Chapter 547: : Flying to the Light Realm

Although Luoxi learned in the mouth of the old man how bad the decision was, the powerful technology had to admire her.
Luoxi stayed in the Tuskaya area for a full three years, accompanied by the whole old man, which benefited her a lot. Although the Tuskayas have only existed for more than 26 million years, but they have continued for 5 billion years, Luoxi thought that if it was not a wrong decision, it would directly bury the entire civilization. What kind of powerful existence the Tuskaya star is now can hardly be imagined.
During this period, Luoxi had a deeper understanding of high-level civilization, which was the most important harvest for her.
When Luoxi left, she did not ask the old man why she knew her identity, because for them, the inheritance of civilization that lasted for billions of years, although it did not belong to the true Tuscayan civilization.
But the extremely thick sediment is enough for future generations to understand everything, not to mention here is the most powerful existence in this universe, if there is nothing special can not reach here.
Unfortunately, Mayfair has entered a dormant state. I am afraid this question can only be answered when she wakes up!
After leaving the Tuskaya area, Luoxi directly rented an aircraft to other space cities, and she hoped to find a similar ancient civilization.
This will have an inestimable effect on her entering the higher order universe in the future!
Luoxi has traveled in various space cities for a hundred years and visited thousands of ancient civilizations. Although very few can match the history of the Tascayan stars, it also opened up the eyes of Luoxi.
During this period, Luoxi also witnessed many civilized races entering the realm of light and launched continuous actions!
Finally disappeared in that light, no one knows whether it succeeded or not!
They may be looking forward to the message they returned in a certain universe of the universe! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //
And more is that these civilizations are studying how to collect basic string rays, as long as anyone can have this indestructible element, it can definitely dominate the universe.
After all, not every high-level civilized race has a clear goal, they will naturally have their own interests as the final result!
And expand the star field, and enhance the competitiveness of their own civilization and race, which was originally the embodiment of the responsibilities and results of these cutting-edge scientists and technicians.
After Luoxi visited all the ancient civilizations, it has been more than three hundred years. The basic string rays still exist, and more and more ships gather around the light realm.
Luoxi has finally begun to enter the light world.
No ship on the edge of the light is a large ship. After hundreds of millions of years of research, the civilized races here know that they want to enter the light. No matter what thick and powerful defense ships are, there is no Effective.
The only requirement here is speed, and no space-crossing device can be used within the scope of light.
So the size of the ships here is no more than 100 meters in length, and Luoxi can see that these ships are definitely the most advanced shuttles in the universe. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https: /
According to Mayor's calculations, the value of the base string vibration peak and valley is ten femtoseconds. At present, the highest flight speed of the god-level civilization is only five levels of curvature, and there is a difference of millions of times after the value is converted.
This is one of the reasons why they have been unable to break through.
Fair tells Luoxi that she must use the stripping space if she wants to enter the realm of light. This is the only way the string body can enter the realm of light.
But the fundamental string rays will also melt away the stripped space, so Luoxi needs to reach the interior of the light world within these ten femtoseconds.
It ’s easy to say, but it ’s really difficult to do. Ten femtoseconds is equivalent to one millionth of a billionth of a second, and because of the extremely special state of the light world, it ca n’t be observed at the boundary, and it must be 5 billion kilometers away. Only the vertical plane can be observed by the string field.
Therefore, in the time equivalent to ten femtoseconds, Luoxi needs to span a distance of 5 billion kilometers.
Obviously this is absolutely impossible to achieve by flying speed, then it can only be said that Luoxi needs its own ability to persist the stripped space for more than ten femtoseconds.
Ten femtoseconds is too short. If at this time, Luxi is absolutely confident to support it, but when she comes to the edge of the light realm, she feels no confidence for the first time!
The closer to the edge of the light realm, the stronger the gravitational field oppression, and this increase is in the form of tens of millions of times, which is very scary!
Although these ships are said to be extremely close to the realm of light, the closest distance is still hundreds of millions of kilometers away. Some powerful ships are tens of millions of kilometers under the protection of specially developed resistance field ships.
Do n’t look at this, it is only tens of millions of kilometers, which has an absolute significance for the supporting time to enter the light world.
And the ordinary shuttle hired by Luoxi flew directly to 50 million kilometers away from the light world. In front of her, she only felt that the entire space was endless and pure light, soft and very translucent.
At this time, those civilized races docked on ships of hundreds of millions of kilometers were stunned. They could not imagine which civilized race actually could be so close to the light realm just by taking the ordinary shuttle.
At this moment, the old man in the Tuskaya region also knew the situation for the first time, and there were other ancient civilization ethnic managers who had been visited by Luoxi. They also watched the black spots like dust. ~ ~ Dear guests, it seems that you are far more powerful than I thought. If you can successfully cross the light world, can you tell me what the world there is when you come back? "At this time, the old man connected the signal of Luoxi, but due to the strong interference of the fundamental string rays, the image was very blurry.
"If I can, I will come back! But I don't know what kind of situation will happen in it. Perhaps the light world is just the beginning, and I can't support it to the depth of the far point of the universe! After all, in the universe There are too many miraculous beings, and life forms and intelligent civilization may be just a little embellishment! "Luoxi nodded.
"I believe you can do it. Although you have more powerful material than this universe, the most important thing is your heart." The old man's dry face showed a smile.
At this time, behind Luxi, those ships did not show any weakness and wanted to get closer to the light world. They thought that this ordinary shuttle of Luxi can be so close, it is definitely a light that has been encountered for hundreds of millions of years. The decay period of the gravitational field in the world.
Although there is no change in the peak data detected, these civilized races are still reluctant to wait for so many years in this star field, and now have the opportunity to naturally not let go.
But the reality is always cruel. When the ships in it swarmed and slowly approached the light realm, the situation did not change because the Luoxi entered 50 million kilometers.
Many shuttles are still destroyed by the powerful gravitational field of light. The scene is chaotic, and the broken debris flies around uncontrollably.
Nothing has changed!
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