Chapter 365: : Modified Suzaku

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Chapter 365: Modified Suzaku
The meeting was held for more than ten hours. From the configuration of the ship to the adjustment of the offensive and defensive system, the Xixi was elaborated in detail. This is also something that must be arranged before the Xiluo team fights. A high-precision coordination of the overall action, any link is not predicted, will lead to the final failure, not to mention Xiluo team is now more than less.
Without detailed planning, it will not only affect the morale of the team, but the morale of the entire Tonido Federal Fleet!
The familiar cockpit and familiar console make Luxi feel more comfortable. The Suzaku is indeed like an extension of her body. Any movement and idea of ​​the Suzaku can make an instant change. This Will let her play the power of Suzaku in the battle.
The Logistics Department has never seen the Suzaku, they only feel that this perfect golden sphere contains huge energy and does not seem to have any attack power, but they vaguely feel that this may be Captain Xiluo's killer.
"This is the message from the logistics office. Xiluo asked them to build a shell ship!" Elder Voler told Sasrul the message.
"Have they analyzed the structure of this golden sphere?" Sasruel asked.
"The basic composition of the golden sphere is a metal element called ultra-titanium alloy, which is our lutetium element. It has been rarely used now. There is also an element composition that is rarely found in the entire Scarna galaxy, or Only the radiation source released after the decay has been found in the entire Skarna galaxy. There is also a metal ball that seems to be able to excite the string energy. "Voller said.
"The production materials are not advanced. Have you analyzed the role of the very small amount of elements?" Sasrule said.
"Transformation, it has an extremely powerful transformation, as long as this element is combined in the ship, the ship can be transformed and the combat power is super strong." Voller said.
"More importantly, the structure of this element makes it almost in absolute defensive status, and no current weapon can penetrate its defensive crystal surface." Voller continued.
"Using the elements of curium and lutetium, mixing and transforming forms, can stimulate the string to be active? What do you think of the power of this metal ball?" Sasrule was very interested.
"I'm afraid I can't predict that we have a large number of deformed ships, but there are almost no transformed ships, but there is a lack of such elements. In the data passed by the logistics department, they thought that even if the entire fleet was set on fire, they could not destroy the metal ball. If the opponent has an attack weapon, the counterattack ability is extremely strong. But the ball may be a ship itself, because Xi Luo came out from inside. "Voller replied.
"It seems that Captain Xiluo counterattacked this time to give Dyson a fatal counterattack. I am afraid that this metal ball was already owned by her, and suddenly appeared in the base. Our detection system did not find it. What does it mean?" Saslu Said.
"Explain that it can shield all detection systems. From this, the source of this excited string energy is probably the state of string energy super-order that you said last time?" Waller was surprised.
"Yeah, you and I know the role of string energy very well. I can't imagine the terrible power of its super-order state! Who is Xiluo? How can it have a ship that surpasses the top civilization. I am afraid that Rezce is currently Several other god-level civilizations in the cluster of karmic galaxies do not necessarily have the string energy of this super-order state. "Sasrule Shen Sheng said.
"I heard that God-level civilizations extracted the super form of string energy in the energy conversion field. They almost consumed a galaxy group before they were successfully extracted. The power is very amazing." Voller said.
"The instructions will continue to be provided no matter what Captain Xiluo needs, and all data on the metal ball will be kept strictly confidential and listed as the top secret." Sasrule said.
"Naturally, does the captain of the fleet wait for the end of the war to ask Captain Xiluo for what to exchange?" Voller smiled.
"This is just my idea. If you can get the super state of string energy, the Tony Federation will have the most powerful fleet!" Sasrule said.
"I'm afraid these Xi Luo are willing to tell, this is not a simple super-order state to explain clearly, the theoretical scope involved is too broad, and our current technological level may not be able to do it!" Voller said.
"This is natural, so everything will be discussed after the end of the battle! It seems that all the problems I worried about have been solved by Xi Luo. With this modified metal ball, Dyson's nightmare has come!"
Luoxi no matter how Sasruel covets the metal ball ~ ~ The Suzaku now probably surpassed their theoretical ordinary ships.
If the Mayfair is also regarded as a living body, then the Suzaku also began to evolve towards the living body. The result of this reverse evolution will be extremely powerful!
Time passed quickly, and the speed of reconstruction of the logistics department was also extremely fast. After several revisions at Luoxi, a brand new Suzaku was built. 33 Novel m.33xs
Compared to the original Suzaku appearance, Luoxi prefers the perfect spherical shape now, so the modified outer shell is also a sphere, but an extremely powerful weapon system is placed on it.
The entire enhanced version of Suzaku is not a perfect sphere, but a little flat, which is more conducive to flight acceleration.
The power of the Suzaku is very strong now, and there is no need to add a power system to the outer shell, so even if the outer shell is destroyed, it will not affect the performance of the Suzaku.
However, Luoxi also knew that this enhanced version of the Suzaku may have been known by Sasrule, but at this time, she no longer had any need to hide, and the plan is now, any explanation is superfluous.
Sometimes many things do not have to pierce a layer but will be smoother.
Luoxi took a test drive of the Suzaku, and it felt smoother than before. All the manipulations did not need to be done by myself. I was so pleased that everything was driven by mental power and cooperated perfectly.
The evolved Suzaku is also the biggest reliance of Luoxi, so she ordered no instructions and no team members were allowed to come close.
At this time, Sasrule and Waller expected what kind of surprise and miracle this new battleship would bring them.
Soon after all the preparations for the Xiluo team's surprise attack were ready, the nightmare that Dyson didn't expect was quietly opened!
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