Chapter 186: : Weird proposal

In the impression of Luxi, those who can live on Tenado Stars are definitely rich or expensive, but the rich and expensive here are not simply interpreted in a literal sense.
Of course, Luoxi will not study these, she is just a passerby.
The residents here can enjoy a high degree of wealth and freedom without any payment. On Turnado Stars, the only thing that restricts them is the possession of power.
Their rich and expensive does not include the possession of power, which is also one of the biggest characteristics of the Barocca alliance.
Among these Tenadores, their daily life is to drive a shuttle to hunting and exploring on their own planet.
The social classification of the Turner Stars is very simple, with only three major categories.
Military, economic and resource.
This is also the basic classification structure of most high-level civilizations.
Like the Ebbsie family, the Conley family belongs to the strong military family.
These three categories restrict and develop each other, forming the strongest triangular relationship.
Although the highest commander is the Camboson, he represents the highest decision-making power, but due to the huge galaxy society of the Barocca alliance, hundreds of millions of civilizations. His decision-making is often a general direction, not a directional instruction. After all, his power is too much. If there is no certain binding force, no one can bear the consequences.
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In their power structure, the elders, the parliament chief and the chief of the fleet, three different status positions, can deal with all the problems caused by the entire Barocca alliance most comprehensively.
Like their veteran organization, there are probably more than 1,000 reigns and more than 800 parliamentary patriarchs. Although the total fleet captain is only ten, the military deterrent in his hand can definitely support the weak number of people in the alliance meeting.
There are currently sixty-three galaxies owned by the Barocca Alliance, and the three forces are almost uniform, which is also the prerequisite for rapid development.
When Luoxi came to the third Earth Day of Tenado Star, a major event happened in the regular Union Parliament. Five or six veterans resigned and retired.
"This thing is so strange, did you find that these retired veterans are all participants in the string force star event. I do not know if there is adulteration in this?"
Luoxi is now living extremely moisturized. Her identity allows her to enjoy the entire Turnado Star Service, so she is curious and gossip about what happened in the Paloca Union Parliament.
"No wonder, these are disqualified by Cambson." The main system said.
"Isn't Campson not so direct?" Luoxi wondered.
"But he is still the decision-maker of the Barocca League, and generally there are no core members to question his judgment. Know that he is called the most courageous decision-maker in the past 10,000 years, especially when he and Kaida The contest. "The main system said.
"I saw these veterans, and there is nothing special, and they were suddenly dismissed by Camberson." Luoxi said.
"Isn't it the case that Pa Jihan hasn't finished yet?"
"No, it's almost a year, and if it's not over, their work efficiency is too bad. In my understanding, Camberson is not clear about the matter of Pa Jihan, it may be some opposition in the parliament. "." Luoxi said.
"Remember that last time Ebsi told you about the battle between the families, but this kind of battle rarely involves the executives in power, after all, it takes the whole body to move." The main system said.
"Yes! And the Barocca Alliance is currently facing the threat of the Kenmaitu Galaxy Alliance! I heard that Coronence has been tuned to which base." Luoxi said.
"I think things must be a little bad!" Said the main system.
On the occasion of their suspicion, Ebsi sent a signal, he was also in Gra'an during this time, but there was no time to meet with Luoxi.
Of course, more people do not want to be grasped by those who have ulterior motives.
Ebsy detailed the disqualification of Camberson from the beginning. For him, Luoxi had enough trust.
"Captain General, according to your opinion, the disqualification of the veteran is a very serious matter?" Luoxi asked.
"Yes! Although there are more than a thousand veteran organizations, you have to know that the entire Barocca League has hundreds of billions of civilizations, and you can be a veteran, definitely not just by ability." Ebbsey looked a little haggard. .
"I can understand that removing a veteran is equivalent to a thorough adjustment of his forces. This adjustment has too much influence." Luoxi said.
"Yes, and it is not the Turnados who disqualified the veteran this time, but two other civilization races. They are themselves militant civilizations, and the entire technology and military power are in the top twenty in the league." Ebsi Said.
"I want to know, what is the general procedure for disqualification of veterans?"
"In fact, it's very simple. First, the veteran organization must pass by unanimous vote. This is a must! Second, it was discussed in the parliament. The patriarchs obtained more than 90% of the consent. The ten captains can allow two oppositions." a bit.
"In this way, if you want to disqualify a veteran ~ ~ The procedure is simple, but if you want to pass it, it is almost impossible to do. Unless this veteran is not seen in the eyes of all families, But this kind of situation will definitely not exist. If I guess right, the procedure for recommending elders is exactly the same, so every elder will have a certain degree of closeness. "Luoxi frowned.
"Miss Luoxi, you made a very correct analysis. Our ancestors just formulated such a simple and very effective rule to restrict the indiscriminate disqualification of seniors and cause chaos in the authority." Ebsi nodded.
"So, what method did your commander use this time?" Luoxi was a little curious. Since the veteran's removal requires so many core members to pass, then the commander must have special power to deal with it.
"Accurately, it ’s not that the commander used any special method, but proposed to disqualify several veterans at a regular alliance meeting. He just said that the proposal, which everyone did not expect, was that the veterans were on the spot. He voluntarily renounced his qualifications as a veteran and gave up all his powers, "Ebbsey said.
"Ah! It's unlikely to be put, he just made suggestions?" Luoxi was very surprised.
"Yes, I'm on the spot, I'm sure the commander is just a suggestion!" Ebbsey said affirmatively.
"Then there is another rule of yours. The elders give up on their own initiative, which can also be a reason for disqualification." Luoxi said.
Faced with this strange thing, Luoxi couldn't figure it out for a while.
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