Chapter 216: : Negotiations on Xyaxing

After the grand ceremony of the new Lord, the Gadis started a difficult plan to rebuild the planet, and at this time the news of the retreat of Ivy Burton had reached Fellini.
Faced with a double blow, the commander-in-chief vowed to destroy the Ido galaxy on the spot, but it was said that the commander fell into silence after reading what Xixi left him.
Luoxi is not worried about the revenge of the Xya people, but the early military needs to build a fleet that can attack and defend with the fastest speed.
Negotiations between the and Keya are imminent, and the other party cannot be given a chance to breathe. After all, their military base is too much superior to the Gadis.
Twenty days after the grand ceremony of the new master, Luoxi led Eugene and Darren to Xyaxing, and all other important members remained.
The fourth-order curvature of the Suzaku can reach Starya within two days, but Eugene and Darren may not be able to withstand the aeronautical syndrome caused by such a speed, so they arrived at the Barbary star system only a week later. .
Luoxi looked at the Barbary star galaxy, which was much calmer than last time, and could not help lamenting the impermanence of the world. I am afraid that the Keya people did not expect that the expedition to the Grog star actually failed, and it was a complete failure.
They did not doubt that the Manitians were helping them, but they pointed their finger at Luoxi, and after Ive Burton returned to Xyaxing, they said the first time Luoxi asked about ten years ago. The truth of that battle.
In this way, Fellini confirmed 100% that this expedition failed and had a great relationship with Luoxi.
Even most of the Shanggong felt that it was Luoxi who had made hands and feet on the battleship, which prevented the upgraded weapon system from exerting its power.
"Lord, this time we are here to negotiate, I'm afraid the Keyas will not stop easily. Why not put the location on a neutral planet or stay away from the Keyas' sphere of influence." Darren asked.
"Under the situation of similar strength, maybe consider a neutral planet, so that the two sides will avoid the loss caused by the conflict. But now the situation is different. For me, the Keya people are ordinary ants. Do you think negotiating with ants, Need to choose a place? "Luoxi said in a domineering manner.
Although this analogy is a bit overwhelming to Luoxi, it is indeed the case.
Faced with the dominance of Luxi, Darren naturally agreed that he had already seen the capabilities of Luxi and knew that the new master was not a bragging person.
From recognition to the present, everything is arranged very carefully and will not give the enemy any chance.
"The Lord is right, but everything is better! Although their fleet is destroyed, the power to defend the Keya is still not to be underestimated." Eugene said.
"Well, so this time I only brought you over, but when you are overcrowded, you will be restrained. I can rest assured that you and Darren are doing things and will not be reckless! And I do n’t know a lot about negotiation matters. You are an expert. Darren is a military The situation is very proficient, so that we do n’t have to worry about the other party ’s suit.
Luoxi laughed.
"God is smart, not what we can do! Eugene just didn't expect to see the Gadgets rise again in his lifetime. And we have commanders like you, really God's love for Gadsians!" You Jin said very respectfully.
"There is a saying on our earth: Monofilament is not a thread, and a single tree is difficult to become a forest. Even if I am strong alone, I cannot support the entire alliance. So I still rely on the efforts of everyone." Luoxi smiled.
"That being said, but there is no excellent commander, no matter how powerful a civilization can only be a piece of sand!" ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм
"Actually, you are all very good and can be replaced by anyone who can do it well, but now is a very special period! Once our alliance is strong and everything is functioning normally, being the commander is probably the easiest thing!"
Faced with the open-mindedness of Luxi, both of them smiled at each other, and they both knew that if the commander-in-chief was so good, there would not be too many civilizations due to the wrong decision of the ruler and the destruction of civilizations.
"Please show your identity to the shuttle ahead, so that you can verify the passage!" At this time, the Keya star patrol ship issued a warning signal.
"Tell your commander that the Lord of the Gadi Star came to negotiate!" Eugene replied.
The opposing patrol ship apparently knew about it, and quickly replied, requesting the shuttle to abandon manual driving and lead them into Keya.
This is a very normal process. There is no objection from the Xixi River. The Suzaku is surrounded and guided by three or four patrol ships to Xya Star.
On the way, at Luoxi, they saw military bases on other planets of Barbary flying continuously out of warships. Although these warships required the final system connection and combat tests, the recovery speed of the Keya star was extremely amazing .
When the Suzaku once again reached the sky above the star Yaxing, Luoxi could n’t help but smile:
Last time I visited the star Yaxing as a tourist and was invited to participate in their anniversary celebration. This time actually Come to the war negotiations as the new master, this change is too great! I am afraid that these bosses think that I was deceived last time! "
"Speaking the same way, I will have the same idea in exchange, but it is useless to say now! Fellini can only accept the fact that it is not clear how he thinks now!" Darren said.
"No matter what the idea is, the Lord's idea has been decided, they must receive it unconditionally. Otherwise, we can contact the Grog Stars, and then it will not be as simple as helping us build the fleet!" Eugene looked at the distant space Said the city.
"I hope Fellini will not be swayed by impulse, otherwise, the civilization of the Keya people will end here!" Luo Xi said solemnly, with a trace of Xiao Sa in his words.
The Suzaku slowly landed on the largest docking bridge in Kasno City. The Xiaxing army outside was fully armed and waited. Thousands of elite soldiers held high-heat weapons and arranged neatly on both sides.
Fellini didn't show up. A dozen Shanggongs, including Vodat Shanggong who met Luxi last time, were also among them. They stood expressionless, obviously obviously disgusted with the arrival of Luxi.
When Luoxi appeared with Eugene and Darren in front of everyone ~ ~ The lords were very surprised.
They didn't know that Luoxi had become the new owner of the Gadi Stars, plus that Luxi had already visited Keya, although they had no contact with them, Vodat was very impressed by her.
"How about your Lord?" Then a Shang Gong asked. First launch https: // https: //
"It seems that Commander Fellini has not adjusted his position!" Eugene stepped forward and said lightly.
"Dare you dare to talk to me like this?" The grandfather looked angry.
"Eugene Shanggong, it's not that we came here to negotiate with these Shanggongs. Since Commander Fellini refused to come out to greet him, it means there is no sincerity. Let's go!" Luoxi looked Lords, said calmly.
"It's a big tone, don't think you were our noble guest, come here now and talk nonsense. Despite the defeat, the Keya Stars can still tear Gadi Star." Another grumpy at this time Gong pointed to Luoxi and said.
Just before he had finished speaking, he saw a figure flashed over, and the Shanggong flew out, lying directly on the ground.
"Xiya people are very arrogant and dare to talk to our Lord like this! Commander Fellini seems to teach you how to treat people!"
Daren stood in front of Luoxi, clapped his hands, and said contemptuously to the Shanggongs.
"God? Isn't it?"
When the elders of the Star Kings heard this, they were immediately shocked and could n’t believe their ears!
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