Chapter 40: : 1 killing

The diameter of one hundred meters is too large for ordinary people, but in the face of Casa's fight, the area of ​​this one hundred meters is really too small.
The black spear emits a dark purple electric awn, and the lightning strikes. The quake shakes back and forth repeatedly, and cannot withstand the huge impact of the spear.
A black afterimage crossed, and Luoxi hadn't had time to block it with titanium thorns, a huge impact force came from the chest, and the body flew out without resistance.
Didn't wait for the Luoxi to fall, and it was another heavy shield strike. The Xixi was like a fly and was shot by Casa.
Silver crossed an arc and fell outside the platform. Under the protection of the gravitational field, it finally did not drop and was bounced back.
Two consecutive hits caused serious injuries to Luoxi. Although powerful forces were removed by the super liquid titanium clothing, they still injured the internal organs of Luoxi.
This is the first time Luxi has been seriously injured. She uses titanium thorns to support her body. The energy system is being repaired rapidly. Her body is in pain and her eyes are a little blurred.
Casa's two blows used almost all of his strength. He thought that at least the stream would fall directly to the ground, but he didn't expect the crumbling body to actually support it.
The super-liquid titanium clothing is full of scratches. Most of the chest and back are recessed. The mask is pierced by a black spear with a long and deep crack. If it were not for the timely evasion of Luoxi, I am afraid that half of his head would be cut off directly.
"Stupid earthman, the ultra-titanium garment is outdated, this set of black gold armor. Red fire, see how you save her. Come out!" Floy sneered.
"What is this black spear made of, it's too powerful, and the super liquid titanium clothing can't resist it." Luoxi said with a lingering fear.
"The Akodo Stars call it black gold. The black gold on your earth is different from this one, the correct one is called rhodium gold." The main system said.
"No wonder!" Luoxi knows that rhodium gold is extremely rare on the earth. Due to the small reserves, only a small amount is used on the aerospace industry.
The performance of rhodium gold is much stronger than that of titanium, especially after adding some alloys, the hardness is inverse, but it is extremely difficult to process. The earth is only at the most basic stage of utilization.
"What should I do? Was it just beaten like this?" Luoxi was sore all over her body. She obviously felt that her energy was rapidly dissipating and the energy system could not be supplied.
"How much energy did the other party absorb?" The main system asked at this time.
"Almost 18%, but this energy and super liquid titanium clothing can not be used together." Luoxi's mask shows a black data progress.
"That's for sure, the energy of the black gold armor needs a converter. Now I'm afraid that your super liquid titanium clothing will be unable to support it. This energy walks in the titanium structure chain and is extremely destructive!" The main system said .
"Yes, I use superstrings to guide, but unfortunately it has little effect."
"Then prepare for the third step plan! But finally think about your own life and death!" The main system said calmly.
"Come on! If you can't even pass this level, then you can't read me right!" Luoxi gritted his teeth.
Just as they were saying, Casa paused a little and recovered a trace of physical strength. Under the urging of Frey, the black spear and black awn pointed, and it came like death.
At this time, the 100-meter platform accelerated and shrunk, and Luoxi knew that his chances were running short, and he raised his spirit and stood up again.
The trembling titanium thorn pointed directly at Casa, with the thumb of Luoxi facing down, and made a despising gesture.
Although Casa does not understand the meaning of this action, he can guess that the other party seems to be defying him.
"Since I'm dying, let me give you a ride!" Casa yelled loudly, black spears dragging the floor, and the electric flowers rushed to the past.
Vacated, lifted the shield, raised the spear, all in one go, as fast as lightning.
Luoxi only feels that the oncoming is not a shield and a spear, but an abyssal beast that has just been released, and the huge darkness will swallow her.
Ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter!
Seeing that the black shadow was about to engulf Luxi, just then, the silver super-liquid titanium clothing exuded the same energy field as black gold, and an unmatched energy spewed out, colliding with the black shadow, and the sky collapsed.
Both the black shadow and the silver flew out of the platform, and although they were immediately bounced back, they all fell to the ground.
All the visitors did not understand what happened just now.
At this time, Floy's face changed, and his fists were heavily on the stands.
"Actually use the super titanium clothes to absorb the unmelted black gold energy, and then counterattack to Casa! How can this be done?" Floyd couldn't believe that the super titanium clothes actually had this function?
"Black gold energy needs a converter to be absorbed by the ultra-titanium clothing, is this earth man equipped with a converter?"
"Sir, this is impossible. When this batch of black gold armor was reintensified, a micro-oscillation jamming device was specially set up to use micro-frequency conversion of superneutrons to prevent energy loss!"
"Even if the other party has a converter, it is necessary to detect the slight change frequency we set. And such a system is impossible to install on the ultra-titanium clothing." The subordinate continued to explain.
"Then explain to me what happened just now!" Frey roared.
"Maybe!" The subordinates did not know how to explain it. Where did they know that in the space of the superstring, there was no energy to absorb. It's just that Luoxi's current ability is too weak, otherwise Casa will be repulsed by his own energy, and it's not just as simple as flying down.
But despite this, Luoxi also suffered tremendous damage, the five internal organs almost ruptured, the mental power also began to peel off the main system, and the heart stopped beating.
"What about the master?" The main system was a bit anxious at this time.
"There is a creature on the planet called Phoenix, called Suzaku in their mythology, and will be reborn in Nirvana. The energy system can sustain it, she can support it!" The whole body looked down on everything in the void.
"But it takes time!" Said the main system.
Did not reply after finishing.
At this time, Casa was slightly better. Although he was also seriously injured by the counterattack, the black gold armor buffered most of his energy.
After another ten minutes, Kasa's ability to recover was extremely strong, enduring huge pain, and stood up.
Although he faltered ~ ~ but he was still standing, not far away, Luoxi was lying motionless.
Casa knows that he has finally won. Although it is too hard to win, I am afraid it will take a break. But the duel is over.
In order to ensure that Luoxi really died, Casa picked up the black spear and slowly walked to the side of Luoxi.
The mask was rolled to the side, a beautiful face was exposed, without pain, and fell asleep quietly.
Casa was immediately attracted. Although the aesthetic standards of each planet are different, it still cannot cover the charming charm of Luoxi.
This is the opponent who almost died with him just now. Casa didn't believe his eyes. It was such a charming earth woman who forced him into desperation.
"Everything is over, you are my first respectable alien female warrior!" Casa also took off her mask, revealing a bruised, bruised face.
Half a minute later, Casa held up the black spear, saying something in his mouth, which should be a language like prayer. Then the black spear thrust heavily into Luxi's chest.
When all the viewers thought that Casa had ended his opponent personally and won the victory, a scene that made them unforgettable for life appeared.
No one can see the gorgeous silver light, and no one knows why the blow can be stabbed.
When all the detection systems showed that Luoxi was on the verge of death and could not wake up, this ray of light appeared.
Casa suddenly felt like she was floating, the black spear fell, her body fell slowly, and then the dark purple blood spewed out.
Casa's last sight was the dark and bright eyes of Luxi, very beautiful and beautiful.
Frey was like seeing a ghost, watching Luoxi climbed up very slowly, and the dark purple blood on the platform was drawing a strange pattern along the scratches.
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