Chapter 160: : Calm before the war

This battle, which will be recorded in the history of the Black Market in Serikz, will also be a battle of shame in the Black Market in Serikz. No one knows the cause, even Kano ’s administrators are unclear, why In a blink of an eye, such a fierce confrontation will occur.
The battle took place for nearly one Earth Day, which is also an insurmountable record of the speed of destruction. Two figures of different colors are intertwined, constantly chasing and attacking each other, and it seems that there is great hatred.
In the end of the battle, both warships were severely deformed, but they were still endless. With the extremely powerful and thick hull, Suzaku resisted countless deadly attacks by black ships.
And the black ship was also able to withstand the stormy impact of the Suzaku.
After the incident, Lord Carnot disappeared, and the golden light also disappeared, and no one knew where to go.
The black market sent by Serikz had a strong tracking fleet and could not know the trace of golden light.
"Sister, where are we going?"
Pamele, who was tired these days, was always drowsy. In that battle, he relied on the energy rays of the particle ball to cause great damage to the Kano battleship, and he also consumed a lot of energy.
"You have a good rest, let's go back to the Barocca League first!"
Luoxi looked at Pamela's pain. She knew that mental energy consumption took longer to recover than physical energy consumption. This little guy was desperately fighting.
"Everything is understood, what are you going to do?" Then the main system asked.
"The plan of the black corpse has been implemented for thousands of years, and it is now at the final stage. The invitation to the elders is just the last step. The insider involved in this may only be a showdown if the two parties finally meet." Luoxi returned Go to the cockpit and look at the hiding place of the black corpus marked on the superstar map.
"Yeah, I'm afraid there is no plan to stop him! Ebbsy and they are just his victims." The main system said.
"I am looking forward to meeting the black corpse, I am afraid that this is the first time I have such an urge to meet the alien civilization's horror!" Luoxi said.
"Why is the heart of vengeance so big? Although it is said that the string force star or the Turnado star does unfair things to him, it will not be so far." The main system lamented.
"Deception, lies, let him struggle in this devilish vortex, I am afraid that for thousands of years, he wants to give back the hell-like days to the elders of that year. Just let the string force star bear too much!" Luo Xi nodded.
"If this string of events is over, I am afraid that the string force star will bear the blow of the Barocca League again, it will be absolutely thorough! So you must implement the wandering planet plan on the premise. Otherwise, such an excellent civilization race Forever disappear into this universe. "
"Well, I have thought about the place for a long time, but the road is far away, I am afraid it will take some time!" Luoxi said.
"Time is no longer important for string force stars. This 100,000-year encounter has already cooled their hearts. The desire for rebirth is probably not understandable by other civilizations."
"When we return to the Barocca League, let Ebbsy find a logistics maintenance base, my super jersey must be completed, and now it seems that the black corpse is not easy to deal with." Luo Xi's expression became dignified.
"Well, his control of the string force is far better than that of you. It is really difficult to beat him!"
"Poor Pamel may be faced with a life terror, hey!" Luo Xi thought that Pamel was also helpless.
As the Suzaku was heading for the Barocca Alliance, there was calm in the black vortex.
When the black incorporeal learned of Kano's disappearance, there was no slight irritation. It seemed that all these things were within his expectations.
Was just the appearance of Luoxi, which suddenly gave him a bad hunch, although it was not clear where the problem was.
But because of his confidence in his own strength, coupled with careful planning, he does not think that the appearance of Luoxi will have any effect on the final result, but just let the subordinates continue to arrange according to the plan!
Learned about the return of Luoxi, and Ebbsey was overjoyed. He knew that this earthman must have done what he had done, and the next step was to wait for the invitation to come.
For her to find a safe and unknown logistics maintenance base, this can be done easily for Ebbsey.
After all, the Ebsi family is also considered to be a big family in the Barocca alliance, and has its own logistics maintenance base.
Half a month later, when Luoxi reached the designated logistics maintenance base, it began to smelt the special-shaped crystals. This element is extremely rare, and the personnel at the maintenance base also feel very precious.
Because it is arranged by Ebsi, the base manager does not ask a word, as long as Luxi needs it, provide as much as possible.
With Luxi's top-level life code identity, the base manager is extremely respectful, and it's simply responsive.
The whole smelting process is very difficult. Because the Suzaku is no longer inhabitable, Luoxi rests in the base.
This is a very remote logistics maintenance base. According to the requirements of the fleet base of the Barocca Alliance, the logistics maintenance base must be together with the fleet base, but there must also be a certain distance.
It's just that the logistics maintenance base may be left over from the past, UU reading www.uukanshu. The fleet base in front of com has long been merged and moved away, and it is just a transit point here.
During this recuperation period, Ebbsey told Luoxi that Corums had returned to the fleet base to serve as the defense of the star field between the Barocca Alliance and the Kenmaitu Galaxy Alliance.
Faced with this news, Luoxi just smiled faintly. She knew that Corus would eventually return to the fleet and would not be permanently depressed by her ‘death’.
Pamel is probably the happiest. Although the maintenance base has only a small number of warships, it is enough for Pamel to play. As long as he does not leave the prescribed star field, Luoxi allows him to go out with the crew of the maintenance base.
Everything is normal. Luoxi knows that this is the calm before the war. The black corpse may know Kano's things. He must be making adjustments.
The elders on Ebbsie's side have already found powerful assistants, but Luoxi knows that these civilized races will become ruthless victims, and black corpses will easily crush them.
The smelting progress of the special-shaped crystal exceeded the expected time of the main system. The Suzaku was renewed and the appearance became more domineering. The entire shuttle could be transformed instantly. The high-power gunfire of the warships at the maintenance base could not leave a trace on the Suzaku. , Indicating that the special-shaped crystal has been perfectly integrated into the fuselage.
And the super-transfiguration clothes that Luoxi is most looking forward to are definitely the most dazzling masterpieces, and they are truly perfect.
This is the Super Transformer in the dream of Luoxi. It does what you want, and every part and every action can be transformed instantly with the mental power of your own control.
All preparations are completed!
The war is coming, this is probably the biggest threat that Luoxi has faced since following his body!
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