Chapter 240: : You are my opponent

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Although Hasdar didn't come out to greet, the face of the dozen or so captains still made Luxi feel so-so. After all, the strength of the two sides is not in the same grade. It is good to come here with one or two core members at most according to the commanders of ordinary senior civilizations.
After all, strength speaks for itself.
Luoxi looked at the sea city similar to the Keya, and couldn't help feeling that things in this universe were really coincidental.
The last time she went to the Kesya to talk to Fellini, it was the same situation. Now I'm here again, I don't know what will happen in the end.
Originally, the proud captain of the chief fleet thought that a small Gadi star Lord, even if it had great power, was nothing more than a shuttle. Shame each other when you want to meet.
But when they saw the true face of Luoxi, they were all stunned. Although the aesthetics of civilization were different, no matter what aspect, Luoxi was always the most dazzling existence.
Batika also appeared very humble under the powerful aura of Luxi.
This is a luxurious conference hall, used to receive VIPs of alien races. The mirror-like metal floor in the hall reflects more than twenty Manitians, who are waiting for the arrival of the Luoxi.
Hasdal did not sit down, but stood quietly by the window. No one knew what he was thinking at the moment.
The hall's Xuan door opened slowly, and the light of the stars of Hittalol shone in.
Hasdar stared at the beautiful shadow at the door, unable to see the true appearance in the backlight. The exquisite figure had already informed the master that he would appear before his eyes with a beautiful face.
Due to identity issues, Dijk is not eligible to enter this conference hall.
"The great Hasdar commander, the Gadi star came to visit the main stream Xi!" Batika stepped forward very respectfully to Hasdar.
"You have worked hard, Batika!" Hasdar smiled slightly. Although he spoke to Batika, his eyes were locked to the earthman from the Milky Way galaxy below.
When his eyes touched Lu Xi's gaze, he was suddenly stunned, and a powerful force swept through, as if from the incomparable power of the brutality of the universe when it was born.
Hasdal seemed unable to withstand such coercion, his face pale.
More than ten seconds later, Luoxi slowly withdrew his mind, and Hasdal slowed down. In the first round, Hasdar suffered a loss.
"Dear Commander Hasdar, here at the Brook Creek, I don't know if you are in the assembly of the fleet, it is really inconvenient. So I request to retreat from the star system of Hittalol, but the captain of the Battica is helpless." Xi smiled slightly and said.
"Lord Creek, I'm afraid you are not just traveling? Are you spying on the power of the Manitian star?" Said a captain of the fleet.
"I'm sorry, we really just travel, and let alone this shuttle, if you really encounter your powerful fleet, you can't run away if you want to run. So we can't take such a big risk." Luoxi Smiled.
"How about the explanation of our five assault ships four months ago?"
"Hey, it really doesn't complain to us. I'm afraid you know the whole process. My shuttle was inexplicably hit by you. Fortunately, I spent a large price on the black market to upgrade the armor. This time, nothing happened. Otherwise, it is impossible to speak with you standing here! "Luoxi looked wronged.
"Miss Luoxi, what about the Wright Stars? Did our ship take the initiative to hit it again?"
"I admit this, but we can't blame us! We were commissioned by the Valery Stars to investigate the bombing of their mineship, and later discovered that the Wright Stars were the main behind. We originally thought that the development of civilization is not easy. Take a step back to the sea and the sky. But they have to force us to accidentally hit them during their escape. "Luoxi still looked wronged.
"You are the Lord, and you have spoken so sloppyly, and do not admit that you are involved in our military operations!"
In the face of Luoxi's somewhat rogue sophistry, some captains were somewhat annoyed.
In fact, although Luxi was somewhat biased, it was not the fault of Luxi, so Hasdar and Batika did not intervene.
Luoxi looked at Hasdar standing on the high platform, and approached slowly. The guards were a little nervous. They didn't know what the unearthed earthman wanted to do.
"Dear Commander Hasdar, do you think my behavior is to spy on your military power?" Luoxi smiled slightly.
After Luoxi said this, all the captains of the fleet looked at Hasdar in unison.
"Lord Creek Lord, there may be some misunderstandings between us. Recently, the whole situation of the Morteba Galaxy has been a bit confusing. There are frequent battles between each other. Everyone is in this game. There is no need to discuss whether it is right or wrong. You come to visit , The guest! "
Hasdar deserved to be an outstanding commander. Although he did not directly answer the questions of Luoxi, he also answered the questions very gently.
"I like to listen to this sentence! In the world of the strong, there is no right or wrong, only do and don't do." Luoxi laughed.
"Haha! This sentence from your mouth really opened my eyes. In this way, Lord Luxi is the strong?" Hasdal laughed for the first time.
"I can't be called a strong man in front of you at present, unless you step on your feet!"
Although Luoxi has a smile, his tone is very firm, giving a sharp feeling.
Facing the domineering of the Xixi, Batika was very surprised. He never thought that such a gentle and civilized race would have such an amazing aura and ambition.
You know that she is now at the core of her opponent, and she can be torn at any time. No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to defeat the entire super civilization.
Luxi apparently constantly provoked Hasdal's bottom line.
After a few rounds ~ ~ All the Manitarian stars present were deeply aware of the terrific power of this earthman in front of them.
"This is my Hasdar's ambition to unify the entire Morteba galaxy within the next 10,000 years. The Windenor and the Kuli are my strongest opponents, and I will eventually defeat them."
Hasdal was very calm about Luoxi's provocation. With a big wave of his hand, a superb star chart appeared above Luxi. The three different marked areas were clearly displayed.
"But now, in addition to them, I have one more opponent, one that makes me unable to spy on its strength!" Hasdal paused and said loudly again.
Luoxi stared at Hasdar, and she did not speak. This was the first civilized commander who had not been succumbed to her momentum after she came to the Morteba Galaxy.
"This powerful opponent is right in front of my eyes, right in front of your eyes, please watch them carefully and remember her!"
With Hasdar's big finger, an invisible pressure immediately shrouded Luoxi, and at this moment she felt the hostile eyes of everyone.
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