Chapter 133: : Violent resolution

"Do you really want to make this little thing big?" Luoxi stared at the other party.
"Miss Luoxi, this is the Barocca League. What do you think about the event? The galaxy conference does not allow the existence of civilized races like him who are arbitrarily trying to kill people, and I heard that string force stars were great by us 100,000 years ago. The destruction of the commander-in-chief no longer exists, should all these remaining evils be captured now. "Wilmer said coldly.
"I'm going to kill you, you are the murderers who kill the string force stars."
Pamel was very angry at this time. He struggled and shouted, his expression stubborn, if it was not for the guards to hold it, I might have rushed up and desperately long ago.
"It seems that the Ritter Stars have never tasted the genocide. You are right. This is the Barocca Alliance. I am a civilized race that cannot be found in the galaxy. How can I compete with you. But today I want to Here I loosen my muscles and bones. I just realized a lot of things in the Rhodes, and see if it is useful. "Luo Xi said, the breath became very cold.
"Dare you, don't think you are complacent with a little strength, I have prepared everything for you long ago." Wilmer said.
The voice just fell, and a beam of light directly illuminated the Luoxi. Although protected by super liquid titanium clothing, it was unable to move due to the powerful energy of the beam.
"This is a light high-gravity energy beam specially prepared for you. I know you wear protective clothing, but this energy beam will penetrate it. Slowly, you will feel a very beautiful sense of gravity." Wilmer Laughed.
"This is a good thing, much stronger than a simple bound beam. It seems that the Conley family is worthy of a large family of weapons." The main system said at this time.
"Actually, we can study the light gravity beam. Fortunately, the distance data of the absolute field of the inner layer of the super liquid titanium coat was strengthened last time. Tons of gravity. "Luoxi said.
Looking at the Luoxi bound in the beam of light, Wilmer seemed to see the painful and surrendered expression of Luoxi. In his dictionary, there was nothing impossible to do.
The Kang Liwei family's incomparable strength has given this diplomatic director a very strong foundation.
"Ms. Luoxi, I really feel sorry for you. The Conley family will always welcome the strong to join, and we will never let him exist for disobedience."
"According to your logic, if at this galaxy meeting, the abilities you choose are not willing to join the Conley family, then will it lead to death?" Luoxi said.
"This is not necessarily the case, we will not break the rules of the galaxy assembly, but we will not allow the ability to do whatever they want. We want the tools to serve us, not the leaders who command us."
"It seems that this time I did not come in vain. As soon as I saw your actual face and face, I also learned your real means. I just wanted to say one last thing. Some people ca n’t be bothered, some things ca n’t be done, some words ca n’t be said. This is something everyone on our planet knows. Especially when you really do n’t really understand your opponents!
Luoxi smiled slightly.
Just when Wilmer didn't understand why Luoxi said this, Luoxi walked directly to him, walking calmly, and nothing was affected.
"You, how can you escape the gravitational pressure of the high-gravity energy beam of light, which is impossible at this time." Wilmer yelled like a ghost.
As he called, several beams of high-gravity energy hit Luxi, but she didn't stop.
"Give me more power, I don't believe I can't suppress her." Will Mai yelled.
At this moment, Luoxi took a few quick steps and came directly to him. Although the height difference was a great deal, Luoxi's lightning-like lock throat directly pinched the Ritter star's not thick neck.
"Come and save me!" Wilmer shouted loudly, but everyone in the Conley family dared to go.
Luoxi looked at Wilmie at close range and threw it out directly. Wilmide drew a beautiful arc in the sky and fell directly into the beam of light and high gravity energy. The extremely huge gravity field immediately overwhelmed him. The ground is constantly being squeezed, making a miserable cry.
Wilme is not without protective clothing, but he did not expect to be bullied on the family site.
When the beam of high-gravity energy was turned off, Wilmer had only one breath, and the deformed body could no longer be discerned.
When Luoxi took Pamel away from the rest cabin, no member of the Conley family dared to step forward and stop.
"Sister, you are really too powerful, I want to learn!"
When Luoxi and Palmier teleported back to their rest cabin, the little guy called.
"I told you not to go out to cause trouble, just don't listen. Fortunately, this member of the Conley family has a plan, otherwise you will have been killed by others." Luoxi knocked on Pamel's little head.
"Sister, injustice! I admit that there is a little friction, I also apologized, but the other party is not willing to spare, and slanders the string force star. This time I fought back!"
"Okay, the galaxy conventions are all big families. It ’s not you and I can afford it. I wo n’t be able to leave me one step from now on!" Luoxi didn't know what happened just now ~ ~ Pamel It is impossible to provoke members of these galaxy families with patience.
Although the matter was resolved with the strong force of Luxi, the impact it brought was more than that.
When the Kang Liwei family got this information for the first time, the elders were basically violently thunderous. As for the authenticity of the matter, it must be biased against their own side.
They re-dispatched the core members to go urgently, and have already filed an appeal against the Paloka Union.
In fact, for them to deal with such a thing, there is no need to make a fuss, and the Barocca Alliance will not care about such a small thing.
But the Conley family has its own plan, the neutrality of the galaxy assembly is not allowed to be broken, otherwise all galaxy families will conduct abnormal transactions for various reasons.
Luoxi is not a member of the Barocca Alliance, so the Conley family explored the views of major galaxy families on the grounds of dealing with Luxi.
Wilmer temporarily left the galaxy assembly, this injury is no problem for high-level civilization.
The outside world knows little about what happened to the Conley family, and they cannot publicize it.
The galaxy conference is still going on fiercely. The biggest message during this period is that the Rhodians announced their full withdrawal from the galaxy conference. It will take about three hundred years to be repaired.
As for the reason, no one knows, of course, there are many rumors related to an earth man named Luoxi.
However, Luoxi is not clear why the Rhodes will announce their withdrawal, and she will not go to ask, after all, this is a decision made by other civilizations and races, other civilizations can not control.
After this incident, Pamel became a lot more obedient. He knew that he had caused trouble for Luoxi. Although Luoxi did not explain, he could have lived on Oros and knew the strength of the big galaxy family.
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