Chapter 52: : Looking for a small ball

The main system did not answer this question, but was silent.
"Okay, since this thing was given to me, it belongs to me! Find a way to merge with the superstring! This powerful hehe!" Luo Xi immediately thought of this, and immediately laughed silly.
Saw Luoxi smiled, and the ball shook his body, rolling happily.
The Suzaku rose into the sky, crossed the sky, circled around the land of flesh and stone, and then rushed out into the sky, which can also be regarded as an awe of the collection of elements.
The tall flesh rocked in the wind and seemed to say goodbye to her.
"Have you known about the element assembly for a long time?" Sitting in the cockpit, Luoxi looked at the coordinates that might have been marked as the range of the small ball and asked the main system.
"I don't know. I know at the same time as you, but the information library is unlocked at the same time." The main system replied.
"Now that you got the particle sphere, I think the trouble of the Akodo Stars, you may never be able to retreat!" The main system said.
"Why? If I guess right, this particle ball is probably not even known to the Akodo people except the red fire organization on the Jidi star. I can take it away, the star field is vast, this secret Will always be conservative. "Luoxi said.
"What you think is too simple, there is a famous saying on earth: the more you have, the greater the responsibility!" The tone of the main system is very calm.
"Particle sphere, maybe it's really not that simple!" Luoxi's expression was more serious.
Shuttle passed by at low altitude and looked out of the sky. Jidixing has beautiful mountains, vast territory, and the beasts driven by the shuttle on the plains are scattered around, and life is continuing and exciting.
Quickly flew over half of the pole star. The habitat of Ruiqi, the native of Ruiqi, was in front of us. This is a super-virgin forest with an area of ​​more than 30 million square kilometers.
There are more than three-quarters of the species of Pegstar. From the coastline to the plateau mountains and mountains, all geomorphic climates can be found here.
The small ball also sensed the summon of Rui Zui Forest, lying on the side of the window, constantly beating with small claws, as if telling Luoxi, this is my home.
"The little guy is anxious, and I may not be able to find your ethnic group when you cry, sometimes when you cry." Luoxi laughed.
"Did that information show that the ethnic groups were implanted and tracked for follow-up statistical research?" Luo Xi asked the main system again.
"No, these are captured randomly, as long as there is basic information, there is rarely the possibility of recapture. After all, there are too many planets with life, and no host will cross millions for pets. The distance of light years to capture again. "The main system replied.
"The range of tens of millions of kilometers is like a needle in a haystack. Do you still remember what your parents look like?" Luoxi naughtily scratched the ball.
"Meow meow!" The little guy is in a good mood now, letting Luoxi play.
Suzaku hovered in the air, Luoxi flew to the ground with open arms, the ball jumped and tumbling happily in the cage, returning home is probably the most common understanding of any creature.
Luoxi glides in the air, looking for a suitable landing point, a fancy dress, and frightened the birds.
Hundreds of towering trees up to 100 meters abound, and many vines that are thicker than the Luoxi body are winding up and trying to compare with Tiangong.
"It's ready to land, the front is where the ball was captured." At this time the main system reminded.
"Understood!" Luoxi immediately retracted the take-off wing, rushed straight down, and directly clicked on the branch. With the buffer rebound force, he jumped to another tree.
Like this, Luoxi landed on the ground very easily.
Without sunlight, the place is extremely dark and humid, the air humidity is very high, and the smell of decay and mud is permeated.
Like the forest on the earth, the ground is full of dead leaves and decayed wood, and there are decaying biological corpses. This is an absolutely complete ecosystem.
In the grass, huge hairy knots, perched on the body of nearly two meters, are constantly swallowing the rich soil mixture, not far away, dozens of unicorn ants are staring at the hairy knots.
Faced with a two-meter behemoth, the unicorn ant, the size of a human finger, had to fight to protect his home.
On the three-meter-tall hard-leaved scale tree, two flat-tailed toads with a length of one foot are raising their heads and standing on top of each other, as if competing for this territory.
Apart from the strange biological population, the others are so familiar, Luoxi is a little bit emotional.
Can't wait to get out of the ball, his nose directly arched into the soil, and skillfully chopped up fresh food that he hasn't tasted in a long time.
"It's really a foodie!" Luoxi laughed when he saw the little ball monkey in anxious way.
"This kind of virgin forest is really very suitable for the survival of timid creatures like Jumei, and it is really difficult to find if you build a more secret burrow. Unless you use a detection system." Luoxi said to himself.
"Little guy, don't rush to eat, find your family first!" Luoxi looked around and said to the ball.
The little guy just meowed, still digging hard.
"It seems that it's all right to rely on you!" Said Luoxi to open the scanning system. Based on the imaging data of the small ball, the creatures that are 10 kilometers away from each other will be matched and identified.
Then Luoxi turned on the recording system again, playing all kinds of calls from the little guy, as long as there were zhubring around, it would definitely attract attention.
Everything is arranged properly, and Xixi waits quietly. She knows that it is only a tentative tracing. Let's see how it works.
I also want to know how many distributions are in this area, UU reading www. because the little guy was arrested in this area at that time, may cause the migration of all the lizards living here.
If you look blindly, it will take too much energy. Therefore, first of all, the area is divided and surveyed one by one.
A little bit of time passed, and the video matching and sound temptation all failed.
But it attracted a lot of natural enemies, of course, they were all rushed away by Luoxi.
Luxi and Suzaku were headed for rug search in opposite directions. Suzaku was bright in the air and very efficient.
Three days passed very quickly, and the exploration of nearly 10,000 kilometers has been completed. Not to mention the traces of Juzhu, not even the traces left by their lives.
The little guy still seemed careless, except to eat and play, the former paradise was definitely familiar and kind.
On the fourth day, Luoxi increased the search scope, but still no results, the last week in a row, within a radius of one million kilometers, Zhuo seemed to no longer exist.
"How could this happen? What kind of creature is the little guy's population? One was captured. The entire population disappeared!" Luoxi was very puzzled.
For social creatures, the lack of a single body will not cause qualitative consequences at all, unless there is no ant like the ants on earth, there is no queen of fertile machines. The ant colony will soon disband and disappear.
"This little guy is not simple, I am afraid it is not just a variant." The main system searched for information about Juzhu and came to a guess.
"What do you think?"
"The little guy should be the mutated next generation leader. After being captured by the expeditionary fleet, this will lead to a large-scale migration here, so as not to regenerate the tragedy," the main system said.
"No, the little guy who eats like this is the leader?" Facing the analysis of the main system, Luoxi felt a little surprised.
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