxi, it was natural to prepare to leave.
"Sorry, may I ask you?"
At this time, someone on the other side spoke, the tone was very polite, using the common language of the Barocca Union, the voice was a little low.
"Are you calling me?" Luoxi deliberately looked around.
Several Gabone stars stepped forward and nodded.
"I'm a human from the earth, I'm just curious to stroll around at the galaxy conference!" Luoxi smiled with a humble expression.
"Earthman? Haven't heard of it, do they belong to the Barocca Alliance?" One of them asked.
"Not part of the Barocca League."
"Since it does not belong to the Barocca Alliance, you can come in. It seems that your identity is very unusual!" I looked at the head of Luoxi with a very suspicious tone.
"I am an ordinary earthman, I came in with the Ebbsie family, just want to see the galaxy assembly." Luoxi directly brought the Ebsey family in.
"Oh, since it was invited by the Ebbsie family, it must be extraordinary! It's just that the talents in this area are fancy by our Pedi Mori family. Could you tell the Ebbsie family, come and visit later? Right! "The other person expressed his meaning very directly and politely.
When several Gabion stars of the Pedi Molly family looked at the back of Luoxi's departure, they seemed to have heard of this earthman.
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