Chapter 544: : Space point

"Wow! This light is too dazzling?"
When the Suzaku reached the endless sky, at a distance of tens of billions of kilometers, an unspeakable scene appeared in front of Luxi.
In the dark starry sky, a very large dot glows white!
The light is extremely pure, there is no trace of impurities. Although the Suzaku is still 10 billion kilometers away from the dot, Luxi can still feel the powerful energy field emitted by the light.
The dot has a diameter of more than one billion kilometers, which is exactly a disk! But for the infinite universe, it is just a dot.
There are no objects around 5 billion kilometers around the dot. Mayer explained that this is because the light emitted by the dot is only about 5 billion kilometers away. Within this range, any matter will disappear instantly as long as it is irradiated by light, and this dot rotates in the universe at different angles at different times.
So over time, there will be no matter in this area that can be illuminated by light.
And the magic of the light, once away from the distance of 5 billion kilometers, you will not be able to see the existence of light, even if there is no trace of light. If you want to see this extremely pure light, you can only face the dot with an absolute front, and within a vertical range of more than one billion kilometers in diameter.
This is an absolute contradiction.
Therefore, Feier told Luoxi that only the string energy detection system can be used to observe the existence of light. If civilized races cannot use string energy, they cannot see the existence of this dot. Once they rush into it, they will die.
"This is the entrance to the forbidden universe!" Mayfair said.
"Ah! This peculiar white light can dissolve any matter. How can we enter? What is the state here?" Luo Xi asked in surprise.
"This dot is called the light realm in higher-order civilization. Only through this interface can one of the universe's forbidden places be reached. And the white light emitted by this light realm is the fundamental string ray, and the universe is made of matter. One of the basic elements. If you want to enter the world of light safely, you must control the cosmic waves! "Mayor explained in detail.
"But only the advanced civilization can control the cosmic waves? Is it possible that only the advanced civilization can enter?" Luoxi said.
"Surely not. With cosmic wave energy entering safely, there is another way to enter, which is to use string energy wave space to enter. But this method needs to calculate the oscillation frequency of the light world when the basic string ray is at its weakest. Time! And this frequency time is about one hundred millionth of a second difference of the moment of the singularity universe explosion! "Mayor replied. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //
"Hundreds of millions of a second difference? How to grasp such a shock frequency? If you don't reach the top civilization, you can't calculate such a second difference frequency!" Luoxi said.
"This is nature, even if you pass the light world and enter the forbidden space of the universe, another way is called: the universe is far away!" Mayfair said.
"The far point of the universe? What a strange name!" Luoxi said.
"This is a very magical cosmic space, a space created by fundamental string rays. In terms of space, it may be smaller than a particle, or it may span the entire universe. In terms of time, billions For thousands of years, you can feel that it is only an instant, or hundreds of millions of years have passed from the normal time frequency point, and only the units of seconds or milliseconds are used to calculate in the far point of the universe. But as long as you leave the far point of the universe, everything Return to normal! Or the far point of the universe is a mirror universe. When the low-order civilization arrives here, because the light world cannot be observed, it is instantly melted within its range. Over time, it is called the far point of the universe. A point that can never be reached, "Mayer replied.
"So what kind of world is this distant point in the universe?"
"This requires you to experience it yourself. As long as you enter the far point of the universe, the unity of the strings can absolutely protect you, but what you can understand in this is your own ability. Perhaps you can experience After hundreds of millions of years of survival, there may only be a chance of thinking in a billionth of a second! "Mayfair began to be unstable at this time.
"Then what do you mean, I want to use all my abilities to control my own destiny?" Luoxi said.
"Yes! This is an extreme cosmic space! Take a good look! You see which high-level civilization race ships docked on the edge of the light realm came here to understand the mysteries in the far point of the universe. It ’s too difficult to get in. It ’s an extremely time-consuming project to calculate the oscillating seconds difference of the light world. Perhaps most civilized races may not be able to accurately calculate the seconds difference value after ten million years. If it ’s not on the base string The lowest oscillating value of the ray is the result of death. Even if you have a superstring, you ca n’t resist the melting effect of the ray of the basic string! So why do I say that you can only enter safely if you control the cosmic waves! Now I have the second difference Calculated, when you enter, I will enter the dormant evolution state! "Mayor's voice began to blur!
When the Suzaku quickly flew to the light realm, the light had left the vertical plane just now, and even if it had a superstring, it could not be observed at all.
And beyond the range of about 5 billion kilometers, not only dock countless ships, but also a huge space city.
Because the far point of the universe was born at the same time as this singularity universe, when the civilization race discovered and studied the forbidden universe ~ ~ they felt that there was definitely an unimaginable mirror universe behind the light world. First launch https: // https: //
Therefore, a large number of space cities have been built on their edges, and a permanent research base has been established!
But studying the fundamental string is equivalent to studying the essence of the birth of the universe, so for hundreds of millions of years, almost no civilized race can break through the light world and reach the inside.
The space city here is fully open, without any fleet stationed, their purpose here is to enter the realm of light.
The super interest star chart shows that there are probably tens of thousands of civilizations currently stationed here. In fact, most of them are god-level civilizations, and very few top-level civilizations are also here.
Tens of thousands of space cities are distributed in the range of nearly two light years. Here, you can indeed learn the entire development status of civilized races in some universes.
Can also be said to be a microcosm of cosmic civilization.
"You can go to these space cities to learn more about the state of intelligent civilization in the universe before entering the far point of the universe. This is an excellent opportunity! Otherwise, once you leave from the far point of the universe, it will be sent out. The space has changed for a long time, maybe it is a star field hundreds of billions of light years away. "Mayfair's voice is getting weaker and weaker, it seems that she has begun to go to sleep!
When Luoxi left the Suzaku, the golden light instantly disappeared into the starry sky. Luoxi knew that Mayfair had shielded the Suzaku and flew deep into the universe, and no civilization race could find her existence.
In the next days, she will face the universe forbidden land alone.
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