Chapter 572: : Read optical storage fragments

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The wreckage of the planetary carrier restored by the Shuttle system through the superb full build function is not complete, and Luxi is directly connected to the highest system of the string force star. She has absolute authority and can be unimpeded.
Finally, the whole picture of the planetary carrier appeared. The entire planetary carrier was slightly oval, and the dark silver entire hull turret was hidden in it. There was a complex pattern on the outside, which was similar to that on the item.
This planetary carrier does not have its own captain's logo, only a string star logo, indicating that it should be a reserve planetary carrier.
At the relevant location, Luoxi saw that this part was indeed a cabin, but the cabin was not large and was separated.
The cabin control cabin is located on the second floor from the cabin. From the perspective of its appearance and size, it is a very common cabin structure.
It is just that this cabin can have a direct passage to the outside of the ship, and the size of the passage can accommodate the escape ship.
Seeing this, Luoxi at least understands that the items are in the escape capsule, and it has been arranged here. Once the planetary carrier is attacked or dangerous, the escape capsule will leave with the items.
It may be that the incident was very sudden, and the other party's firepower was too fierce, which directly destroyed the entire planetary carrier, resulting in the escape cabin too late to evacuate.
The basic situation has been speculated, so now it is who put this item in the escape cabin, what happened at that time.
You must know that in the historical records, the star of that war was a victory! Although difficult, it also appeared as a winner.
Luoxi thought that there was more and more interest in the piece of light storage debris here, although it belonged to different planetary motherships, but at least he could understand what happened at the time.
After a few more months, Zuoer told Luxi a piece of good news. After many hardships, he finally found a connector that could read this piece of optical memory. Although it is a bit old, it can work.
For Xiuer ’s initiative, Luoxi expressed satisfaction, of course she knew that the five ships she had sent before were related. If Luoxi can crack the secret here as soon as possible, maybe they can get more benefits.
When Luoxi took the connector in his hand, he found that the connector was really old. If it wasn't for the special materials used at the time, plus the proper storage, it would have turned into ashes for 100,000 years.
Luoxi through the connection conversion, and data debugging, she needs to synchronize the program system on the connector with the new one, otherwise it is useless.
When the light storage debris was placed in the concave part of the connector, Luoxi started a little, and the light storage debris reacted.
The message is very vague and very weak, and after 100,000 years, the photonic circuit inside is also misplaced.
Luoxi was not discouraged. She tried to back up the optical data first, and then re-repaired it. Although it took a lot of time, it was definitely worth it.
Do n’t open a fingernail-like light storage fragment, it has a huge amount of information. According to the technological level of 100,000 years ago, such a large one can store all the information that a civilized race has happened in a thousand years.
The light storage debris still looks very hard, but the internal light path has blurred the saved data under the erosion of the years.
After a month of data backup, you are finally done.
Then Luoxi screened for information, especially the scene of this galaxy war is one of her most concerned pictures. If Mayfair is there, she does not need to spend so much effort to identify herself, and now she can only observe carefully under the preliminary identification of the super intelligent system.
This light storage debris mainly stores the entry and exit data of the ships in the cabin, as well as the ship maintenance records and the entire logistic crew data.
The scenes of war in the starry sky are extremely rare. In many cases, there are only sections of inconsistent storage records, which may be to observe the records of ships entering and leaving, so you can see some intense pictures during the galaxy war.
When the information is intact, the picture is very clear, and Luoxi can see the galaxy war 100,000 years ago.
The whole war lasted for a hundred years, and this piece of light and debris has also recorded a hundred years of pictures, so the time for the identification of Luxi is extremely long.
However, she did the classification and let the super-intelligent system perform classification processing, so that if she felt that it was within the range of identification, she would automatically save it and remind Luoxi to check it for herself.
Time slowly passed, and it took Xixi ten years to finally classify all the pictures of this century-old war and manually distinguish them.
Fortunately, Luoxi had time, and she didn't care about wasting it. During the past ten years, she cohered, enlarged, and focused on the pictures that were important, so that a very clear guess appeared in her mind. in.
The scene of this century-long offensive and defensive battle is tragic, and the number of ships of this planetary carrier shown in Guangcun has reached trillions of times. The number of ships invested by both sides is almost the same as historical records, but in reality I'm afraid there is more in the picture.
The second is the trend of the whole battle, and it is indeed the stringy victory of the string star. Because the cabin system is an independent system, it is not connected to the main system or just a one-way system ~ ~ Therefore, the entire battle situation data cannot be queried on the side of the warehouse system.
However, it can be seen from some exchanges and dialogues among the crew in the cabin control cabin provided that the last string force starship may have fewer than one million ships, and almost all the planetary motherships have been destroyed.
And the emperor ship also suffered losses, which can also explain why the emperor ship's escape cabin carried this item in the small planetary carrier.
And let Xixi feel the biggest harvest. The picture of the destroyed small planetary carrier exploding when it fled at the time was also recorded by the optical debris. Luoxi can see dozens of high-energy clusters that are thousands of kilometers thick. Hit the planetary carrier.
The most terrible thing is that there are three crossings that penetrate the cabin, and then the planetary carrier explodes and bursts.
It did n’t take long for the planetary carrier where the debris was located to be bombarded, followed by the deathly silence and the final picture disappeared.
But unfortunately, there is no picture of the escape capsule entering the planetary carrier in the light storage debris. It may not have been recorded, or it was missed when switching the picture.
Despite this, Luoxi knew at least the detailed situation of this galaxy war, and now the next thing to do is how to open the item.
In fact, Luoxi can be opened with super strings, but she dare not take this risk. In case the items inside are destroyed due to strong dismantling, then Luoxi will regret it too late.
What's more, such an important item will definitely have a defensive device inside.
The connection of the optical line is very easy. You can find the metal element that is completely consistent with the exposure of the item to connect, but what kind of signal access is used to activate, it is like a haystack.
There are trillions of different access signals on the ship, even the highest level system has tens of millions of access signals.
At the thought of this, Luoxi is a bit big!
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