Chapter 1413: : Super Fortress Starship

"Complete body (
After another hundred years, Luohua has become very skilled in the control of the Vermilion Bird, and Zhixi is also ready to go to the gloomy birthplace.
This is a starry sky that is infinitely close to the Eye of the Universe. Although there is still 50 billion light-years away, the powerful gravitational force of the Eye of the Universe makes everything in this starry sky particle-like. The galaxies that can be in this starry sky are no longer Exists.
In such a star field, this complete civilization has survived for hundreds of millions of years.
And they built the heart of the universe, an object similar to the eye of the universe, which allowed the entire star field to be controlled by its powerful gravitational force.
As the Vermilion ship approached, it clearly felt a strong gravitational field, and Zhixi also felt the familiar power of the Eye of the Universe.
"Is this the singularity of the universe we talked about before?" Luohua looked through the window and asked the huge bright spot tens of billions of light years away.
"This is the Eye of the Universe, which is similar to the singularity, but it is completely different from what we have studied before. It is not only the beginning of the universe but also the end of the universe." Zhixi said.
"Yi'er, this time we are facing a complete civilization, are you sure to deal with it?" Luo Hua asked with some worry.
"We are here to seek the truth, not to be hostile to each other, you can rest assured that I will handle it!" Zhixi said softly.
Over the years, Luo Hua has made up for all the cognition, from the overall situation of the universe, the system of wisdom and civilization, economics, trade, and all aspects of military.
As he learns more, he has a deeper understanding of Zhixi's powerful knowledge. Although Zhixi did not explain where the ten-year disappearance went and what he did, he knew that this was definitely an extraordinary decade. .
But Luo Hua didn't ask, because if Zhixi wanted to tell him, he would naturally.
"I know that I may be holding you back, but I hope to fight alongside you. You have taken on too much alone in these years. Let us face it together this time for the future of mankind and even this universe!" Luo Hua looked at Zhi Xi's firm back and said.
"Not as serious as you said, aren't you with us now? I have made you familiar with everything on the Suzaku over the years, just to fight with me!" Zhixi turned back and said softly.
"But this is certainly not enough. The Suzaku is powerful, but the other party is a complete civilization. I don't know how many powerful fleets and weapons we have. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to compete with it. Over the past hundreds of years, I have also read a lot of related information. Knowledge, in our universe, even if all civilized races are assembled, they can't fight against the complete civilization. This is the absolute crush on technology and military." Luo Hua said.
"I know what you are worried about. I can deal with it naturally, but I can't. We can still run away. No ship can catch up with the Suzaku!" Zhixi smiled.
"Be careful in everything. We have already had an accident. Although it is a blessing in disguise, lucky things cannot happen every time. I don't want to lose you again!" Luo Hua looked at Zhixi and said.
"Hmm! No way!" Zhixi said.
Just as the Vermilion was gradually approaching the heart of the universe, the finished civilization also began to move. In the gloomy land, a huge galaxy that had been covered in dust for a long time was fully revealed.
To be precise, this is a super huge fortress starship, and it is also the largest fortress starship Zhixi has ever seen.
With a diameter of nearly a million light-years, the entire shape is similar to a pyramid, traversing the starry sky, exuding powerful majesty.
"This is the Bastion Starship?" Luohua felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the Bastion Starship on the Hyperbreathing Star Chart.
"Yes, it seems that they are more powerful than I thought. They actually built a million light-year-old fortress starship. No wonder they can hide around the eye of the universe." Chi Xi naturally also sensed the strength of the other party.
"This is too terrifying, such a huge battleship, if the war mode is turned on, no civilized race can stop their attack." Luo Hua said.
"Yes, this is also the biggest fortress starship I have seen. Since the other party has revealed all of their own background, it shows that they also attach great importance to our arrival." Sai Xiu said.
"I know you have experienced extraordinary days, but if it's just for the origin of mankind, it might not be where it is now. Is it for other things?" Luo Hua asked.
"Well, I'll tell you the twists and turns when this matter is over!" Sai Xiu said.
The closer the Suzaku is to the Eye of the Universe, the slower it speeds. The huge gravitational force distorts the entire space. The current Suzaku is greatly reduced because of the absence of Mayer.
Luo Hua was in control during this period of time. Although his ability had been drastically improved, it was absolutely impossible to fight against this kind of cosmic power.
Even Zhixi needs to go all out, not to mention that Luohua is just an ordinary human now.
But Zhixi didn't mean to help. She knew that any accidents and dangers would happen in the future. No matter how sturdy the Vermilion was, she had deeply experienced the power of the complete civilization.
What's more, they are now facing a super existence that has experienced countless universes. They may not be able to destroy the Vermilion Bird, but they can use countless methods to make Luohua wiped out.
So how to let Luohua firmly control the performance of the Suzaku is what he must do.
Time has changed, and the two humans who died accidentally will now be responsible for the safety of the entire universe. I don't know what kind of causality is at this time.
Back then, the ancestors probably never thought that the development of things would have such interesting results. Back then, they wanted to save Luo Hua to leave a back, but they didn't expect that the current back would be ineffective.
Since they confirmed that Zhixi had traveled with the Creator during his disappearance, a desire to control the universe system has become stronger.
Therefore, the fortress starship that has not appeared for hundreds of millions of years also reappears in the starry sky.
This is the guarantee for their transition to the universe, but every time they consume almost all of the material in the universe, after reaching a new universe, they must hide themselves, then re-accumulate material energy, and wait for the next transition.
But now it has only been hundreds of millions of years, and the strong emergence of seeds has forced them to resend this background.
Unlike other civilized bastion starships, in addition to the structure of countless planets and stars, the hull of this huge ship is also wrapped in special metal materials in various universes, divided into three layers. The layers are trillions of kilometers thick, and the distance between each layer is about half a light year. In addition to the various fleets docked inside, it is also full of powerful energy shields.
From this, how much material can be collected by this fortress starship in the universe, this is simply unbelievable.
Such a fortress starship with a diameter of one million light-years may not be able to bear the material energy required by one universe.
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