Chapter 279: : Shock of the Manitians

Faced with this report, Yi Dao Fei felt that things were not as simple as imagined. Who is the real identity of the Lord Gadi Star?
He was hesitating whether to send this report to Elder Hasbeed, and he was worried that the fleet would need another one month to arrive at the earliest. During this period, he hoped that the Gadis would no longer act. It is hoped that Gebli will survive the attack of the Gadi Stars.
But just twenty days later, when his main fleet could reach the stellar star area with only one Earth week, his patrol fleet found a Manitian star shuttle.
Shuttle was loaded with Commander Gebli and some other entourage.
Judging from their embarrassed appearance, Yida's horrible things finally happened. Starting
"The other party only destroyed 10,000 assault ships? And all your ships were destroyed? I know that this Lord may really be more powerful than expected, but you are too incompetent? Is our warship let it go? Are they targeted? "
In Gebli's medical cabin, looking at these guys lying on the bed, Yida slammed the anger that he had never had before.
"The commander-in-chief is angry, not because we are incompetent, but all of our offensive and defensive weapon systems are completely paralyzed at the moment the other side attacks. When we activate the backup system, the fleet has lost most of the time, and Gadi Star has fully implemented the planetary carrier. Orientation strikes. We cannot resist, we can only run away. "
Ge Buli was not injured except for his mental handicap.
"How is this possible, after I let you enter the staging area, all the defense systems are turned on, and no ships are allowed to approach." Yi Da shouted loudly.
"We strictly follow your instructions, that is, we are afraid of the other party's invasion, so we put up the strongest molecular chain structure ship array. I never thought that the Manitian star was actually so aggrieved by a high-level civilization." Ge Buli argued for his reasons.
Yida slammed silently, he glanced at Ge Buli and left the medical cabin.
"Who is Lord Lord Gadi? Actually it can invade our system without being discovered. When ordered, all fleets stop sailing and start all detection systems." ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω .χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм
Yida slammed the order directly.
In the next few days, Ida did n’t know how many subordinates he heard, and almost everyone thought that it was too difficult to invade the Manitian star combat system.
Six or seven hours of fighting video showed that the Manitians did not have any resistance. In the fierce artillery fire of the Gatti Star combined fleet, all the warships became ashes.
This is completely a crushing battle. If it is not the last to enable the backup system, I am afraid that the Gardi star will completely wipe out the entire advance fleet in a non-destructive state. This is a terrible fact.
"Is it easy to squat captain, what's the matter? Have you reached the designated star field? Actually want to use incorporeal communication?" In the Haas Bead parliament hall of the Manitian star, the latest hunting has just been ended. At the meeting of the regional adjustment, the upper elder looked tired.
"Dear Elder, we still need some time, and now we have stopped moving forward, and now a new situation has appeared, so we are here to report to you!" Yi Da said with respect.
"The fleet stopped advancing? Why?" Hasbide seemed to feel something wrong.
Ten minutes later, when he heard the report of Yida's curling, his face changed greatly, and his body shivered uncontrollably.
"How is this possible? According to what you mean, the other party invades our offensive and defensive system to destroy it? But you know that our combat system has always been the most stringent, and it will only be updated to synchronization before the battle. How did the Gadis do it? "
Hasbid said continuously.
"It is unclear because there is only one shuttle that escaped. From the current analysis, we can't find any trace of the invasion. All the self-replication systems hidden in the bottom layer have not left any suspicious data. All Operation is the active operation endowed by the system. "Yida Shuifei said.
"Invasion of a combat fleet's system to modify it is not possible at all. Are you sure this is not a lie of Gebli?" Hasbeed didn't believe it at all.
"Although Ge Buli is at odds with us, he also knows what it is like to punish the entire fleet, and because of his ability and loyalty as the commander in charge of the 1 457 hunting area, I don't think it's a lie. "" Yi Da stomped in a straight voice.
"Then how do you plan next?" Hasbid felt a crisis coming.
"If this expedition must have a result, my fleet will definitely have a decisive battle with the Gardi. But this matter has not been resolved. I want to stay away from the assembly point to prevent accidents from happening again. Waiting for your decision!"
Yida stomped and said.
"Your decision is correct, this matter is related to the life and death of the entire fleet. And I suggest that you decentralize the fleet, except for the necessary communication meetings, and shield the connection to the main battle system."
Hasbid thought for a moment.
"Dear Elder, you must reply to me as soon as possible, and I have an immature plan. If you can, according to this plan, you may avoid such a thing." Yi Da stomped.
"I immediately report to the commander, and I don't need an immature plan, and I can't be seized by the Lord of the Gadi Star now." Hasbid said seriously.
After finishing the communication, Haasbid flew to the power center building in Hasdar on the shuttle for the first time.
The seriousness and shock of the matter were as expected in Luxi. When Hasdar listened to the report of Hasbid, he didn't come back for a long time.
He could n’t even imagine what method Xixi had used in the Manitian Star Fleet ~ ~ From the first destruction of the upgraded weapon system of the Kesya Star Warship, to the use of Suzaku Mech surrendered to the Wright Starman.
And now, using such a nearly "rogue" method, it killed more than 100,000 advance fleets.
This Gadi star Lord's means are too powerful, and after implementing these means, the Manitians have no way to fight back.
Now more than one million fleets are only one light-year away from the Ido galaxy. They actually stopped sailing, and the powerful Manitian star began to fear retreat, which is simply unimaginable.
Just as the Manitiya star was caught in a shock, the Gadi Alliance had swept through the rich war.
Except for the seizure of three or four hundred planetary carriers, everything else is handled by the ghost fleet.
This is probably the first time that the Gardi have truly tasted the victory of the galaxy war.
In order to meet the decisive battle with the easy-to-fight main fleet, Luoxi used all the joint fleets after the self-revision program implanted in the main system was started.
The joint fleet carried out a series of tactical cooperations on the Gebli fleet in accordance with the predetermined plan, cutting, chasing, strangling, etc. Although the other side used the backup system to restore the offensive and defensive system at the last moment, it had already returned.
This is a final decisive exercise, but the Manitian star is a bit expensive.
Luoxi can imagine that when Hasdal learned of this result, he had absolutely cursed her in her heart thousands of times.
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