Chapter 2: : Moon Base

Ephemeris 0025 is the fourth year that Xixi came to the Jiaolong space city. It was also the third year she was allowed to enter the moon's internal research.
As one of the most outstanding young scientists of a new generation in China, Xi Shi has high hopes that her obsession with the universe has made her go further and deeper than other older scientists on the road to exploring the universe and alien civilization.
"Suzaku requested to enter the cabin, call the base! Call the base!" Zixi piloted his own spaceship, slowly approaching the Aiteke Basin on the back of the moon, where there was a lunar research base established.
"One minute later, cabin 3 opens, allow entry, allow entry!" A clear voice came from the base.
Since humans have opened the channel inside the moon, a research team jointly formed by all countries has brought together the world's top scientists to conduct a full range of exploration research on the moon.
The Atec Basin was the landing site of the Chinese probe more than 100 years ago, and also the landing point on the back of the moon for the first time. Seeing the monument from afar, Mu Xi was very emotional.
And the Chang'e-4 lander, which looks as primitive as the Stone Age from today, has been permanently placed at that landing point. Quietly witnessing the past 100 years, mankind has not stopped researching and exploring the moon.
Several huge domes made of titanium alloy in the basin, surrounded by a lot of docking support arms, various spaceships are orderly landing and take off, a busy scene.
During these decades, human technology has developed at a rapid pace. Although the alien civilization has only left an empty shell spacecraft, the technology contained therein and countless amazing construction technologies are enough for humans to produce the most rapid civilization development. process.
Many people call it the era of interstellar change!
In spite of this, the exploration inside the moon has only explored 40% of the area, and the further into the moon, the more difficult the exploration.
Under the guidance of the ground personnel, the spacecraft stably docked in the Jinghai area.
Mixi walked out of the spacecraft and passed the pressurized warehouse. At first glance, he saw a silver-haired old man talking to several members wearing uniforms of the Interstellar Team.
"Mr. Ouyang, hello!" Xi Xian stepped forward and said with a smile on his face.
Ouyang Ruo, one of Muxi's mentors, a famous cosmic astronomical expert, was the first batch of members to enter the moon that year, and was also one of the main responsible persons of the lunar research base.
"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Haha! Our big genius is here." Ouyang Ruo heard the voice of Mu Xi and immediately turned to smile and said.
"Teacher, please don't praise me! Where am I a genius!" Mu Xi looked at Ouyang Ruo with a smile, a beautiful and moving smile, which made people around me obsessed for a while.
"Don't be humble, let me introduce you!" Ouyang Ruo then introduced several team members around him to Mu Xi. They are all top scholars.
Then they greeted each other, while riding a suspension shuttle through the identity verification to enter the moon.
Under the dome, the entrance of the passage has been transformed into a circular building. In addition to countless heavily armed guards, the staff wearing uniforms printed on the moon base are very busy.
The entrance to the moon is huge, with a diameter of nearly three kilometers, which is shocking.
The channel walls are all silver, all made of ultra-titanium alloy, which contains a metal material unknown to mankind. It is this material that can make these channels last for hundreds of millions of years, still as clean as new.
There was no logo on the channel, and the newly installed dazzling electro-optical energy indicators went straight to the depths.
There are thousands of such channels on the moon, most of which are distributed on the back of the moon.
The entire moon is a small world. According to the detected internal structure, it is like three layers of wrapped eggs.
The innermost moon with a diameter of more than 2,500 kilometers is shielded by mysterious forces, and no information can be detected at present.
The middle layer has a thickness of nearly two hundred kilometers. Although the general pattern has been detected clearly, due to limited technology, subregional studies are being carried out as planned.
More than 200 kilometers from the moon surface to the outermost space is the protective layer of the starship. The outermost space under the protective layer is only more than 100 kilometers. It is also the space that scientists can fully study.
Each layer of isolated metal layer has a thickness of about 50 kilometers, and there are countless channels crossing each other, connecting the space between the three layers.
"Mr. Ouyang, did you come to me this time with a new discovery below?" Xi Xian looked at Ouyang Ruo.
"Yes, I found a special thing in the B657 ~ 80 ~ 09 area, which is completely different from what we originally found. You are definitely interested. And it is related to an alien symbol that you have described in the paper before." Ouyang Ruo Said.
"B657 should be on the second floor. Since the teacher said, I think there will be a difference." Xixi said a little bit excitedly.
The streamlined fully automatic suspension shuttle landed fast. Although the structure of the channel is ordinary, there is an energy inside, which can make the aircraft that shuttles in it glide without energy consumption. This glide is completely different from the free fall speed and can control the speed.
After research by scientists, this energy comes from the third layer. Although the spacecraft has been abandoned, the energy field is still in operation.
This energy field is different from any energy field known to mankind. Many people think that this energy is probably the dark energy that the scientific world dreams of. Only such dark energy can support the operation of the lunar base for hundreds of millions of years.
And according to the calculation of scientists, the theory that the tide of the earth has been caused by changes in the gravity of the moon and the sun for 100 years has been directly overturned.
Because the moon is not solid, it cannot directly generate gravitation that can affect the earth, and such a gravitational field is probably generated by the energy field in the moon.
'S speculation also directly solved one of humankind's biggest unsolved mysteries in thousands of years. The earth should be deliberately arranged by alien civilization and evolve the life process on earth.
"Miss Luo, this thing is very special, and now we are all doing our best to study and analyze it. Professor Ouyang recommended you this time, so!" The middle-aged man sitting next to him laughed.
"I'm just a newcomer, thank you for your love!" Xi Xie was a little embarrassed.
"I have read your masterpiece, and there are many theories that are very unique, and I very much agree with you." The middle-aged man praised.
"Xiaoming, you have been working in the base for more than three years, and many new discoveries and new theories have been proved that you are right, so there is no need to be humble." Ouyang Ruo patted Luhan .
Suspension shuttle is very fast, at a distance of more than 300 kilometers, it will reach the area of ​​the second floor in about ten minutes.
The first space of the lunar spaceship is almost completely empty, and only a huge column supports the stability between inside and outside. From the entrance and other special signs left on the wall, UU reading www. The layer of has been confirmed to belong to the docking space for the entry and exit of alien civilization ships, and the flight space specially reserved for the inner world to reach various points.
And the second floor is completely different. There are countless large and small square metal modules suspended in the space. The smallest ones are hundreds of meters in size and nearly 100 kilometers in size.
The metal module is old and exudes an ancient atmosphere without any corrosion. There are countless complex alien symbols engraved on it, which scientists can hardly crack.
The structure of the metal module is very simple, and the content of ordinary stainless steel on the earth is almost the same, but their structure is completely different. With the current human technology, it cannot be copied by perfect manufacturing.
It is incredible that these metal modules seem to be suspended in the space, but no matter how they are used, they cannot be moved.
Led to the inability of all research to be carried out, only in the second space.
Metal module has a dull luster, there is no cold feeling on the touch, there is a kind of skin-like smoothness, and it will leave a mark with force, and it will disappear after a few seconds and return to the original state.
Although the metal feels very soft, it does not have any effect if it is cut hard or blasted, and the mark left will soon be restored.
It seems that this belongs to the category of liquid metal, of course, the manufacturing technology is far ahead of human technology.
Scientists basically have a unified view of these metal modules, which should be the living and working areas of alien civilizations. Each module represents a different functional area, but there is currently no way to open the metal module.
The current detection method is still unable to know the internal situation of the metal module, but scientists are still very much looking forward to what shocking discoveries will bring to humans.
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