Chapter 45: : Magnificent portal

After the shuttle voyaged through the third-degree curvature for more than ten days, it was finally possible to display the image of the portal on the probe star map.
The closer the is to the portal, the greater the density of the ships. The Akodos patrol fleet has also increased a lot. Some are not the Akodos fleet, but they belong to the galaxy group.
The Suzaku did not encounter inspection, and the passage seemed to be particularly smooth, it should be arranged by Biro-Dout.
Portal is the most direct and effective way for high-level civilization to cross the vast star field, and it is also the basis for inter-galaxy trade, materials, and humanistic exchanges.
The most important thing is that during the galaxy war, the size of the portal and the transportation capacity are often the winners and losers of a war.
In addition to science and technology, the construction materials, methods, and construction positions involved in the portal are also very particular, especially the selected star coordinate, which may be related to the development of this civilization in the universe.
The portal is a device that can only pass through. The level of technology is fully reflected in whether the coordinates of the destination are accurate.
There is still a light-year distance from the portal, and Luoxi began to be uneasy. For the concept of the portal, scientists on the earth have studied it for hundreds of years.
And in science fiction movies and novels written by humans, the portal as the most commonly used means of crossing the starry sky, is now about to appear in front of his own eyes, why is Xixi not excited.
Suzaku's gravity monitoring device also showed abnormal data.
"Does this portal have such a large energy field? There is a light-year distance and it feels so!" Luoxi was very shocked by the power of the portal.
"Well, this is the gravitational throb generated by the operation of the energy generation device of the portal. According to the data of the monitoring device, this portal should be of a small scale!" The main system said.
"The range of one light year is throbbing, or is it a small portal?" Luoxi didn't believe the main system.
"Yes, the small portal only transports some small warships, as well as trade ships, transport ships and mine ships under a thousand kilometers. Some small shield ships can also be sent out using small portals." The main system explained.
"The transport ship we encountered last time was more than two thousand kilometers in size, crossing the wormhole, I don't think the wormhole seems to be so throbbing." Luoxi asked.
"The formation of a wormhole is completely different from the portal, and you know that the wormhole cannot predict the coordinates of the destination, it can only be a range of stars. The portal is completely different, so it needs an energy generating device."
"What is the size of the medium portal?" Luoxi asked curiously.
"Medium-sized portals can pass all ships under 10,000 kilometers, while large portals can pass ships under one million kilometers. Of course, it is related to the construction capacity of each civilization."
"Meow!" The ball couldn't help but cried. It turned out that after hearing the words of the main system, Xixi could not help but squeezed hard, and the poor ball shouted in grievance.
"Million kilometers of ships? Are there ships of such a large scale?" Luoxi cannot imagine the concept of a million kilometers of ships.
"Your exposure is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. When the true high-level civilization strength is displayed in front of you, you will find out how great a diverse world the master has created."
"Hey, what do you mean by this unipolar portal and multi-level portal?" Luo Xi asked, listening to the explanation of the main system, looking at the relevant information displayed.
"Multi-pole portals generally refer to small portals, which many high-level civilizations call teleport arrays, or they can also be called cellular portals in a way of expressing the image of your people. Because of the types of ships that small portals pass through There are so many, so building a portal can perform multi-coordinate and multi-satellite locking transmission at the same time. "
"The transmission tasks of medium and large portals are both purposeful, and the single coordinate and single star field are locked." The main system said patiently.
"It's a little complicated, I'm looking forward to it!" Luoxi patted the ball on the head.
Three earth days later, in the vast starry sky, three huge space cities appeared. The length of tens of thousands of kilometers is similar to that of the earth. The space cities float in the starry sky and are independent of each other. Countless ships dock here to rest.
At a distance of 100 million kilometers from the space city, each giant metal ring with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers is neatly arranged and combined. Luoxi counted more than one hundred.
The cumbersome pattern on the metal ring, and the blue starburst add an incomparable color to the starry sky.
"This is the portal?" Luoxi asked.
"Yes, it can also be called the star ring."
"Still star ring is nice, then those ships going to star ring are waiting to be sent?" Luoxi smiled.
"Each star ring can lock three to five star field coordinates at the same time. After the ship passes the security check, it can freely choose the star ring to transmit."
"This can only send more than 300 at the same time. If the number of ships is huge, it is not necessary to wait for a long time." Luoxi was a little bit doubtful.
"Although the star ring can only lock three to five coordinates at a time, the number of transmissions is not limited. As long as it enters the star ring transmission range, it can be completed instantly. With a diameter of five thousand kilometers, how much do you think can be transmitted at the same time?" There was a hint of smile in the tone of the main system.
"No, how much energy field should I need?" Luoxi took a breath and listened.
"The matter and energy in the universe are endless, as long as you learn to use it."
"No wonder they have the ability to throb beyond a light-year distance. This does require such energy support. But I can't imagine what kind of concept will be the medium and large star rings." Facing such a huge star Ring, Luoxi has been unable to vomit.
Within a range of 100,000 kilometers into the Space City, the Suzaku was told to give up active driving and enter the automatic driving mode to guide to the designated bridge to dock ~ ~ All ships are very orderly, without any anomalies, Space City The number of warships is not huge, just maintain daily patrols and inspections.
Five light-years away from the portal of this star field is the fleet base belonging to the Akodo galaxy group, the Viv star.
Luoxi looked at the few fleets and asked why the main system was so important for the transit star field, and why they would not be stationed in the fleet, but at a distance of five light years away.
The main system informed that this is due to the fact that under some basic agreements of high-level civilization, trade ships, transport ships, mining ships and other commercial ships must not be attacked without reason. Portals are also classified as important tools for crossing the star field. Protect the object.
If you destroy a portal in the transit star field, it will not only bring troubles in trade and communication, but also be used as an excuse for crusade by other high-level civilizations.
The explanation of the main system made Luoxi understand that this is like human beings. No matter how cruel the war is, the post and the transit system will not be destroyed. Only the occupation after the occupation is actually a reason.
Docked by the bridge, Luoxi did not leave the cabin, but quietly waited for the security check to pass.
The transmission system will give a real-time transmission frequency according to the destination the ship wants to reach, and then the autopilot system will pilot the shuttle to the designated star ring to complete the transmission task.
The whole process is very simple, but the technology involved is not what humans can achieve.
"Welcome to the Akodo galaxy and wish you a pleasant journey!" The intelligent system said very enthusiastically after completing the operation.
The shuttle slowly left the bridge and followed the other ships to join the transmission.
Luoxi is looking forward to what kind of feeling it will be when crossing the portal for the first time.
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