Chapter 1338: : Super attack speed

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The fighting arena that can accommodate millions of viewers is already full. Although the fighting between Ningxi and Moluga can’t be seen clearly by most people, it is displayed in mid-air through the magnification of the super-interest screen, which is enough to make everyone Every viewer can clearly see every wonderful offensive and defensive confrontation.
Soon the battle started, and Moroka took the initiative to attack. He naturally wanted to use his super fast speed to solve the battle as soon as possible, but Zhixi would naturally not let him succeed easily, although Zhixi had a bit of food during the initial fight. Loss, but the situation has not fallen too much.
After the initial ultra-fast attack, Moroja was very surprised. He knew his abilities, and when he attacked with all his strength, the opponent was able to dodge some of his attacks. This woman is indeed extraordinary.
Many times I watched Moroka stay in place, but in fact, in the blink of an eye, he had already made dozens of shots. This kind of fast enough to be indistinguishable by the naked eye was also the key to his victory.
But all this seemed to have lost its effect in front of Zhixi. Although the opponent did not have the speed like Moroka, she braked statically and responded to all changes, successfully resolving most of the opponent's attacks.
Although the current situation seems unfavorable, it has not suffered the slightest harm.
For the viewers, they hardly understand this, as long as the scene is exciting and exciting, the shouts and cheers are very noisy one after another.
"Commander, do you say which of the two of them will win in the end?" At the commander's special viewing platform, several elders also accompanied Commander Terbli to watch the battle.
"What do you think?" Tarbli asked rhetorically.
"This is naturally Moroja. He is the most powerful Kunlun of our Harinars. Under his attack speed, no one can retreat. But this Earth Star Alliance leader is also very powerful. I can resist it for so long, but after all, I can't keep up in terms of endurance. I don't see how long it will take, I am afraid I will be defeated!" The elders naturally lean towards Moroja.
"I think so, Kun Lun, regardless of the attack speed is our fastest Kun Lun, and his endurance is also extraordinary, I heard that training super-intensity speed attack, he is alone on the Lester star, against its powerful super gravity! "
"It seems that this guy is really fighting, and he actually went to train on Lester. If he is not careful, his bones will be lost!"
"I don't think Moroja will win. The leader seems to have more energy. She didn't use her best!" At this time, the commander-in-chief Talbury laughed.
"This leader of the League is losing steadily now, and he has no power to fight back. If Moroka couldn't win this way, it would be terrible!"
"Avoid her edge and frustrate her spirit. The reason why she didn't choose a hard bar is because she was waiting for the opportunity. No matter how Moroka attacks, as long as it can be delayed until he is exhausted." said the commander in chief.
"But whether the other party can delay until that time is still a question, and whether it can withstand Moroja's attack." Some elders naturally disagree with Commander Talbli.
"Absolutely!" Commander Tarbli smiled confidently.
At this time, the fighting on the field was still fierce. Zhixi avoided Moroka’s attack with all his strength, and the opponent had no softness at all. He played some unbelievable attack speeds. This speed that ordinary people could not recognize at all caused Zhixi Great difficulty.
As the sounds of cheering and shouting became louder and louder, Moroka’s attack speed seemed to be getting faster and faster, and in the eyes of the viewers, all the battlefields looked like Moroka’s remnants. There are countless figures attacking Zhixi at the same time.
Although the situation is at a disadvantage, Zhixi did not panic. While she patiently waited for the opponent to exhaust her, no matter what the strong one, under such super-strength attack speed, his physical strength must be consumed faster than normal.
At this time, it depends on who has better endurance and stronger ability to withstand pressure.
After more than an hour passed, Moroja's attack speed did not slow down, which made Zhixi also very surprised, and she couldn't help but re-examine the warrior.
No wonder this guy has such a confident attack speed to make up for it. It turns out that he has such a terrifying physical ability, which is almost comparable to the humanoid mecha.
But Moroka’s heart didn’t think so at this time. Under the attack of such intensity and density, the opponent was still fighting back tenaciously. He knew the damage he had caused to the opponent. Although the strength was not enough, the attack density was absolutely super Strong.
Not to mention a living body, even a powerful ship will produce depressions and holes under such a dense attack.
In addition to the fact that the leader of the Earth Star Alliance was much slower, he didn't seem to be disturbed much in other aspects.
And more importantly, the opponent seems to have understood his attacking habits, and now he can always avoid his own attacks at the most critical moment. As a result, the attack efficiency is reduced, which greatly consumes physical strength and puts him at a disadvantage. .
Although others might not be able to see it, Moroja knew it very well in her heart.
His strongest offensive ability is within two and a half hours. If he exceeds it, his physical strength will gradually be exhausted, which is basically his limit. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm
"I didn't expect you to be really strong!" When Moroja didn't stop the attack, he said the first sentence of the opening!
"Because you are too strong, so I can only become stronger!" Zhi Xi quickly avoided the opponent for an instant kick and said.
"No matter how strong you are, you can't resist my attack speed, but if you can hold on to now, you are already a winner!" said Moroja.
"It's too early to win or lose, but I must be the one standing in the end!" Zhixi smiled.
"Very well, I also want to see what exactly you can use to beat me?" Facing Zhixi, who was blindly defensive, Moroka was also very curious.
"Don't worry, it will definitely convince you!" Zhi Xi replied.
When the two sides were talking, the two had also rushed to fight hundreds of times, and a continuous impact sounded through the battlefield.
It was nearly half an hour later, and Moroka felt that his physical strength was disappearing a little bit, and the opponent did not seem to have any consumption, and the defensive speed was the same as before.
However, judging from the opponent's demeanor, it seems that it is also the end of the battle. If you refuel, you can end the game.
So Moroka yelled, and his body leaped up like lightning, a full fifty or sixty meters high, and then he slammed into the river quickly.
The powerful momentum even suffocated the surrounding air.
When Zhixi saw Moroka's figure, a huge fist suddenly appeared in front of her, and the speed was almost impossible to escape.
Relying on the opponent's falling acceleration and strength, if he was hit by this punch, he would definitely be wiped out.
Zhixi knew that she had no choice but to face the difficulties. She also kicked her feet, rising from the ground, and rushing towards Moroka with the momentum of thunder.
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