Chapter 28: : Host Trading Center

The functional area of ​​the transport ship has only two areas of life and entertainment, and the entertainment area occupies 70% of the entire functional area.
All of the buildings are closed pipe links, without any text, even the reminder signs are few.
At this time, the function of the note appears, as long as you press at the scanning place, the super interest map is displayed immediately, and the fastest speed planning is carried out according to the place you want to reach.
Suspension car is also available on call, which is very convenient.
Aliens are relatively friendly. Although it is a bit weird to see them in Luoxi, they are used to it for a long time.
However, due to the power of the main system, the biggest language problem was solved for Luoxi.
This made Luxi face a variety of ways to greet, and he seemed to be at a loss.
Among them, Luxi encountered several alien civilizations that were really similar to her. She almost thought she was a native who fled.
"Where are you going to see?" The main system felt helpless in the face of the aimless wandering of Xixi.
"Actually, I just want to feel the high-level civilized way of life and entertainment. It's really too advanced, but unfortunately I don't have the code of life." Luoxi stood on top of a towering building and sighed while watching the brightly lit area .
"Or you can go to the host trading center to see!" The host system said.
Luoxi's eyes lit up when he heard the main system "Host Host Trading Center? What is this place?"
"It's the rare and easy center of every planet!"
"It's a pet shop!" Luoxi said mischievously.
"It can also be said, but the scale is much larger!" Said the main system.
Speaking of this, Luoxi is a little bit eager to try. A person is really lonely on the Suzaku. Although the main system knows everything and can speak with her, it is still a person after all.
The existence of the finished body is almost as transparent as it is. After all, the master of everything in the universe is unlikely to be with an ordinary earth man at all times.
If you can trade a suitable cute pet, then I am afraid that you will not be lonely.
The transport ship is too big. There are hundreds of host trading centers searched in Luoxi. There are hundreds of them. In the end, Luoxi chose the largest one.
Before arriving at the host trading center, Luoxi knows about the rules and trading methods of the host trading center on the transport ship!
In the interstellar civilization, regardless of the level of the hierarchy, there is a similar host trading center, but the name is different, and they are basically a formal and legal behavior.
Due to the difference of the planet, biodiversity, including various parasitic bacteria in the organism, varies with the environment.
Therefore, most of these host trading centers are officially authorized, so that they can be effectively monitored throughout the capture, trading and subsequent petting.
If a new host finds a problem, you can notify the host trading center of the planet as soon as possible to deal with it.
The host trading center is very strict in detecting alien creatures. One of the regulations is that no alien creatures with hunting attributes can appear.
That is to say, something like the poisoned arrow cunning specially cultivated on Vata is prohibited from trading.
The collection of data on trading organisms is also extremely detailed. In addition to physiological data, there are also genome extraction, whether it belongs to a mutated breed, from which planet, and whether it is registered on the list of hunted animals.
There are also previous transaction records and the information of the transaction owner.
Most of the interstellar civilization transport ships have a host trading center, which is also a relatively attractive place.
The largest host trading center is truly extraordinary in size. A cylindrical building is more than 1,500 meters high with a diameter of about one kilometer.
The building is brightly lit, surrounded by countless transparent passages, and the network extends in all directions.
Luoxi followed the route shown on the note to the middle level of the host trading center, which was extremely empty.
Each floor is 40 to 50 meters high, and there are countless orange of various sizes floating in the air.
The spheres are completely transparent, and there is an alien creature inside each sphere.
Alien creatures are very weird, and some are cute and cute, but they are very quiet and do not roar angry because they are captured.
Many aliens stand on the suspension ladder provided by the trading center and float in the air to observe the pets they want to trade.
"This is the host trading center? Why are there no service staff?" Luoxi looked at it for a long time, and didn't seem to see a shadow like a waiter.
"This is a fully intelligent unmanned service center, as long as you are fancy, you can directly scan the life code to get it away." The main system said.
"Ah! Didn't these extraterrestrial creatures spend a lot of energy and time to capture? As long as the life code is swept away, it will be done?" Luoxi was a little surprised.
"Yes, but they are not purely specialized to capture. More is the selective capture of the exploration ship during the mission. Strictly speaking, in order to ensure the normal source of pets, each link is detailed. recording."
"It seems that this life coupon is really almighty! I don't know if I can trade these pets with this coupon?" Luoxi was a little envious.
"You can click to see, but as far as I know, the host transaction center seems to be unable to carry out the transaction range of the coupon. It should be that you are not eligible for free pets by the coupon." The main system said.
The main system said, Luoxi was not reconciled, but pressed down, stepped on the floating ladder, and scanned those docile alien creatures.
In front of him, the whole body was pale green, and the thin hairs were very compliant, the size of a domestic cat, the head was round, and on both big eyes, a pair of elongated antennae fluttered with breathing.
The little guy has no ears, the mouth is the protrusion of two flesh, and the light pink is very tender. The end of a long tail is divided into three, curled up next to it.
Limbs are short, although there is only one protruding claw, but also extremely sharp. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
"This little 狧 剢 is so cute!" Luoxi struck the bridge ball with his hand, trying to attract the little guy's attention.
狧 剢 didn't pay attention, chewed on two small tender mouths, and ignored the Xixi at all.
This scorpion grows on the Pippa silicon star in the Dena Bator galaxy. It is timid and gregarious. It is an omnivorous creature. Life expectancy is generally between 40-50 earth years.
And this animal has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, it emits a unique fragrance on the body, which is very light and very light, which is very helpful to relieve fatigue.
The character is very stubborn and arrogant. Once arrested, they often die of hunger strikes, and rarely survive to be brought to the host trading center.
"The little guy is very temperamental!" Luoxi used various methods to get Zanji to attract attention. Zangji just flicked his eyes and showed no interest at all.
Faced with the hard-to-eat little guy, Luoxi defeated, and the note reminded that Luoxi did not have the right to receive the scorpion.
"Haha, don't look at these small creatures, it's not easy to deal with!" This is a bit of gloating for the main system.
"I don't believe it, I can't figure out these little guys, so much, take your time!" Luoxi's heart was excited.
Then Luoxi took a fancy to several alien creatures, but it ended in failure, making her wonder.
Was very animal-like when he was on the earth. Now he is on an alien ship and is actually rejected by these creatures.
From the first floor to the tenth floor, the most friendly thing she encountered was just a small animal with a big slap that resembled a lizard on the earth. The whole body was smooth and white enough to see the blood vessels under the skin. Brook's fingers shake.
Sitting in the lounge next to the trading center, Luoxi received a cup of energy water for free, a little discouraged.
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