Chapter 622: : Reproduce the Suzaku

Is also the same as for the Kielites. If there is no relatively stable and harmonious galaxy environment, they would rather wander among galaxies.
The peace talks that have just started will definitely start with mutual preparedness. This is an unavoidable process.
This is true for any other civilized race.
Luoxi also waited a hundred years to enter because she also wanted to give the other party time to consider, and the choice she made at the beginning needs to be considered afterwards.
So the time of one hundred years is enough for both parties to put forward many detailed requirements on the content of the peace talks, and whether they can be solved perfectly in the end depends on whether the conditions of both parties resonate or have common interests.
Taking a hundred years of time, Luoxi made a special trip to the Baluoya galaxy to get all the information about the Keir star on the ground and what the Nagalu Galaxy Alliance did to the Keir star before they left. How to prepare.
Only knowing this, she can accurately grasp the actual state of the Kiel star now.
When leaving, the purpose is different, naturally will produce completely different results and ideas, perhaps the surface of the catering will wrap an aggression heart.
Luoxi must be responsible to the Gallo Union, and all things must be verified clearly before the union.
Otherwise, you will regret it!
A hundred years have passed by in a hurry. The Keeles seem to have adapted to their current state. Although they all look strange to the outside, they have no regrets about the exploration of the universe.
The energy storm is still raging, no matter what kind of ship can not be approached, even the planetary mothership can only be docked at the edge of the storm.
At this time, a golden shuttle appeared in the dark starry sky, and the speed was very slow.
When the Gallo Union's exploration ship saw the shuttle, it was excited. The Suzaku has become a symbol, and it is also the first thing that every crew member must know by heart after joining the fleet. .
This is not only the representative of Luxi, but also the representative of the Gallo Union.
As long as it still shows that Luoxi has not left, the Gallo Union will continue to develop in the strongest posture.
"It's so beautiful, I want to leave this picture. For millions of years, we dreamed of seeing the legend, the invincible aircraft that rammed into hundreds of millions of warships."
"That is necessary. We are too lucky. If we are lucky enough to take a look, even if I want to reduce my thousand-year lifespan! I heard that this shuttle is no different from our living body. A completely intelligent physical system can make it Become the most intelligent being. "
"You think too much, no one has gone except the Lord!"
The crew on these ships looked at the Suzaku and could not help talking.
But for them to see the Suzaku in person is the greatest luck.
Energy storm, which is the general name of the turbulent scenes existing in various stars, gravitational field, magnetic field, electric field, energy field, ray force field and dark energy field, a combination of various force fields in the universe.
Although is said to be a storm, it is invisible to the naked eye, and can only be known by means of detection, and it is extremely powerful.
Despite this, the Suzaku had no effect at all. When the shuttle flew into the temporarily defined taboo area, everyone was watching with wide eyes.
Although it is known that the Suzaku is not as powerful as any ship, it may not be able to resist the ordinary ships by measuring the storm.
"Oh my god, the Suzaku really flew in, not swallowed by the energy storm." Everyone's face showed an incredible expression.
Of course, at this time, the Kielites also discovered that the Suzaku was driving in according to the huge probe on the surface of the ship ’s planet.
Their inner shock is no less than those of the Gallo Union crew. The golden shuttle on the breathtaking screen is as insignificant as dust, but it is shuttled through the energy storm unharmed.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм
"Isn't that possible, how did this shuttle do it? Actually they can enter the energy storm, but they have only evolved into a god-level civilization? How could it be possible to have such a powerful shuttle?"
"Yeah, according to the information, this shuttle is the ship owned by the most mysterious Lord in their database. This is also one of the most important messages we have received over the years. This Lord appeared in two hundred Ten thousand years ago, the Gardi star was slowly assisted from being an occupied civilization race to become the overlord of the Rezceye galaxy cluster. Although after a million years, it still exists. This is one of the biggest mysteries. . And this Lord does not seem to belong to any of the galaxy civilizations we know, and the first veterans believe that she should come from the civilization race of other universes. "At this time, on the Keir star, several first veteran probes discovered To inform their commander immediately.
"Civilized races from other universes? Isn't this the goal we are struggling to pursue? In fact, not only us, countless civilizations in the universe are trying to cross the edge of the universe to reach another cosmic world. Unfortunately, there is no civilization race that can succeed, If she really came from a civilized race in other universes, it would really be a gospel for us. "
Commander Amélie, who looks very thin, but has a very exploratory spirit, and the rulers of the Kielite who have been working for millions of years to find a goal on the edge of the universe have come to him and finally started. This plan.
He could have waited at least, and at least he could stay in the Baroa cluster for a long time. But for the desire and curiosity of the unknown universe, he resolutely proposed to the Nagalu Galaxy Alliance Council the decision to sail through ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ That ’s right, if this is the case, then it ’s no surprise that her shuttle can fly over the energy storm. According to our research, the edge of the universe is wrapped in a substance called nothingness, only after passing through this substance, To arrive. Unfortunately, we cannot know the cause of this substance. The data we have simulated has shown that we can only reach another universe after jumping through this void matter, but unfortunately we cannot find this void matter! However, if a peace agreement can be reached with this Lord, it may help us find nothing. "At this time, the other leaders also said.
"Don't have this idea first, she never admitted it. We can predict optimistically, but don't make arbitrary judgments. If she can provide some mysteries of the universe that we don't know, naturally it is the best! Otherwise,呔 Kill star people will be threatened by her, I would rather spend time to explore, rather than 呔 Kill star people being enslaved. "
Naturally, there was also an opposition from the first elder.
"You are right, I agree, but everything is still unclear. We can have such a plan, but before the peace talks have been reached, all we have done is to make the Kiel star present. Survive better. If you ca n’t even solve the living space, let ’s talk about what is empty across the universe. The failure of this transition tells us that we still have a long way to find the edge of the universe, even if the Lord can Providing the technology she knows may not be successful for us! "
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